Are modern arts, no longer martial

I tried to read it. I couldn’t sacrifice the minutes it would take. I would resent him for the rest of the day for stealing that time from me. My time sitting on the porcelain throne is much more valuable looking at other stuff.

From the little I did read, he has that fatal combination of stupidity and ignorance, coupled with the self-assurance that he is right about everything.

Why is it that the stupid people are always so convinced they have the truth, when the intelligent people who really do know what they are talking about, so often harbor self-doubt? I dunno. The world is as it is.
Stupid people are always convinced they’ve got the truth, and smart people harbor self-doubt due to the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
I tried to read it. I couldn’t sacrifice the minutes it would take. I would resent him for the rest of the day for stealing that time from me. My time sitting on the porcelain throne is much more valuable looking at other stuff.

From the little I did read, he has that fatal combination of stupidity and ignorance, coupled with the self-assurance that he is right about everything.

Why is it that the stupid people are always so convinced they have the truth, when the intelligent people who really do know what they are talking about, so often harbor self-doubt? I dunno. The world is as it is.

Yep, I didn't get very far. He opens with:

"To begin with, many of you don’t even know what a real martial art is, but it is no wonder, since the power of the media has baffled it’s true meaning."

Oh, ok, we're all stupid but it isn't really our fault, we are just easily duped by the media.

But wait there's hope because then he says:

"To make things clear, I want to start by explaining you what a martial art is..."

Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy we have someone who can save us from our ignorance and tell us the things we would never know without him.

Reading his dribble is time I could've spent watching Enter the Dojo. At least that has some comic value.
Yep, I didn't get very far. He opens with:

"To begin with, many of you don’t even know what a real martial art is, but it is no wonder, since the power of the media has baffled it’s true meaning."

Oh, ok, we're all stupid but it isn't really our fault, we are just easily duped by the media.

But wait there's hope because then he says:

"To make things clear, I want to start by explaining you what a martial art is..."

Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy we have someone who can save us from our ignorance and tell us the things we would never know without him.

Reading his dribble is time I could've spent watching Enter the Dojo. At least that has some comic value.
Enter the Dojo might be more informative too.
Yep, I didn't get very far. He opens with:

"To begin with, many of you don’t even know what a real martial art is, but it is no wonder, since the power of the media has baffled it’s true meaning."

Oh, ok, we're all stupid but it isn't really our fault, we are just easily duped by the media.

But wait there's hope because then he says:

"To make things clear, I want to start by explaining you what a martial art is..."

Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy we have someone who can save us from our ignorance and tell us the things we would never know without him.

Reading his dribble is time I could've spent watching Enter the Dojo. At least that has some comic value.

And I got lost waiting for him to actually explain what it was.
That was painful to read on a variety of levels. For a person who writes as a passion, he is really bad at it. I was trying to figure out if English was a second language to him for much of it.

I believe I could pick it apart, paragraph by paragraph. but then I think, why bother?
I'm fairly sure the author pulled 90% of this from his nether regions.
That aside, it seems to me the main premise indicated in the title is completely backwards.

For decades and even now most 'traditional' styles have little to nothing 'martial' about them as they do their Asian dance routines and practice give and take cooperative drills of techniques that can sometimes work and sometimes don't, but are never really tested so nobody knows which is which.

Meanwhile combat sports forgo most of that and focus ONLY on the martial aspect, constantly testing and refining every minute detail of the fight game.

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