Another muscle torn

I further hi-jack this thread.

JowGaWolf suggested static weight exercise. It is HARD. I do everything in that today, I did pushup like with NO WEIGHT jacket, just feet on the chair. I half way down and hold 1min, OK for the first set, not so OK on the second. I had to do level pushup on the 3rd and 4th. I did pull down also. I made it 1min the first two, only 40sec on the last two!!! I am not done yet, just using here as a excuse to rest.
I further hi-jack this thread.

JowGaWolf suggested static weight exercise. It is HARD. I do everything in that today, I did pushup like with NO WEIGHT jacket, just feet on the chair. I half way down and hold 1min, OK for the first set, not so OK on the second. I had to do level pushup on the 3rd and 4th. I did pull down also. I made it 1min the first two, only 40sec on the last two!!! I am not done yet, just using here as a excuse to rest.
Yep. It's a lot harder than what it first seems. The muscles burn out really quickly. A 30 second hold may be a good place to start and then build up from there. This will allow you to get 3 rounds at the same amount of time. For the static hold you want to be consistent with each round. The first round will always be your strongest so don't be fooled by that. The second round is more accurate to where you should set the starting time as.
Yep. It's a lot harder than what it first seems. The muscles burn out really quickly. A 30 second hold may be a good place to start and then build up from there. This will allow you to get 3 rounds at the same amount of time. For the static hold you want to be consistent with each round. The first round will always be your strongest so don't be fooled by that. The second round is more accurate to where you should set the starting time as.
For 30sec, I have to wear a lighter weight jacket. The first 30sec is easy, it's the last 30sec that kills. For pushups, even the first set of 1min is not hard, it's the second one that was hard. Then I went to normal pushup position for the last two sets.

I do believe in dropping weights on later sets, always push to the limit, drop weight as the muscle is tired.

Ha ha, you are the trouble maker!!! 😂

You keep coming up with BAD ideas!!! I keep wanting to try them. I think I injured my back from kicking front kick with the heel. NOW, I AM NOT BLAMING YOU. I was excited and over did it myself. It's my fault. Now I am back to kicking slowly, barely touching the bag just to work through and warm up the back.

I am making appointment to see a doctor, but it's funny this time, none of the weight/resistance exercise help at all. Just doing the punching and kicking in slow motion, even stick fight helps. Walk in low horse stance also helps. It seems like this needs active motion exercise to tame the pain. Strange.
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You keep coming up with BAD ideas!!! I keep wanting to try them. I think I injured my back from kicking front kick with the heel. NOW, I AM NOT BLAMING YOU. I was excited and over did it myself. It's my fault. Now I am back to kicking slowly, barely touching the bag just to work through and warm up the back.
ha ha ha ha.. First of all my ideas are awesome

Second. You just have to learn to start slow and to ease into the exercises. You went from not doing these things to doing them, and then you went to the max with them. lol. The exercises are easy to do so long as you don't go over board. Listen to your body.

I have to wear a lighter weight jacket.
I was going to buy a weight vest but I have a history of back injuries and having a weight vest would put weight on my spine.

Now I am back to kicking slowly, barely touching the bag just to work through and warm up the back.

I am making appointment to see a doctor, but it's funny this time, none of the weight/resistance exercise help at all. Just doing the punching and kicking in slow motion, even stick fight helps. Walk in low horse stance also helps. It seems like this needs active motion exercise to tame the pain. Strange.
If you got a back injury then it's best to just rest allow your body to heal now so it won't take longer to heal. Punching and Kicking in slow motion builds up stabilizing muscles. Which is why Tai chi is often prescribed to senior citizens. Most people don't strengthen their stabilizing muscles as a result they will end up with mobility problems later on as they become less active.

Golden Rooster stands on one leg is good for working on stabilizers.

I personally think it's better than this one. This works too, but there's less movement and as a result less effort is needed to stabilize.

But seriously ease off the exercises and give your body some rest.
ha ha ha ha.. First of all my ideas are awesome

Second. You just have to learn to start slow and to ease into the exercises. You went from not doing these things to doing them, and then you went to the max with them. lol. The exercises are easy to do so long as you don't go over board. Listen to your body.

I was going to buy a weight vest but I have a history of back injuries and having a weight vest would put weight on my spine.

