Originally posted by akja
Where did all that come from??
10 years ago, the Brazilians came to America and made a statement, that statement was that the standup arts needed to learn to grapple.
We've done that!
Now you are saying the arts should be separate. Does not make sense at all. What does make sense is for the arts to evolve! It is common sense to perfect your art and if covering all ranges is what it takes, then so be it.
Also the last 10 years has created many new schools. These schools are the ones that represent the fighters of the UFC, Pride and all the others. These fighters most definately do not come from any other source. And if they did, then they transitioned into a "new school" to learn to fight for that arena.
There is a GREAT difference training A stand up AND a grapple ma, instead of doing a MA that trains everything.
The main problem of this is that all guys youll spar will be the best in standing fight cause they only pratice that, so youll learn alot better that standing martial art cause that, the way happens to ground training, and the same not will happen to guys that mix their training with a lot of things.
Thats why mixing up all martial arts in one will not let you become a good fighter. Many MMA fighters dunno train these ma mixed, they train mainly, THAI, KICKBOXING, BJJ and Wrestling. They train Vale Tudo too, but this is just focusing on MMA champs, they do things like transition ground\standing, standing\ground, simulation of Octagon (in UFC case), besides refining their techniques, but remember most of them are all black belts or almost there, so they got to top in their ma, so they can teach these arts.
My comment is not for guys who mastered one standing type of ma and some of ground, its for the guys who wants to become a good fighter and get to top, unfortunatly thats how it works, of course will be a lot easier if praticing a ma that has all ma on it let you become that good fighter, but i doesnt.
To finish this post, i agree with akja, training things that are not usefull is a waste of our precious time, if youll train, train something that will help you.
Use what is useful, reject what is useless and add what is specifically your own!