
michaeledward said:
For those who do not view him as a leader of the Palestinian People, it might be relevant to recall that he was the elected leader of the Palestinian People.

He was absolutely an elected leader of the Palestinian People; he was also a murderer and a thief, who helped keep the Palestinians in poverty while inciting them against their neighbors.
michaeledward said:
One last note, President Arafat is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
What did he do to recieve the Nobel Peace Prize? Pardon my ignorance, but I haven't follewed the man's "accoplishments".

Just Curious....

Perhaps we could start a policy of waiting till they croak and burying these guys UNDER the sites of their crimes--you know, plant Arafat under a certain hotel in Munich, Sharon under the site of Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon, Robert McNamara under where Bach Mai hospital used to be, Ollie North right next to the place where the four Maryknoll nuns were raped and murdered, Pinochet under the soccer stadium... ship Stalin's carcass to Siberia and bury the bones under a mammoth carcass, plant the likes of David Duke in the river bottom right by Goodman, Schwerner and Cheney...
Rynocerous said:
What did he do to recieve the Nobel Peace Prize? Pardon my ignorance, but I haven't follewed the man's "accoplishments".

Just Curious....

Obviously I don't think he has done anything in recent years to endear himself to anyone, but back in the 1994 I think he and a few Israeli leaders shared the prize for working to bring peace in the Middle East.

Things have gone way down hill I think since, then, but back in the day, I guess some progress had been made.
Ping898 said:
Obviously I don't think he has done anything in recent years to endear himself to anyone, but back in the 1994 I think he and a few Israeli leaders shared the prize for working to bring peace in the Middle East.

In 1994, Arafat shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Yitzchak Rabin, then prime minister of Israel, who was assasinated in 1995.
rmcrobertson said:
Perhaps we could start a policy of waiting till they croak and burying these guys UNDER the sites of their crimes--you know, plant Arafat under a certain hotel in Munich, Sharon under the site of Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon, Robert McNamara under where Bach Mai hospital used to be, Ollie North right next to the place where the four Maryknoll nuns were raped and murdered, Pinochet under the soccer stadium... ship Stalin's carcass to Siberia and bury the bones under a mammoth carcass, plant the likes of David Duke in the river bottom right by Goodman, Schwerner and Cheney...
... jimmy hoffa under the 50 yard line of Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands?
Thank you PING898 and ZEPP for that information. I must agree that things have obviously gone down hill since then.


For Bible readers/believers we know that any peace along the Gaza will be temporary and false. The prophecies of the Apostle John has yet to be fulfilled and that time is coming soon. Not in the next few weeks or months or even years but soon relatively speaking. Israel is the piviotal point of it all.

You "know", huh??

Interesting you don't seem to know that the purported "Revelation of John" was actually written by an anonymous intertestamental Jewish apocalyptic, and was later redacted and revised by Christian scribes in the third century. Also interesting that most "Bible readers/believers" don't seem to realize that the Enemy that "John" constantly references is, in fact, the now-deceased Roman Empire??

Tee hee. History makes me giggle.
I rank Christian Prophesies up there with those of Nostradumass in reliability and mailability.

Anyway. Arafat is dead. Israel finally got it's big wet dream, their devil is dead. I'll bet their high war council was rolling around in an orgasmic glee over that. The big thing is, he died in France, of "Natural Causes". No big worry about a huge martyrification now, or waves of "Revenge". They can proceed with their plans for the elimination of the Palestinians now. Without a visible symbol, they may be able to finish their genocide in this decade now, especially since the Palestinians don't appear to have a strong #2 waiting to take the helm. Hell, looking at the death toll for those suicide bombings, the Palestinians are more than willing to help.

The big question remains here though. Why is the US silent on Israel abuses and rights violations? Could it be because of Arafat? Can it be true that Bush had problems with a president who was elected by his people, and not appointed by a court? And elected not by a few % points, but by a true majority of the people?

Or might it have something to do with the facts that despite the public admiration everyone seems to give, that Arafat was a killer, a terrorist, and a thief as well?

Hmm.....Celebrate or Morn. Decisions, Decisions.
While getting ready for work this morning I watched footage Arafat's body being returned to Ramallah in a casket. There was a huge crowd of Palestinians swarming the procession - the almost wan't room to move. What a lot of emotion. Uncertain times lay ahead for these people.