If you got a back injury then it's best to just rest allow your body to heal now so it won't take longer to heal. Punching and Kicking in slow motion builds up stabilizing muscles. Which is why Tai chi is often prescribed to senior citizens. Most people don't strengthen their stabilizing muscles as a result they will end up with mobility problems later on as they become less active.

Golden Rooster stands on one leg is good for working on stabilizers.

I personally think it's better than this one. This works too, but there's less movement and as a result less effort is needed to stabilize.

But seriously ease off the exercises and give your body some rest.
Ha ha, they are bad ideas!!! It's just I have to keep trying them!!! 😂

Seriously, I am glad you suggested things, I always like to change. Starting out with doing it slow motion punching. I never realize how much I lost through the years, had to start over again.

Then the static weight training. My exercise is getting stale, it's like no matter how good the training method, you get your gain after a while and the benefit stops. You have to stir it up periodically, change up the exercise to get more gain. The static exercise really burn. I am going to mix it in.

I find weight jacket very useful. I have 2, one is 25lbs, the other is 50lbs. I wear two. You use different weight for different exercise. If you do carpentry or construction stuffs, you can use nuts and bolts that you already have as weight. That saves a lot of money. I stuffed mine with 1/2" nuts and bolts. I even use foundation bolts also. It's expensive to buy ball bearings.
My guess is that your biggest challenge is resisting the temptation to train. But I'm glad you are going to see the doctor though. It'll be a good vacation for your body to repair some of the other less serious stuff.

I don't want to answer you in the other thread on sparring with the MMA guy, that's getting exciting. Don't want to disturb that thread.

Yes, it's hard for me to take it easy on exercise. I have the heart, just no body. The body crapped out on me, just don't have the good genes for physical exercise. I have to force myself now to slow down to avoid making the back worst like back in the 80s. I was trying to ignore the pain and kept going that time. That was a really bad idea.

It's not easy to see a back specialist. It's stupid that they won't see me until I have the DVD of the MRI test with me. I have to go to my primary care doctor to get the slip to get the MRI. I tries a few places, all said the same thing. The only way to get around that is just go to the emergency and they will give me a MRI...............waiting for a few hours there and pay a lot of money.( even with insurance and Medicare). Imagine someone that doesn't have good insurance. Even my primary care doctor told me today that we might have problem with the insurance.

My doctor is going to send in the prescription of MRI to the imagining place, but he warned me that we might have problem with coverage approval. The imagining place is wise, they want to get the slip from the doctor, submit to the insurance company to get approval before doing the MRI for me!!! I have a suspicion it's going to take a few days to resolve that if it can be resolved.

After getting the MRI, then I can call the specialist!!! It's going to be a while. Sometimes, it might be more efficient to just go to the emergency and let them handle it all!!!

When talking to the primary doctor, he suggested me to take Advil or some anti-inflammatory medication. Why didn't I think about that!!! I never take pain killer for pain!!! I took one, that seems to help right now!!! We'll see. Somehow, I just never took pain killers before!!!
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It's not easy to see a back specialist. It's stupid that they won't see me until I have the DVD of the MRI test with me.
No, it's not. The MRI is needed because that is THE tool for starting a workup of this sort. If you did go to the office, what are they going to do? They're going to say "go get an MRI and then come see us again". Which is a waste of time for all concerned.
The only way to get around that is just go to the emergency and they will give me a MRI...............waiting for a few hours there and pay a lot of money.( even with insurance and Medicare).
It's very doubtful that you would get an MRI in the ER. Let me assure you I've seen a billion people come in with the exact same complaint as you.
Why will you be waiting for hours? Because your reason for coming to the EMERGENCY room is not an EMERGENCY. Why won't they do your MRI? Because it's not an EMERGENCY.
One of the reasons ER's all over the country are so backed up is people that don't understand that EMERGENCY is not a synonym for convenience.
Imagine someone that doesn't have good insurance. Even my primary care doctor told me today that we might have problem with the insurance.
Possible. Insurance companies are not about keeping you healthy. They're about profits.
My doctor is going to send in the prescription of MRI to the imagining place, but he warned me that we might have problem with coverage approval. The imagining place is wise, they want to get the slip from the doctor, submit to the insurance company to get approval before doing the MRI for me!!! I have a suspicion it's going to take a few days to resolve that if it can be resolved.
That's not a matter of wisdom, it's a matter of fact. Non-emergent procedure have to be pre-approved.
After getting the MRI, then I can call the specialist!!! It's going to be a while. Sometimes, it might be more efficient to just go to the emergency and let them handle it all!!!
No, it wouldn't. Because the EMERGENCY room is not there to deal with your non-emergent issues. They will do enough of an evaluation to ensure that you do not have an EMERGENCY condition that requires EMERGENCY treatment, and then discharge you. With instructions to follow up with your PCP to get an MRI. Another giant waste of time and money.
When talking to the primary doctor, he suggested me to take Advil or some anti-inflammatory medication. Why didn't I think about that!!!
Because the world (and waiting rooms) is full of people who don't.
I never take pain killer for pain!!!
Why not?
I took one, that seems to help right now!!!
One? Of what? The normal dose of most anti-inflammatory meds sold in the US is 2 or more.
The only way to get around that is just go to the emergency and they will give me a MRI...............waiting for a few hours there and pay a lot of money.( even with insurance and Medicare). Imagine someone that doesn't have good insurance.
yeah the emergency room is really expensive and insurance companies don't always cover it.

