Any thoughts on this org?

MichiganTKD hates change, don't mind him.... Just take what knowledge he gives(he actually comes out with some pretty good facts) and critically analyze the statements you disagree with. What I wonder, is what rank was he originally? I haven't seen it on the site. If somebody holds a 7th dan, or even a 6th dahn in one art and more than a 1st dan in multiple other arts, I would not find it grossly out of context to assume a 9th degree rank in their own "new" style. Though I prefer basing in one of the old styles and crosstraining, that path was what brought TKD and many other arts. I am not a fan of the method being used but, I see no reason why we can't let legitamate MAists practice how they choose.
In Kukki-Taekwondo, in order to get an 8th or 9th dan, you must physically test at the Kukkiwon (Kukkiwon Regulations Article 7, subparagraph 3). People regularly flunk the test. Within this context, look and think about what MichTKD is saying.

Perhaps the DMD founder gave himself the 9th dan or it was bestowed upon him by a legitimate group of his seniors, or a mail-order group. Does it really matter since there is no standardization within the martial art community? The bottom line is he teaching something worthwhile to you?


I do not hate change. Change is inevitable, otherwise we'd still be doing things the way they did 500-1000 years ago. What I hate are

1. Instructors who give themselves rank or credentials they did not earn from questionable sources. A problem across the board I might add.
2. Instructors who claim to have founded a new style or martial art, when all they have done is reinvent the wheel. How is what they do different from what already exists?
3. Instructors who attach phony or questionable histories to the new style they claim to have founded. The DMD website claims that its history goes back thousands of years to the founding of Korea. Sorry, I don't buy that.

How exactly is "Dahn Moo Do" different from what is already out there?
Yes it does teach something worthwhile. Many things actually. I find that it lived up to its promises and covered all ranges of martial arts at least to some extent. And I have used some of the techniques to defend myself and thhey worked very well.
dmdfromhamilton said:
That was quite alot a link would have sufficed and the taekwondo masters did it the same way many of the con men today they promoted each other therefore how can we really tell the difference till we see them in action
my point exactly. instead of one person self promoting, it is now a group of people self promoting. what's the diff?
it goes back to the age old question ' what came first, the chicken or the egg?'
as for reinventing the wheel, how many different substyles of karate are there?
goju, issin, wado, etc.
are these all now considered legit because they were 'founded' more than one hundred years ago?
isnt tkd considered a 'new' style because it is less than 60 years old?
dahnmoodo 50 years from now could very well be the next big thing, could it not? if the gm that runs it finds a way to promote it world wide who knows.
Dahn Moo Do the next big thing?:-partyon:
OMG that would be the best! More dmd ppl to talk to on martial talk! :ultracool

On a diff subject HS Lee's coming to the dojang tommorow! I'm soo excited (i hope that i don't screw anything up!)and i just found out. Apparently since hes gotten back from visting the school in korea he has been touring the different dahn moo do schools and on his way to welland hes going to stop in tommorow night. Hopefully he brings some of the manuals (really more of a reminder for students learning the techniques than a guide to learning them) we don't stock them at our school as ppl are too cheap to pay like $20 bucks canadian for like 200 pages (high quality) anyways i'd better wrap this post up i've started to ramble
dmdfromhamilton said:
It refers to the philososphy and principles not the art itself

OK, it's so funny I got to start to reply...
It's obviously offshot of KSW, its roots goes back to Daito ryu, Ship Pal Gwe and some native Korean techniques. So nothing new among HKD-KSW-HRD schools and anybody claiming to have tachniques 1000 or more y-o is just talking BS.
What philosophy are You exactly talking about? Can You describe principles?
Not that I'm any real fan of Kuk Sool Won, Hap Ki Do, or Hwa Rang Do (since, in my opinion, thaey are all pretty much the same), but the "history" detailed on the DMD website sounds almost word for word exactly like the history detailed by the three above. Right down to HS Lee claiming to have studied "royal court", "family", and "Buddhist" martial arts.
And yes, it is possible that 60-100 years from now, DMD will be the next big thing. But I doubt it. Who's heard of it now?
Philisophical aspects as in the nonphysical side of the art. I am not sure of many of the details of this philsophy as it is not studied to black belt. however my instructor ocsionaly mentions he is studying the philosophy. And principles are used in the MichiganTKD Yes i agree they are all very similar. And yes i agree that the histories are nearly the same mayby because they are almost the same in real life. With no disrespect to the founders and i doubt any will admit it, i suspect they studied together for alot of the time not seperately and learned mostly the same stuff. And just put their own spin on it.
But the bottom line is if you are happy practicing where you are at, regardless of the real or imagined credentials and history of the style, then have at it. That is the most important thing-do you enjoy what you do?
MichiganTKD said:
I find it interesting that HS Lee assumes 9th Dan in the style/organization he founded. In order to achieve rank, whatever that rank is, someone had to recommend you. Did he recommend himself?
And no, legitimate style founders do NOT give themselves high rank in their arts or organizations. They organize and teach their style, but do not proclaim themselves 9th Dan or whatever in it. Ueshiba did not; Choi did not; Kano did not. They simply go on whatever rank they attained in the arts they came from. It is unseemly and crass (my opinion) to proclaim yourself 9th or 10th Dan in an art or organization you founded. Head or Senior Instructor is sufficient.
And I'm not singling out DMD. Many other arts and organizations are guilty of the same thing.
Here here, bravo! 9th Dan Mmmm perhaps after 40-50 years, 10th Dan-Huh?:rolleyes: