Wow, I never thought I'd hear that from anyone on MT... but I suppose that just shows my naivety.
I feel sorry for you if you don't consider it your... not necessarily job, but responsibility. I feel that to be my job: lifelong, unpaid, but a job nevertheless.
Not to say I'm without reason. I won't go running into a situation if no good can possibly come of it, but most times we have to make a decision. And if someone's life depends on that decision, I'm willing to put mine at risk to preserve theirs, even if that seems stupid. If I saw a gang fight, I'd stay out of it... but someone trying to kidnap a child, or even someone beating on a dog... I'm gonna intervene if I feasibly can. Guess it's just a personality flaw that has nothing to do with karate... but I sure thought that as a MAist... more specifically a MartialArtHeart, my duty was to protect those around me.
It still is.
Don't be too down on him.
I threw this out as a hook knowing full well from the types of posts out here that someone would grab the bait.
One of the the things that TaeKwon-Do strives to teach is Moral Culture. At least those who care about their students and find that it is more mental than just kicking and punching.
Most people don't know that police (in the US) are not required to do what you think. They can not be held liable for not interveining or preventing a crime. Prevention is a misconception, as what criminal usualy waits to perpitrate a crime until the police are around. Most all of the time their job is to show up after, and pick up the pieces.
For those of you who say, "As long as I can stay safe, I will help", does the term cowardice mean anything. I just hope a family member never needs your help.
For those of you who say, "well I have a list I have to think about", the crime is over while you're sitting there thinking. You're going to attack me, well let me think about what I should do first.
For those of you who say, "It's the polices job" or any of the above, I hope you never need help while someone else sits there and ponders their excuses.
Does this seem harsh, nah.
Just watch the elections in the US today.
Society today leans toward thinking that it is the governments responsibility to solve their problems.
When you look at it that way, man, these debates are really interesting.
When you look at it as your problem, man, these candidates look like idiots.
That Democrats and Republicans, working togeather, will produce a law that will solve all your problems. HA HA HA HA HA
Just watch the news.
There isn't a crime commited today where the person commiting the crime claims, "It's not my fault"
It's socitey's
It's my upbringing
Ít's my parents
It's always someone elses fault...
In reality, the problems are simple, but you can move foreward or quibble over the answer until you prove the problem can't be solved (Social Security) Simple problems like the police and fire departments in New York that still don't have radios that communicate with each other or the proper training facilities. (after 9/11) Has the government solved this problem? No, you have people like Dennis Leary working on it instead.
If you would see people standing up to solve their problems instead of expecting government/police to, then a lot more of these problems would go away.
But there are soo many problems sometimes we tend to sit in our house and huddle and say, just leave me alone.
Yes their is a price tag.
But if you believe the above excuses, then don't venerate someone like the man who jumped on to the tracks in the subway to save anothers life in front of an oncomming traint to HERO. Or the military dying in Iraq in this police action.
Follow your logic, that you would use, and call them stupid fools for not thinking of themselves first.
In simple terms you will understand this the first time you need help. And I can almost guarentee you that it will not be the police to be there first.
Its to bad Civic duity is no longer taught to people.