Developing new class drills


Green Belt
Thankfully I have been able to keep teaching recently as our restrictions where I am aren’t tight (whether they will stay that way who knows) but for now I’m allowed to continue to hold classes and I have low enough numbers not to be considered a high risk facility (some bigger clubs have had to stay shut)

but anyway what I’ve always tried to do since I started by myself is to try and develop different drills to work on different aspects. My main system is kenpo and base material that is what I stick to but I refuse to have only that I am always trying to make new ideas (not universally new but new for the club)

I’m always trying to find different ways to work on new things whether it’s sparring drills application of different techniques in a different format or just a workout.

tonight I worked on something I’ve wanted to do for a while of defending yourself while pressed against a wall. So I got everyone to partner up and gear up (gloves, Groin guard mouth piece and arm guards for those who wanted those)

One had to be against the wall and basically defend themselves (with common sense control) the goal of the attacker was to keep them against the wall and the other persons job was to get off it by any way necessary (within reason)

it worked pretty well some did good some struggled Some managed to keep calm to implement strategies taught for different scenarios but all improved by the last round. Also the attacker got to work a different set of skills of restricting movement and not backing up if someone is trying to push you out the way.

overall I was very happy with it. Now I’m not saying this idea is anything brand new as I’m very sure it’s a common thing in some places but I was very proud of how it worked. As I say I like working different ideas. Not all of my ideas work some when I try them in the class they fall flat and don’t work as well as I thought they would. That’s fine I either just get rid of them or think of ways to adapt them to make it better.

if I eventually do get locked down and have to close up for a while I’m not afraid of it the idea actually excites me because I’ll use that time to focus on myself and working on some of my own short comings And I will work more on developing my class ideas. I’ve seen plenty of martial artists complaining about how lockdown means they can’t train. Sure they can’t spar and hit people but to me there’s still loads of things that can be worked on by yourself. Again it’s about adapting sure you may be used to going to class and following an instructors orders and a common thing i here is you don’t push yourself as hard when working by yourself and I agree that does happen. But that’s the challenge to make sure you ARE pushing yourself just as hard as you would with an instructor. When we first got locked down I did struggle to get into a self train routine that gave me the desired work I wanted but now I’ve already got a plan for myself in place for if it happens.

i know this is a lot of rambling but while of course this year has been very horrible and scary it’s also been a valuable learning experience to. About first not worrying about things you can’t control (at the beginning I was terrified of the idea Of cases rising and putting us all in lockdown now my attitude is. We’re not locked down today so let’s enjoy today and if we get locked down tomorrow I’ll deal with it tomorrow) also teaching us not to be complacent with what we have and appreciate anything we do have but also realize it may not always be there so you have to think outside the box to make sure your own martial art development continues. Training by yourself is in my opinion more difficult than in a class but that’s another great challenge to be able to push yourself when there’s not someone pushing you. At my home I’ve got plenty of training equipment a bag, numerous weights etc but for a while I struggled with putting together a serious regiment for lockdown but eventually I sat down and thought about what I wanted to work on and how best to do it to achieve my goals and I believe that has not only improved the skills I wanted but helped me as a teacher.

Man this thread went longer than I expected.
Funny coincidence, but this life lesson that you learned is something that I myself also learned about a month ago after reading the last law in Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power. It is "Assuming Formlessness". And the idea is that you gotta always be adaptable and NEVER bet on stability.

Part of Napoleon's success in his campaigns was his avoidance of fortresses and supply lines and simply living off the land to increase movement speed. That's a huge part of why his campaigns were successful. Speed and fluidity is far more powerful than hardness and indestructibility.

I should share this about my thoughts... The reason I adore weightlifting is because unlike powerlifting and bodybuilding, weightlifting makes you fast in all sports that involve running or jumping. It turns you into a cheetah instead of a brutishly strong elephant. And let's be honest, who'd prefer to be an elephant over an apex predator?
Funny coincidence, but this life lesson that you learned is something that I myself also learned about a month ago after reading the last law in Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power. It is "Assuming Formlessness". And the idea is that you gotta always be adaptable and NEVER bet on stability.

