I was on my way out the door when I responded yesterday and did not have time for a more detailed explanation, like I said it's hard to explain it without actually feeling the effects of it. So I hope what I wrote (as inadequet as it was) was enough for you to at least have some idea of what it's all about. There are many books about it and resources available for you to delve into.
A funny story, when I first learned one exercise (where two people can not lift you up off the ground) I bet my father and his friend $20.00 that they could not lift me up. My Dad was 6'1 225 his friend 6' 200 and little old me 5'8 150......needless to say I won the $20, but, gave it back cause they never had a chance anyway.
I'm not very religious. I don't think I ever will be in terms of existentialism. Spirtuality? I suppose I'm open to the suggestion but that still leads one to the argument of who controls this energy? I have heard people say people like Einstein knew about it. I have nothing against religion in terms of value though, like I would be open to Buddhism or something that as a way of life, but I just personally would never subscribe to anything "humans" think they discovered cause I would assume they made it. Which is the forefront of why I could take in a way of living and conduct, just never a belief of higher power, not on that is concerened with just humans. I will stop there cause I wanted to try to walk around this cause the religion can cause unncessary discussion.
Regardless, I believe you that ki has helped you. I don't doubt that. I'm a philospher in my mind, I analyze and think too much. I am not just someone who "accepts" a concept without knowing why. Hence why religion and even math (although math always has a reason why, I'm the type of person that needs to know that why and becomes severely befuddled until I figure it out, which in actuality, might not be necessary)
Where I am going with this is, I would be very interested in taking in this concept of ki. Bruce Lee spoke of it I believe. I always wanted to know more of it but no one in my classes discuss it. Almost like it never exists.
But most importantly. I was just dicussing on my fitness forum about muscle fibers. They told me only the best athletes can recruit 70% of muscle fibers. The other 30% is reserved for survial situations, like a murder breaks into your home. I'm just curious, I wonder if this energy is really just the ability to acquire the muscle fibers in a more controlled motion? I am not trying to say Ki energy doesn't float around, but I'm just wondering if taking in such a belief can be avoided? Perhaps this could give an anatomical reasoning?
My psychology professor told me things about spinning dervishes who are monks who can spin around for a period of time and stop and can take a piercing wound from a weapon and not even feel it or flinch from it. He also told me of his mother who had poor circulation and it took her a long time of trial error and almost giving up until she was able to control her heart. Her heart would speed up due to this poor circulatory condition and the specialist told her its possible to control your heart at times (which is a involuntary fuction) She eventually did learn it and lived way past her time with someone wtih that condition)
I know this is all very philosophical and I tend to analyze things like this...
I'm not sure what you think my attitude is cause it might be misinterpreted..but to summarize
1. ) I am very interested in this ki energy. (I actually have a filipino secondary instructor that did speak of this energy and was roman catholic and switched over to buddhism. He said since that transition, his martial arts went to higher levels.) I could speak to him.
2.) Is it necessary to believe in some outside force and to what extent? You dont' seem to have taken into Buddhism but you believe in ki.
Take your time reposting or send me a personal message. It is possible you just know how it works and not the whole wordly aspect of it. But enlighten me of what it is you do know.