When talking to the primary doctor, he suggested me to take Advil or some anti-inflammatory medication. Why didn't I think about that!!!
ha ha ha.. that's too funny. I'm quick to take Advil especially when it comes to my back but the thing is. The Advil hides the injury. When you don't feel the pain, you think everything is fine but the injury is still there. I have to remind myself not to train and that I'm still injured even if I don't feel the pain. For the most part I rather feel the pain on the less serious injuries because it helps me to monitor my injury better. But with back pain I'm on it lol. I took some last night before going to the gym because I wasn't sure if the new exercises were going to injure my back so I took some as a precaution.

So far so good. I woke up feeling good and my back feels more stable and stronger, but I'm really not going to know until later on today when I get back in the gym and I do the exercises without taking Advil before hand. Because one of the exercises is for the back. I want to make sure that I don't screw up my back.
yeah the emergency room is really expensive and insurance companies don't always cover it.

ha ha ha.. that's too funny. I'm quick to take Advil especially when it comes to my back but the thing is. The Advil hides the injury. When you don't feel the pain, you think everything is fine but the injury is still there. I have to remind myself not to train and that I'm still injured even if I don't feel the pain. For the most part I rather feel the pain on the less serious injuries because it helps me to monitor my injury better. But with back pain I'm on it lol. I took some last night before going to the gym because I wasn't sure if the new exercises were going to injure my back so I took some as a precaution.

So far so good. I woke up feeling good and my back feels more stable and stronger, but I'm really not going to know until later on today when I get back in the gym and I do the exercises without taking Advil before hand. Because one of the exercises is for the back. I want to make sure that I don't screw up my back.
That's is EXACTLY what I have been afraid of. That's why I just never took those pain killers. This time, it has to be an exception, not for exercise..................BUT to survive going #2 in the bathroom!!! :banghead: :(
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That's is EXACTLY what I have been afraid of. That's why I just never took those pain killers. This time, it has to be an exception, not for exercise..................BUT to survive going #2 in the bathroom!!! :banghead: :(
Do you know what we call people who complain of pain but have not done anything to treat it themselves before they come in?
yeah the emergency room is really expensive and insurance companies don't always cover it.

ha ha ha.. that's too funny. I'm quick to take Advil especially when it comes to my back but the thing is. The Advil hides the injury. When you don't feel the pain, you think everything is fine but the injury is still there. I have to remind myself not to train and that I'm still injured even if I don't feel the pain. For the most part I rather feel the pain on the less serious injuries because it helps me to monitor my injury better. But with back pain I'm on it lol. I took some last night before going to the gym because I wasn't sure if the new exercises were going to injure my back so I took some as a precaution.

So far so good. I woke up feeling good and my back feels more stable and stronger, but I'm really not going to know until later on today when I get back in the gym and I do the exercises without taking Advil before hand. Because one of the exercises is for the back. I want to make sure that I don't screw up my back.
I don't want to answer you in the other thread on sparring with the MMA guy, that's getting exciting. Don't want to disturb that thread.

