has anyone else


Master Black Belt
has anyone else tried the max interval training system that is INSANITY -- i bought into after seeing the adverts on bloomberg telly for about 3 months or something -

put simply it's 10 workouts that you do in your living room copying the moves on the dvd and it comes with a "special" bottle vit/min supplements and all for £100

still can't really see any difference to me physically, mentally i feel a bit more with it but no more so than after i've been to muay thai.

and the food guidebook (they all have one) that comes with it is called the "thin food guide" ;)

just wondering if anyone had tried it s'all

my personal opinion - leave it alone go the gym more often and train harder for longer in a more social atmosphere and use maximuscle stuff if you feel the need for supplements

I have done it. I have also done P90X, P90X Plus, P90X 3, Asylum Volume 1, Rev Abs, 10 Minute Trainer and Les Mills Combat. When I went back to class after doing only HALF of the Insanity program, I was the only person who wasn't standing around winded, so for me there was a definite improvement in endurance. As far as my life goes, I don't have the time to run to a gym, nor can I afford the extra bill. So I save up, buy a workout program once, and it is like paying for a gym membership one time for life.

I know it's not for everybody, but it IS for me.

PS: The reason I mention all those other programs is because they are also distributed by Team Beachbody.
i suppose it depends on your dojo and the way that they structure things too :)

my dojo is a muay thai dojo therefore you gotta have the flexi that goes with it and cos not everyone can afford programmes they make it part of the "experience" lol :)

was looking at the other stuff that team beachbody do and i'm not so sure tbh

Well as they say "to each their own." I'm not here to convert anyone...I am here to talk to other people who are just as fired up about martial arts as I am. But, if someone asks opinions on the programs or says "I don't have time to work out AND do martial arts...what do I do?," then I speak up. :-)
for someone that doesn't have the time or feels uncomfy about themselves then go for it :)

i'm not knocking them - i think for some people that they're spot on - like yourself - especially if you're pressed for time like most of us unfortunately are :)

Well I wouldn't say I feel uncomfortable with myself. But after working a 13 hour day, I'd rather go home and work out instead of having to go to a gym, check in, change, wait for people to get off machines, work out, shower, change back, THEN go home. LOL
can understand that - all the BS that involved must be a pain in the backside :(

i'm in the middle of restructuring the box room of my house into a muay thai training room, i got kick bags lining the door frame a 4 ft kick bag, a 3 ft knee and elbow bag and speed ball hanging from the now reinforced ceiling -- also painted the walls (first time since i moved in :)) in a really nice girlie pastel pink too :)

hope you got yourself a decent sized telly so you can really tell what's going on too :)


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