I read that article but know the man who was interviewed also. As a person who seems so interested in accuracy -- let me start with the obvious...its 'Vasilieve', not 'Vasilov'.
Next, if I am correct -- you are of the bu-jin I have a small but enjoyable experience with. Sir, I must ask - Do you really believe all that the venerable M. Hatsumi has stated as 'historical fact' about this art? (I appologize if I am incorrect in my statement about your bujin affiliation). Some of the great teacher and friend I know as 'Hatsumi - san' is verafiable...but then again, some is not. To me - that does not matter. What really matters to me, as a pragmatic student of the way - is the fact that he was able to suddenly deal with an untelegraphed straight right sucker punch (thrown full force as he was talking to Taro Yoshikawa, by myself - a multiple B.Belt holder in his late 20's, back then -- (82, Ohio - I think) --) and toss all 170 (then) lbs of me into the air without missing a word of his converstaion.
ONLY ONE OTHER EXPONENT OF ANY MARTIAL SYSTEM HAS EVER DONE SO TO ME! (Though I am no longer as brash as I was then...nor as egotistically stupid).
And that 'one' was Valdimir VASILIEVE.
And he, like Hatsumi-san; is entitled to his recounting of history...regardless of the 'hard facts' that may be lacking -- at least to me.
That mentioned article contained some points I might not agree with -- and guess what? Vlad, nor Michail; require that I kowtow and agree with them. I am free to make up my own mind. As I am free also to allow them this freedom.
I do not believe in the story that 'tengu' taught Uyeshiba the art of Aikido sword -- nor do I believe that any tattooed talisman of an arnisador insures his safety in combat. I do not believe either that any Ba-Gua system was passed on by any of the Taoist immortals....nor do I believe that by being a member of the ROC grants any special insight into the essence of 'the work' of Systema.
History - a wonderful subject. Claimed martial arts history is always much less important than the pragmatic real world skill any art seeks to deliver to any student. Though quoting B. Lee is often the bane of a supossedly 'experienced' martial way-ist - "The living and creating individual is always more important than any estabished style" -- and that goes for any claimed 'history' as well. Mandalas are nice - informative, pretty - but the understanding of them is far less important, to me; than what any exponent can actually do when faced with a violent attack.
Only if the given methodology can get the exponent safely home each evening - can that person spend the time debating the verifyable facts of history. Nin-po, by my experience (like JKD, Savate, Muay Thai, Moo Duk Kwan, Wing Chun, Shoto Kan -- and a few others personally studied) - can get one home safely. I choose to leave the unverifyable to the debating historians -- and dont concern myself with if a nun name Mg Mui was inspired to create Wing Chun by a dream.
There, we can play the role of 'historian' and debate until all the candles burn out.
Ultimately, for me - it is all about getting home -- and the history of the road that I use is not all that important. All that road needs is to be solid and usefull...and The System is such a 'way' for this writer.
I have said all I presently care to add -- I will leave it to the historians now, and will enjoy any debate they call up amongst themselves.
May it be well with you, my friends...This one is home.