Yes, it's hard for me to take it easy on exercise. I have the heart, just no body. The body crapped out on me, just don't have the good genes for physical exercise. I have to force myself now to slow down to avoid making the back worst like back in the 80s. I was trying to ignore the pain and kept going that time. That was a really bad idea.

It's not easy to see a back specialist. It's stupid that they won't see me until I have the DVD of the MRI test with me. I have to go to my primary care doctor to get the slip to get the MRI. I tries a few places, all said the same thing. The only way to get around that is just go to the emergency and they will give me a MRI...............waiting for a few hours there and pay a lot of money.( even with insurance and Medicare). Imagine someone that doesn't have good insurance. Even my primary care doctor told me today that we might have problem with the insurance.

My doctor is going to send in the prescription of MRI to the imagining place, but he warned me that we might have problem with coverage approval. The imagining place is wise, they want to get the slip from the doctor, submit to the insurance company to get approval before doing the MRI for me!!! I have a suspicion it's going to take a few days to resolve that if it can be resolved.

After getting the MRI, then I can call the specialist!!! It's going to be a while. Sometimes, it might be more efficient to just go to the emergency and let them handle it all!!!

When talking to the primary doctor, he suggested me to take Advil or some anti-inflammatory medication. Why didn't I think about that!!! I never take pain killer for pain!!! I took one, that seems to help right now!!! We'll see. Somehow, I just never took pain killers before!!!
Hey Guys,

Back issues are not a joke, this we all know. If you have back pain or back issues, it is best to have it checked out by a professional before deciding on a course of action.

I used to have back pain as well about 5 years ago. My issues stemmed mostly from 'over training' which is what I thought as they mostly occurred when I pushed myself physically. I eventually encountered an osteopath (one of many professionals to work on my issue). She was a wonder and was always able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. She also prescribed ice and ibuprofen in between visits, if I needed them. One day, after walking in like a hunched over old man who pooped his pants, she said she would be able to get me going again but my problem will continue to reoccur until I made my core stronger.

After taking her advice seriously, I added more core workouts to my regimen and I am happy to report that I haven't had a back issue in about 5 years. The added core workouts may not be exciting or impressive to most people but I found a new lease on life especially when it comes to MA and sports in general.

Long story short, when your backs are healthy again, try adding more core workouts to your routine. You may find that your overall strength improve as well. Good luck.
Hey Guys,

Back issues are not a joke, this we all know. If you have back pain or back issues, it is best to have it checked out by a professional before deciding on a course of action.

I used to have back pain as well about 5 years ago. My issues stemmed mostly from 'over training' which is what I thought as they mostly occurred when I pushed myself physically. I eventually encountered an osteopath (one of many professionals to work on my issue). She was a wonder and was always able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. She also prescribed ice and ibuprofen in between visits, if I needed them. One day, after walking in like a hunched over old man who pooped his pants, she said she would be able to get me going again but my problem will continue to reoccur until I made my core stronger.

After taking her advice seriously, I added more core workouts to my regimen and I am happy to report that I haven't had a back issue in about 5 years. The added core workouts may not be exciting or impressive to most people but I found a new lease on life especially when it comes to MA and sports in general.

Long story short, when your backs are healthy again, try adding more core workouts to your routine. You may find that your overall strength improve as well. Good luck.
I do more core now so my spine doesn't carry all of the load. I've definitely have seen improvements. Losing part of my gut makes a difference as well and I can see the change in my posture.
Hey Guys,

Back issues are not a joke, this we all know. If you have back pain or back issues, it is best to have it checked out by a professional before deciding on a course of action.

I used to have back pain as well about 5 years ago. My issues stemmed mostly from 'over training' which is what I thought as they mostly occurred when I pushed myself physically. I eventually encountered an osteopath (one of many professionals to work on my issue). She was a wonder and was always able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. She also prescribed ice and ibuprofen in between visits, if I needed them. One day, after walking in like a hunched over old man who pooped his pants, she said she would be able to get me going again but my problem will continue to reoccur until I made my core stronger.

After taking her advice seriously, I added more core workouts to my regimen and I am happy to report that I haven't had a back issue in about 5 years. The added core workouts may not be exciting or impressive to most people but I found a new lease on life especially when it comes to MA and sports in general.

