A Totally New Martial Art...?

The Boar Man said:
Everything has been done before it's just we are seeing things done in a different way.
I was thinking about that and though odds are that you may be right, I have to say, I'd be somewhat saddened if that were the eventual truth. I agree that there are obvious physical limitations on us which certainly implies that if it hasn't been done already then it never will but I remain optimistic!

I'm all for upholding the values and teachings of our martial heritages under which most of us have been tutored - these are systems that have been hewn out of the hard rock of experience, some over many decades if not centuries, but I'd also hate to think that in fifty years from now if we're spared, we'll have become nothing but a collective group of eccentrics practising arts and following martial traditions that are archaic and obsolete in the face of not only modern weaponry but modern [dangerous] society.

I suppose I'd like to see an evolution in our arts that bring them more into step with what's happening in the wider world. By that however I mean NOT selling out for a fistful of denaro and claiming to be the latest, greatest "fighting system" that's nothing more than a messy stew of martial offcuts, but rather incorporating the knowledge we have [and a look around even this forum gives an indication of how broad and extensive that knowledge really is!] and the values and martial traditions we all uphold and working it around what's really going on outside our dojo doors.

What say ye??

MartialIntent said:
I suppose I'd like to see an evolution in our arts that bring them more into step with what's happening in the wider world. By that however I mean NOT selling out for a fistful of denaro and claiming to be the latest, greatest "fighting system" that's nothing more than a messy stew of martial offcuts, but rather incorporating the knowledge we have [and a look around even this forum gives an indication of how broad and extensive that knowledge really is!] and the values and martial traditions we all uphold and working it around what's really going on outside our dojo doors.

What say ye??


There has been a lot going on in certain circles of the martial arts world concerning adapting to modern times. Many things such as adapting to attacks that are not long sword attacks without the sword or going away from stances that come from systems in swampy areas (as many of us now live in cities) are where some of the systems are going. It is good to keep some of the older systems alive as they give us a link to our past. It is also good to forge ahead and evolve what we have so that they keep with our modern times.

A great example of this is Systema. It is a martial art where the majority of the moves are based on old Russian swordsmanship. It is a very dynamic martial system that resembles Aikido in a lot of ways. It does not however neglect the present or the future. It has cirriculum for knife, gun, staff (or mounted bayonet) (http://www.aikidojournal.com/download_media.php?media=video&id=102) (http://www.aikidojournal.com/download_media.php?media=video&id=98). Definately good stuff. T

There are systems out there that are evolving. They are loosing the Japanese undergarments (which is really all that white uniform is) and some of them are getting away from silky shiny shirts (some army units in China are training there troops in Hsing-I Quan and I can say with some certainty that they would not be using those button up shirts or shiny silks to train in). Filipino martial arts have always had an eye in the present as they were used in the last century to fight off the Japanese from their home. Some arts are content to be preservationists and some are not. But even some of the preservationists are getting it. James Williams has a system called the "System of Strategy" which is based of his Nami Ryu aikijustu and Systema. It supposedly is all the good things of those systems and devoid of their doctrines and accoutrements.

It's all good...

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