Are you really training in Taekwondo?

JanneM said:
But you still can't say you practise taekwondo today as it is ment to bee practised today.
Well, this is really the guts of the issue here. Who gets to decide how it is meant to be practiced? And why does that person/organistaion get to decide and no one else does?

More importantly why are we so concerned with the name of the style we study?
Adept said:
Well, this is really the guts of the issue here. Who gets to decide how it is meant to be practiced? And why does that person/organistaion get to decide and no one else does?

More importantly why are we so concerned with the name of the style we study?
Kukkiwon, WTF and ITF are those who dicedes what is and should be called taekwondo. The reason for that is that those organisation are ONLY authotrities on taekwondo in world.
If you want to practise WTF style taekwondo you should practise like Kukkiwon tells you to and compete as WTF tells.
If you want to practise ITF style taekwondo you should do things in ITF way.
If you want to study any other kind of taekwondo... Well in my oppinion there is no other type of taekwondo.
JanneM said:
Kukkiwon, WTF and ITF are those who dicedes what is and should be called taekwondo. The reason for that is that those organisation are ONLY authotrities on taekwondo in world.
Says who?

If you want to practise WTF style taekwondo you should practise like Kukkiwon tells you to and compete as WTF tells.
If you want to practise ITF style taekwondo you should do things in ITF way.
If you want to study any other kind of taekwondo... Well in my oppinion there is no other type of taekwondo.
So what it all boils down to is opinion then. Well, thats fine. You have your opinion, I have my opinion, and while neither of them match, they are both equally valid.


JanneM said:
Do you have some art that you practise or do you X-train or do you practise in some sort of lee/Inosanto based academy...?
I started training in TKD about eight years ago. The TKD school I attended included instructors from many different styles from Jiujitsu through Karate to Boxing. So TKD is my base art, which I supplement with, well, just about anything that seems to work for me.
Adept said:
Says who?
Says the main principle that taekwondo was founded on.

So what it all boils down to is opinion then. Well, thats fine. You have your opinion, I have my opinion, and while neither of them match, they are both equally valid.
Maybe so but I have the bacid idea of taekwondo to back me up.


I started training in TKD about eight years ago. The TKD school I attended included instructors from many different styles from Jiujitsu through Karate to Boxing. So TKD is my base art, which I supplement with, well, just about anything that seems to work for me.
I'm gladd that it works out for you.
I also practise NHB eaven TKD in my main art.
The intent of this thread (tangled as it had become) was to explore the "evolution" of Taekwondo.

The last few posts seem to be about whether Taekwondo should be standardized? That is a 180 degree different concept. So, to explore folks' thoughts about that, I will start a different thread.

Miles said:
The intent of this thread (tangled as it had become) was to explore the "evolution" of Taekwondo.

The last few posts seem to be about whether Taekwondo should be standardized? That is a 180 degree different concept. So, to explore folks' thoughts about that, I will start a different thread.

I think taekwondo is evolving(is this a word?) martial art and it is ongoing a change as we speak. And specially in competition side we are about to see some major things in future. But I think that it is up to Kukkiwon and WTF to make those changes. (And in ITF side the ITF is the one who makes the canges)
terryl965 said:
First off your talking Olympic style which is Tae Kwon Do but the sport aspect not the same as traditional TKD. So before you make bold statement know all the facts about a Art not just the sport aspect, you insult the Art with this type of saying. The old guys that have been doing it the old way are pure TKD'ers not the sport. Use your search engines and look up Traditional TKD and maybe just maybe you'll understand. :erg:
Terry Lee Stoker
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