Long story short, when your backs are healthy again, try adding more core workouts to your routine. You may find that your overall strength improve as well. Good luck.
I actually do a lot of core exercise. I have chronic back problem, back in the 80s, they put me on rehab with weight, that did miracle. I since been doing weight training all these years to keep my back in check and have very good luck. Even till now, I spend 50% of my training in weight training.

I upped my exercise since early last year to like 7hrs a week, On top of weights, I do situps, bridge(arching the back when lying flat on the floor). 3 times a week, I do 30situps holding a 25lbs dumbbell on my chest with no support at the feet. I survived so far until last week.

I think I injured the back from doing front kick with the heel to chest level. The feel is very very different, actually the worst is when I push when I am on the toilet going #2. That's the worst, or else I would survive. It's very different, NONE of the core exercise and weight training helps at all. That's the scary part. The feel of the pain is very different, nothing like what I have before. Only thing that helps is going through the punching and kicking at slow speed and go through the motion. The one that particularly help is walking on a low stance just like karate wide stance with the front thigh almost horizontal and the back leg straight. Just keep walking with low stance for 7 1/2 minutes!!! Don't ask me why, it just is!!!

I actually feels a little better after two days of light exercise. But I am going to get the MRI and see.
I do more core now so my spine doesn't carry all of the load. I've definitely have seen improvements. Losing part of my gut makes a difference as well and I can see the change in my posture.
Yup, losing the gut takes a lot of strain off the spine. It has also added to my functional strength when lifting pretty much anything. At my peak I added 3 extra 2 hour workouts that were heavily core based. Life has gotten in the way of the extra training so I've backed off for the summer but I plan on getting back to it in the fall.
I actually do a lot of core exercise. I have chronic back problem, back in the 80s, they put me on rehab with weight, that did miracle. I since been doing weight training all these years to keep my back in check and have very good luck. Even till now, I spend 50% of my training in weight training.

I upped my exercise since early last year to like 7hrs a week, On top of weights, I do situps, bridge(arching the back when lying flat on the floor). 3 times a week, I do 30situps holding a 25lbs dumbbell on my chest with no support at the feet. I survived so far until last week.

I think I injured the back from doing front kick with the heel to chest level. The feel is very very different, actually the worst is when I push when I am on the toilet going #2. That's the worst, or else I would survive. It's very different, NONE of the core exercise and weight training helps at all. That's the scary part. The feel of the pain is very different, nothing like what I have before. Only thing that helps is going through the punching and kicking at slow speed and go through the motion. The one that particularly help is walking on a low stance just like karate wide stance with the front thigh almost horizontal and the back leg straight. Just keep walking with low stance for 7 1/2 minutes!!! Don't ask me why, it just is!!!

I actually feels a little better after two days of light exercise. But I am going to get the MRI and see.
You may want to look at your exercise program, Alan, especially if it hasn't changed in a long time. You don't need a lot of weight (or any) to do core workouts but you do need to work the core differently and with a good amount of variety to strengthen all your abs, not just the ones that are most affected by sit ups. Planks, leg lifts, crunches, Russian Twists….and the list goes on will all help. You may also want to strengthen the posterior chain as well.

The stance you are describing and the way you are moving sounds like you are stretching your psoas (although it is not the most efficient way to stretch that muscle ). If it is your psoas that is too tight, it can cause the issues you are describing but it is best to have it checked out by a professional to be sure.
You may want to look at your exercise program, Alan, especially if it hasn't changed in a long time. You don't need a lot of weight (or any) to do core workouts but you do need to work the core differently and with a good amount of variety to strengthen all your abs, not just the ones that are most affected by sit ups. Planks, leg lifts, crunches, Russian Twists….and the list goes on will all help. You may also want to strengthen the posterior chain as well.

The stance you are describing and the way you are moving sounds like you are stretching your psoas (although it is not the most efficient way to stretch that muscle ). If it is your psoas that is too tight, it can cause the issues you are describing but it is best to have it checked out by a professional to be sure.
Ha ha, I constantly change my exercise, THAT IS THE KEY!!! For injury recovery, I literally try any possible movement and static muscle tensing, then observe how it affect the pain. I always find specialized exercise for each injury......until this time. I am still searching. So far, the deep stance walking is the only one that helps the most.

