My second post here and I jump into a politic thread!
It really amazes me how seemingly smart and otherwise "normal" people can fall for the leftist/communist trap. I guess they did a good job when they infitrated our schools and univerisities.
I can understand some third world person, not educated, living in a cardboard hut, eating beatles, and then someone hands them an AK47 and says "let's kill that guy in the big house and redistribute his wealth to everyone." Sure sounds good in the beginning. What the Univerisity PhD's do not realize is, once "the people" are in control, they kill the educated ones first. Cambodia is a good example. After all, they do not want those teachers stirring up trouble like they had been.
It all falls back to "liberal guilt" and the ego feeding. Leftist all have this personal belief that somehow they are more "moral" than everyone else because they "care" about the little people. So that way they can talk down to people that do not agree with them, and act like everyone else is stupid. It's also an easy cop-out for their own failures. "It's not my fault, the evil imperialistic/capitalistic/government/corporation/etc. caused this!"
It's really sad. The poorest of the poor in the USA have a better standard of living than most of the world's middle class. Our middle class is rich compared to the rest of the world. Our rich are richer than kings in other countries.
Most of you communists keep harping on "wealth" like everyone in the USA is having a race for wealth and stepping on each other to get there. That is so far from the truth it isn't even funny. The majority of people strive for a good standard of living to raise a family. They do not strive to be the next Bill Gates. They just want to be able to live decent, raise children, have fun, live a long life, die peacefully, and leave a little something for their kids. There is no other place in the world where this is as easy to do than the USA, right now.
It really amazes me how seemingly smart and otherwise "normal" people can fall for the leftist/communist trap. I guess they did a good job when they infitrated our schools and univerisities.
I can understand some third world person, not educated, living in a cardboard hut, eating beatles, and then someone hands them an AK47 and says "let's kill that guy in the big house and redistribute his wealth to everyone." Sure sounds good in the beginning. What the Univerisity PhD's do not realize is, once "the people" are in control, they kill the educated ones first. Cambodia is a good example. After all, they do not want those teachers stirring up trouble like they had been.
It all falls back to "liberal guilt" and the ego feeding. Leftist all have this personal belief that somehow they are more "moral" than everyone else because they "care" about the little people. So that way they can talk down to people that do not agree with them, and act like everyone else is stupid. It's also an easy cop-out for their own failures. "It's not my fault, the evil imperialistic/capitalistic/government/corporation/etc. caused this!"
It's really sad. The poorest of the poor in the USA have a better standard of living than most of the world's middle class. Our middle class is rich compared to the rest of the world. Our rich are richer than kings in other countries.
Most of you communists keep harping on "wealth" like everyone in the USA is having a race for wealth and stepping on each other to get there. That is so far from the truth it isn't even funny. The majority of people strive for a good standard of living to raise a family. They do not strive to be the next Bill Gates. They just want to be able to live decent, raise children, have fun, live a long life, die peacefully, and leave a little something for their kids. There is no other place in the world where this is as easy to do than the USA, right now.