are you paranoid?

Here's an example of my paranoia. I have turned off or otherwise disabled all internal 'convenience' lighting inside my vehicles. Why? Because when I open my car door at night, I don't like being a silhouette. In addition, I know where everything in my car is. No one else needs to know.

I'd give you other examples, but that would violate my need to keep what I do to myself. Savvy?
This upper lower class lifestyle I'm living eliminates the need for me to worry about being a target, but how do you know I'm not being poor on purpose? ;)
I used to be paranoid, but then started getting paranoid about being paranoid, and whether anybody else noticed that I was being paranoid about being paranoid. Then I dropped the silver foil from my head.
being prepared is not being paranoid.
but then I have always been a little paranoid because I know for a fact that they where watching me at at least one point in my life and it is documented
being prepared is not being paranoid.
but then I have always been a little paranoid because I know for a fact that they where watching me at at least one point in my life and it is documented

Yeah, but that depends on the preparations being right. That takes a calm and solid mind, no one afflicted with doubt!
Good grief. :banghead:
Don't any of you guys lead a normal life?

Symptoms of paranoia and paranoid disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of rage, hatred, and betrayal. Some people suffering from paranoid personality may have a high capacity to annoy or enrage others because of rigid and maladaptive behaviour.

Perhaps you guys need to be tested for paranoia.

Global Advanced Personality Test

For me ...
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..

Orderliness results were very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.
I'm cool with the work ethic because I don't need to work any more. ;)
Good grief. :banghead:
Don't any of you guys lead a normal life?

Perhaps you guys need to be tested for paranoia.

Global Advanced Personality Test

For me ...

I'm cool with the work ethic because I don't need to work any more. ;)

Took the test too, had a lot of questions

I got
Stability Results were high suggests you are very relaxed, calm secure, optimistic

Orderliness your results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun

Extroversion your results are low which suggests you are very reclusive, quite, unassertive, and secretive
I have to disagree with the last one I like being assertive
Good grief. :banghead:
Don't any of you guys lead a normal life?
Define normal.

I'm an active, working patrol officer. I've worked street gangs. Including hitting places not far from my house on search warrants. Including recognizing targets in the neighborhood pool. There are some folks out there who don't harbor the warm fuzzies for me.

But I've never been green lighted as an assassination target. A few of my colleagues and friends have.

Even before I became I cop, I worked in and around classified material. Part of that meant extensive background investigations (for those familiar, I've had both EBI and SSBI, including polys, from DOJ, DOD and the intel communities). I didn't really work with any major secrets; most of the clearances were "in case of" rather than "you're going to be handling." Even so -- I was a potential target for exploitation. So I got to report foreign contacts (taught a self defense class to a bunch of au pairs... that was a paperwork PITA!), and let my life be an open book.

I know some of the stuff Elder worked/works around. He was/is a major target.

And then there are the folks who have live "colorful" lives... Some of them have additional reasons to be... wary, shall we say. :D
Just because you are paranoid it doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.

Way back in my security days one of the places I worked was a hospital with a mental health and detox unit. The LEOs brought in a guy on a mental health warrant to the ER and he was.... to keep it clean for MT.... a massive, combative, argumentative, jerk.... he also thought everyone was out to get him..... after dealing with him for about an hour I finally had all I could take and just when I was about to go full on restraint mode (he had just took a swing at a nurse) I got right in his face and said "Just because you are paranoid it doesn't mean people aren't out to get you"..... his eyes got huge, he froze in his tracks, sat in the corner and just stared at me the rest of the time I had to watch him until he was admitted......yeah..... I was evil....but it worked...he played nice the rest of the time he was in the hospital too
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Here's an example of my paranoia. I have turned off or otherwise disabled all internal 'convenience' lighting inside my vehicles. Why? Because when I open my car door at night, I don't like being a silhouette. In addition, I know where everything in my car is. No one else needs to know.

I'd give you other examples, but that would violate my need to keep what I do to myself. Savvy?

I do this too....
Good grief. :banghead:
Don't any of you guys lead a normal life?

Perhaps you guys need to be tested for paranoia.

Global Advanced Personality Test

For me ...

I'm cool with the work ethic because I don't need to work any more. ;)


Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Not me, really. Either the test is bollocks or I am not being honest with myself when answering. I'm an introvert who expresses extrovert at times. I'm messy but I have a strong work ethic.