I used to do situps 3 times a week, 30 each time holding a 25lbs dumbbell at the chest with no support at the feet. I cannot do that this time because it is very painful. So I do static lifting the feet(straight leg) about 5" off the floor and hold for at least 2mins for ab exercise. I don't do planks, it's too easy, easily 4 minutes without pushing. I do cat & dog, leg abduction and adduction.

I even change the weight resistance exercise, if I stay with one exercise, benefit will soon stop. Right now, I am doing a lot of static resistance exercise like doing pushup like with feet on the chair, but just go down half way and hold for 1minute, pull down with elastic band and hold the position for 1minute. Same as bicep curl with elastic band and hold at peak contraction for 1min. I constantly change to surprise my body.

Actually I do a lot of thinking in the morning lying in bed. Not just for exercise, but for everything else. Most of my design in engineering were in the bed in the morning. That's my brain storming session. I lie in bed and think of how cannot I change up my exercise to reduce pain and experiment them, keep the ones that works and forget the ones that doesn't. I never think going to PT prescribed by doctors work, they are so prescribed, never work for me. I always find my own exercise and change up every few months max. That's the key for recovery.

I still have not given up finding an exercise for this time yet, just takes time. I truly believe if I find the ONE, I can fix myself. I mainly want to get a MRI to make sure nothing is wrong, then I likely don't even follow up as there's nothing the doctor can do for me short of surgery.
Believe it or not, I am still waiting for approval from insurance company for the MRI. Those medical support staffs are so bad in the doctor's office it's not funny. Mistake after mistake, delay after delay. I am definitely getting better already. But I am going to get the MRI, they should have analysis report. I am going to read that and see what to do.

Also, those static weight training seems to make me stronger. Today, I wore my 25lbs weight jacket and did dips. I breezed through two sets of 15 without any issue. I am going to try adding another 10lbs next time. I know my best was 45lbs over 10 years ago. I might be getting that back!!!
Believe it or not, I am still waiting for approval from insurance company for the MRI.
I fully believe that. Spent approximately 20 hours in a week arguing with an insurance company that someone who could not go an hour without drinking, and needed someone to watch her all day so she didn't drink, despite her desire to be sober, needed to go inpatient. The insurance companies argument was basically that because she was in her mid 20s, chose to come to rehab herself, and had not failed at rehab yet (this was her first time) that's enough of a sign that she's not an alcoholic. In the end, despite getting the director of my clinic, and his boss involved, escalating through at least 3 different doctors, they refused to approve her.

Over the weekend I found an independent sponsor for her. But otherwise her insurance would've refused service. I'd believe anything someone tells me about waiting/not getting approval at this point.
Believe it or not, I am still waiting for approval from insurance company for the MRI. Those medical support staffs are so bad in the doctor's office it's not funny. Mistake after mistake, delay after delay. I am definitely getting better already. But I am going to get the MRI, they should have analysis report. I am going to read that and see what to do.

Also, those static weight training seems to make me stronger. Today, I wore my 25lbs weight jacket and did dips. I breezed through two sets of 15 without any issue. I am going to try adding another 10lbs next time. I know my best was 45lbs over 10 years ago. I might be getting that back!!!
That said, I have hijacked your hijack. I think your decision here is a good one-wait for your results from the MRI. Don't just read it yourself though. Schedule an appointment with your dr, after the MRI, and talk to him then about your exercises in relation to the injury.
That said, I have hijacked your hijack. I think your decision here is a good one-wait for your results from the MRI. Don't just read it yourself though. Schedule an appointment with your dr, after the MRI, and talk to him then about your exercises in relation to the injury.
Ha ha, no, you are not hijacking my thread. I hijacked JowGaWolf's thread here!!!.

In the pass, whenever I took MRI, they have people analyze and wrote a report like which disk is a little bulging a little or what not. Apparently they have doctor in the lab looking at it.

It is really bad this time regarding the doctors. I called a few back surgeons, they ALL refused to see me until I have the MRI disk with me!!! That I have to go to my primary doctor and have him prescribe the MRI. But then my doctor told me that insurance might refuse to pay. It's like you need a specialist to prescribe the MRI, but they don't want to see you until you have the MRI result.

Now, it's a waiting game ready to fight with the insurance company if they reject the claim.

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