Says who though?
Bruce Lee used to be a street thug in Hong Kong....then a street thug + bully in US Chinatowns.....he used his chopsocky to pick fights in order to make a name for himself. There's an account of him dropping and old Tai Chi man in what was supposed to be a pushing demo, but Lee punched him in the gut, haha. After he got famous, his Publicists cleaned up his image so he's now some Yoda of the martial arts?
Samurais used to be the hired killers/enforcers of scumbag warlords, going around bullying, killing and raping men, women and children with their Jujutsu. And when they had no jobs, they'd go robbing poor farmers and raping young boys and girls. But now they're glorified by, once again, White Hollywood.
Seems like the Martial Arts is merely a tool to me. And to Fighters, it's a tool to beat someone *** up in the ring.
You are still describing fighters. The true Lee I would call a fighter. Cocky and loved to fight. As you say, Hollywood made him something else. I have never heard Samurai's describe as you do so I am not going to make an opinion about something I don't know everything about.