Are titles that important? SokeCalkins Part 2

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SokeCalkins said:
All I know is... There were Shots of them together.

And all I know is that you say that there were shots of them together. There are people here saying that you are a liar. Can't you give them anything to back up your claims and get them off your back? There was no one named Frost studying with Hatsumi prior to 1977. Yet you insist that you saw photos of them training together. Can you blame people for treating you as if you only had a couple of years of real training and invented your entire story about being a live in student?
Kaith Rustaz said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]I ain't an expert. Highest rank I've achieved is BlueBelt. But I'll get on the floor with anyone I feel I can trust my body with. That means I'll grapple the MMA champion, spar the World Champion stick fighter, or do knife drills with cops, regardless of the fact I'll be stretched, whacked or poked. I'm here to learn. It's one of the reasons why I started MT. It's one of the reasons why I value the education I've already received courtacy of the members of this forum, many of whom have forced me to repeatedly re-examine my own previously held beliefs, attitudes and truths.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]The paperwork is really meaningless, as is the ranks. Too many political, financial, or honorarys out there for a poor sap like me to keep it all straight and try to figure out the exchange rates between arts, systems and styles. I'll see your skill on the mat, and your knowledge when I can verify what you told me through other sources. (Tell me ninjas came from Atlantis, and all I'll determine is you've watched too much SG1) :)

1)[font=&quot] [/font]That’s a good way to train. Just going out there and getting your *** handed to you does little except let you know that you got beat up. You need someone that can take you just far enough to have you reach a new level without get hurt.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Paper is supposed to mean something…….it should mean you actually trained with so-n-so and got exposed to XXXXX level of training. It is supposed/should cut down on the fakes and wannabes but doesn’t seem to. What paper doesn’t mean is you are any good at what you were exposed to…..(although theoretically it should show some sort of correlation)
terryl965 said:
As long as we as a group keep questioning Mr. Calkins then he gets all the attention that he wants. Me myself and I ( you know I can only speak for my three( am getting tired of all these so call pointless threads about wheather or not someone is for real of course he is real if only in his mind. Mr. Calkins has his views about event that he says he was involved in, I was not there so I cannot dismiss his so call claims and except you was there or no some one thsat was we do not know. Let the man live in his world and we live in ours reality is here for some and fantasy jis here for the rest.

Terry lee stoker

Simply Logic Terry, if this thread bore the heack out of you, then quit posting and reading this thread. When someone makes claim and gives out innacurate information, that someone is bound to be scrutinized in every senses.
Akashiro Tamaya said:
Simply Logic Terry, if this thread bore the heack out of you, then quit posting and reading this thread. When someone makes claim and gives out innacurate information, that someone is bound to be scrutinized in every senses.
No where in my post did I say I was bored I said I'm tired of calling the man a Liar and if you notice I read to see mature answer to mature questions that was ask of him not to read you are a fake. I looked at his website and so called system not for me but who knows maybe one day it will be, not. I will sit back and see if any so-called intelligent answer comes from withen but I seriously doubt it will caom.
In this case every question is loaded with more questions, shady credentials, questionable training timelines, outlandish claims. Given some of his historical comments, training methods, and claims of telekineses And yet he should still sit at the table with the adults?
Perhaps the following would be of interest to someone?

Attention All Holders of 10th Dan Rank!!!

Did you know that there are 113 leaders in the USMA who hold 10th Degree Black Belt? That’s right, and they together hold 148 10th Dans!

Our United States Martial Arts Association will honor all 10th dans this summer at our great 2005 USMA International Hall of Fame Banquet. This 2005 celebration is called “TEN-TEN-TEN” because we will not only honor our dedicated and pioneering 10th dans, but also celebrate the 10th anniversary of the USMA, and strive to bring our USMA to 10,000 Life Members.



We have planned a grand celebration to honor all 10th dans in attendance and to thank them for all they have done to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Martial Arts in our country and throughout the world. The outstanding leaders who reach this most prestigious rank have labored long and hard for many years. This will be the largest gathering of 10th dans ever held as we induct these great masters into our USMA International Hall of Fame. We will also have a personal gift for each of our 10th dans as a special token of our appreciation for their tireless efforts.

If you hold the rank of 10th dan in any martial art, or know of an individual who does, please make sure they are nominated for the Hall of Fame. If they are not members of the USMA, they should join and register their ranks, as this celebration if for 10th Dans who are members of our great Association.

We will also be mailing a special invitation to every one of our 10th Dans.

For more information on this year’s landmark events, please see our USMA website at:

Brad Dunne said:
Perhaps the following would be of interest to someone?

Attention All Holders of 10th Dan Rank!!!

Did you know that there are 113 leaders in the USMA who hold 10th Degree Black Belt? That’s right, and they together hold 148 10th Dans!

Our United States Martial Arts Association will honor all 10th dans this summer at our great 2005 USMA International Hall of Fame Banquet. This 2005 celebration is called “TEN-TEN-TEN” because we will not only honor our dedicated and pioneering 10th dans, but also celebrate the 10th anniversary of the USMA, and strive to bring our USMA to 10,000 Life Members.



We have planned a grand celebration to honor all 10th dans in attendance and to thank them for all they have done to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Martial Arts in our country and throughout the world. The outstanding leaders who reach this most prestigious rank have labored long and hard for many years. This will be the largest gathering of 10th dans ever held as we induct these great masters into our USMA International Hall of Fame. We will also have a personal gift for each of our 10th dans as a special token of our appreciation for their tireless efforts.

If you hold the rank of 10th dan in any martial art, or know of an individual who does, please make sure they are nominated for the Hall of Fame. If they are not members of the USMA, they should join and register their ranks, as this celebration if for 10th Dans who are members of our great Association.

We will also be mailing a special invitation to every one of our 10th Dans.

For more information on this year’s landmark events, please see our USMA website at:
I think they should hold the event in a FEMA Camp.:EG:
Further down the page of that link in post #67 is an interesting paragraph:

We will have hundreds of leaders for training in all phases of Martial Arts for both juniors and seniors, as well as Law Enforcement defense systems. In addition, everyone who comes will be considered for promotion in one or more arts if they desire this service.

Any thoughts?
47MartialMan said:
I feel he can come to the "table", but leave his title/rank/claims at the door.
he can bring all the titles and claims he wants.......the simple fact is there are people here more schooled than him.......he needs to support them.
arnisador said:
I'd like to be promoted to 10th Dan Grandmaster of Tai Chi. Can this be arranged?


I promote you to Grand Super Soke 10th Dan of TaiChi.

I would like to be a 25th dan in Kara Ki Do (actually saw that once)
As Grand Super Soke 10th Dan of TaiChi, I grant your wish. I'll also throw in a knighthood for an additional $25 (cash).
arnisador said:
As Grand Super Soke 10th Dan of TaiChi, I grant your wish. I'll also throw in a knighthood for an additional $25 (cash).
Can I get some Ruby Slippers to go with that?

(theres no place like home, theres no place like home)
BlackCatBonz said:
he can bring all the titles and claims he wants.......the simple fact is there are people here more schooled than him.......he needs to support them.
I dont know about "support" people more "schooled". I do think he may have to re-think his actions and responses.
47MartialMan said:
I dont know about "support" people more "schooled". I do think he may have to re-think his actions and responses.
Start listening more, and talk well not at all. Would be great start
Some people are simply incapable of correcting long-ingrained falsehoods.
I will never be a "master", will never acept the title, regardless of where my training takes me. I will forever be a student, my ego doesn't need to be stoked by misused titles.

Others however, lack the true virtues of a warrior, and must depend on them to compensate for their own failings.
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