Part of Napoleon's success in his campaigns was his avoidance of fortresses and supply lines and simply living off the land to increase movement speed. That's a huge part of why his campaigns were successful. Speed and fluidity is far more powerful than hardness and indestructibility.

I should share this about my thoughts... The reason I adore weightlifting is because unlike powerlifting and bodybuilding, weightlifting makes you fast in all sports that involve running or jumping. It turns you into a cheetah instead of a brutishly strong elephant. And let's be honest, who'd prefer to be an elephant over an apex predator?
which of napoleon s campighns are you calling a,success ?

he did start off well, then went on something of a loosing streak
which of napoleon s campighns are you calling a,success ?

he did start off well, then went on something of a loosing streak

Mostly his campaigns between 1805 to 1809, fighting Austria, Russia, and Prussia.

I don't know the exact details but I really believe the cause of his defeats as he got older was megalomania. He was too young to get to senility and too young to develop dementia. It was just his ego that eventually caught up with him.
Mostly his campaigns between 1805 to 1809, fighting Austria, Russia, and Prussia.

I don't know the exact details but I really believe the cause of his defeats as he got older was megalomania. He was too young to get to senility and too young to develop dementia. It was just his ego that eventually caught up with him.
he picked a fight with the british, thats what did for him that and invading russia in the winter.

you may note that the same mistakes that a certain german leader made a little over a century later.

the jury is out on both of them as tatical genius or mad man that got lucky, till the luck ran out

he picked a fight with the british, thats what did for him that and invading russia in the winter.

you may note that the same mistakes that a certain german leader made a little over a century later.

the jury is out on both of them as tatical genius or mad man that got lucky, till the luck ran out

lol. I don't agree. He didn't pick a fight with the British. The British and six other nations picked a fight with him. France against 7 nations. Of course he was gonna lose.
lol. I don't agree. He didn't pick a fight with the British. The British and six other nations picked a fight with him. France against 7 nations. Of course he was gonna lose.
well he did pick a fight with the vritish, he was going to invade, he had boats and everything and then tryed to blockade the country, again abit like adolf

it all started to go wrong in spain, he had a well equiped huge profesional army, the british emptied the prisons of every murderer and cut throat they coukd find and launch a guerilla war on him, in a straight fight he would win every time, but he lost, coz tatics

that and ge had annoyed the spanish by drinkibg all their wine
well he did pick a fight with the vritish, he was going to invade, he had boats and everything and then tryed to blockade the country, again abit like adolf

it all started to go wrong in spain, he had a well equiped huge profesional army, the british emptied the prisons of every murderer and cut throat they coukd find and launch a guerilla war on him, in a straight fight he would win every time, but he lost, coz tatics

that and ge had annoyed the spanish by drinkibg all their wine

He annoyed the Spanish because he enthroned his close friends in the Spanish monarchy. lol

And you can't put the British in good light either. They themselves were expanding their empire.

But whatever. Napoleon is my hero no matter what.
He annoyed the Spanish because he enthroned his close friends in the Spanish monarchy. lol

And you can't put the British in good light either. They themselves were expanding their empire.

But whatever. Napoleon is my hero no matter what.
that didnt enrage them as much as the wine and women the french helped themsrlvrs to, he only invaded spain to prevent the british having access to the ports

he also resummed slavery in the Caribbean, something the british had put a,stop to, all on all not a good man to have as a hero,,

but hell if it helps go for it
that didnt enrage them as much as the wine and women the french helped themsrlvrs to, he only invaded spain to prevent the british having access to the ports

he also resummed slavery in the Caribbean, something the british had put a,stop to, all on all not a good man to have as a hero,,

but hell if it helps go for it

Alexandre Dumas, A BLACK MAN, wrote of Napoleon in glowing terms.

Bro, the reason Napoleon today is seen as evil is because of biased BRITISH historians. Napoleon was a great man, a force for the betterment of the human race, and a great role model.
Alexandre Dumas, A BLACK MAN, wrote of Napoleon in glowing terms.

Bro, the reason Napoleon today is seen as evil is because of biased BRITISH historians. Napoleon was a great man, a force for the betterment of the human race, and a great role model.
well at least he is not a manga character, so youve already growm as a person, now if we can get a real life girl friend, !

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