Ah, yes. Invalidate my feelings. That does nothing to encourage depression. /s
People need to vent. This has been a difficult and stressful time. I was venting.
Some challenges are good, some are sucky. I've risen to this challenge, even though it's sucky. I'd much rather teach students normally. Many of these are 4-6 year olds who have been doing classes for less than a year. They're not yet hardcore martial artists like you. They're still just kids. And this sucks for them. We've had a lot of students quit because they don't like virtual training. We've had others quit because they can't do virtual training, or because they can't afford classes anymore. This whole situation sucks. I can do my best in spite of that, but that doesn't change the fact that it sucks.
Well, we didn't have sufficient preparation at first. It was thrust on us all of a sudden. We're also not IT instructors, we're martial arts instructors, who are now customers of Zoom. We do our best to teach our students and their parents, but we can't control them.
This is a new situation for everyone. For most people, virtual meetings are completely new. Parents don't know how they're supposed to act, because they think they're at home. Any time someone needs help with Zoom, we have to stop the entire class to help that one person figure out their issue. We have to do this troubleshooting without knowing their hardware, and we have to do it quickly so we can get back to class. Is the problem their internet connection? Their computer? Their peripherals? Do they not have something connected properly? Is it even possible for them to fix it? I don't know. And I don't have time to spend 10 minutes troubleshooting someone's issue, because that's 25% of the class gone on one person not even getting martial arts training.
This situation sucks. It's requiring us to be a lot more than martial arts instructors, and at the same time give a lot less martial arts instruction. It's frustrating to no end. So take your criticism and find somewhere else to shove it.