An interesting realistic read about M.A.

And let me add that in my opinion you should respect a black belt or any belt's skill level until they prove otherwise regardless of what style they are from.

I try to give them all the benefit of the doubt....I don't weight the styles differently.
it seems you got bored of attacking people with disabilities and now elected to attack karate and tkd as a whole.
You've just built this whole story of them being disabled, sold it to yourself, and now claim it as truth. Hopeless.
That is the point bjj do care,judo as well. And there is a lot of interaction between clubs.

So I turn up to Eddie bravos school with my WMA 4 stripe white belt. I had better be at that standard.
That is nice within the art. Though I'll admit it never bothers me to go somewhere my BB doesn't mean the same thing (or anything) to them. If I'm going somewhere my rank would cause confusion, and I'm not there as a guest instructor, I just put on the white belt I keep in my travel bag. I guess I've gotten used to that because my original rank was from an association without a lot of reach, so I got used to going places where they didn't know what my rank meant.
And let me add that in my opinion you should respect a black belt or any belt's skill level until they prove otherwise regardless of what style they are from.

I try to give them all the benefit of the doubt....I don't weight the styles differently.

I'm curious; What were your thoughts on the skill level of the Grandmaster of the school discussed in this thread? Do you think someone like that should be teaching people martial arts in such a fashion?

I'm curious; What were your thoughts on the skill level of the Grandmaster of the school discussed in this thread? Do you think someone like that should be teaching people martial arts in such a fashion?


Well after watching him I was not impressed

But he is free to do as he likes.....honestly the fact that people watching is impressed is baffling.

In the end, I judge him solely on his merits.....I don't use his or his school's lack of skill to judge other TKD practitioners and schools. Each MA and school should be judged on his or its own merits.
That is nice within the art. Though I'll admit it never bothers me to go somewhere my BB doesn't mean the same thing (or anything) to them. If I'm going somewhere my rank would cause confusion, and I'm not there as a guest instructor, I just put on the white belt I keep in my travel bag. I guess I've gotten used to that because my original rank was from an association without a lot of reach, so I got used to going places where they didn't know what my rank meant.

We get a lot of martial arts tourism. Whenever someone is in the area they will quite often drop in and do some training.

It is very comon with the bjjers.We get boxers kickboxers and mmaers as well. The karate club turns up from time to time.

Every bjjer who turns up with us just wears their respective belts. we pretty much roll every class. So it is a way of getting a guage on what other clubs are doing and what their standard is at.

That way we get to know the good clubs to drop in on if we are abroad.
it seems you got bored of attacking people with disabilities and now elected to attack karate and tkd as a whole.
He hasn't been attacking people with disabilities, you merely assumed a conclusion and are arguing against that.
I'm curious; What were your thoughts on the skill level of the Grandmaster of the school discussed in this thread? Do you think someone like that should be teaching people martial arts in such a fashion?


I know you didn't ask me, but I'm going to opine anyway. I train various Martial Arts for a long time, but I am, always have been, and always will be, a Karate man at core. I know martial arts are all different, I know Karate is all different, and I know those men pictured are all up there in years.

But that is awful crap, b.s. And if it is accepted as Karate, then it is the Emperer's New Clothes. And karate is doomed.
.....honestly the fact that people watching is impressed is baffling.

They don't know any different, none of us do until we start our training and start it under good instructors. The spectators may well only know martial arts from the media, they may not have been exposed to any other styles or classes so when they see what the students are doing and the instructor is praising them what else can they do or be impressed?
Thee was a comment earlier, I can't remember who made it and I don't have time to look back, that stupid people train in dojos, well, no they don't. Inexperienced people without knowledge of martial arts train in them. don't blame the students blame the instructors, always. There are no bad students only bad instructors is the time honoured saying and it's true.
where he refered to the disabled as retards, for one
That was not an attack, he was mentioning what the 'un-PC' term for people with mental disabilities. He mentioned that only after you had stated that you believed they moved they way they do because they had disabilities.
That was not an attack, he was mentioning what the 'un-PC' term for people with mental disabilities. He mentioned that only after you had stated that you believed they moved they way they do because they had disabilities.
calling them retards, isn't attacking them?
calling them retards, isn't attacking them?

This will be a first, people. I hope it's taken with the gravity with which I offer this defence BUT no he didn't call them retards, in fact the whole thing only came up because you decided they were special needs ( the UK PC term), no one said or thought anything about it until you mentioned it.
I don't think they are special needs I think they are willing students with a bad instructor who while he may believe genuinely he's doing a good job, isn't. Perhaps he too had a bad instructor, who knows.

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