THeres good advice there. Don't program yourself for failure. If you think you can or think you cant will determine the end result.
Everytime you spar, learn. Better to learn in a safe enviroment than the streets, where a mistake can be fatal. If he's always taking you down from the right side, why? Is your attention focused to the left? are you out of position there? is your guard down?
Try a few sessions only on defence. Ask your partner where you left yourself open.
example: I like spin kicks (im dizzy, go fig

) 1 guy I was sparing with got annyed and just wolluped me. I asked him later why? He said in a real fight, I woulda got my *** handed to me because my technique was -very- sloppy. He helped correct my technique -and- gave me some good info on where and when to do a spin kick. Also told me where I did good, and where to improve.
No, you're not gonna go out and beat them the next time, but maybe you lose a little less. And, you keep losing a little less each time, until you win, abet by very little, and gradually, you progress to winning by a long shot.
(or, go do what I do to boost the ego, go spar a rugrat.

Point is, keep going, keep learning. You'll get there.
Remember, the journey IS the reward.