Fights are won by fighters not styles. Just because the movement Lomanchenko uses is in boxing that doesn't make every fighter Lomanchenko.
This is why I think the idea of defining whether or not a style works based on winning fights as ludicrous: there will never be a big enough sample studied to draw any conclusions about a win. The winner, whichever style, may just be the better fighter, have better reactions etc.
To my mind the style works if the person fighting isn't making objectively tactically silly mistakes and can mount offence and defence that require skill to beat.
Note this means that the winners style can still fail to "work", though it is less likely.
Also the keen eyed of you will have spotted that anyone appropriately trained in the non style specific core skills I've mentioned should be successful under the above criteria.
That's because any style can work if you train it right.
Lastly, here's a guy trained in the manner I suggest using wing chun to win a boxing match: