rmcrobertson said:
I see. SO--
1. Threatened starvation is in no way coercive; neither is moral opprobrium, subsequent to lifelong indoctrination in the joys of work.
I am going to stop you right there and deal with just this for it seems to be the center around what I hear a lot of arguing going on. It seems that you are not rallying against a way that people interact to exchange goods and services, but against nature and reality itself.
So, how did these companies break in and steal the food that the future employees were dependent on? How did they threaten to starve people if they do not do what they want?
When I said that capitalism is the most moral system invented, I said so because it is the only system where
nobody can
force another to employ them, buy their stuff, selll them stuff or make someone work for them. By "nobody" I mean
human beings, either one or a group. And by "force" I mean by means of physical coercian and/or violence.
Now, if you do not work, you starve. But who is to blame for that? What person is to blame for the state of affairs that requires you to have food, shelter, medicine, etc? It is not a person or group that did that- it is nature. Naughty, naughty nature! Evil reality! We should pass a law requiring all human beings to be born without the need for food, water, shelter, etc. And until we achieve that, the best system is capitalism.
Now, having been born that nasty nature with the need for food, we have to get it somehow. Under capitalism, you do not have to work under anyone if you do not want. You have a choice. If there is no job you are willing to do or can do, how is that anyone else's fault?
Oh, and I think I should point out that under capitalism you can not only produce wealth, you can also give it away to those who you feel need it. No one is forcing you not to give to charity. "Charity begins at home" and I think it would be a great place to start if the people who want those richer than them to give to those with less (which includes them) they shoudl start by cutting back on their own consumption and giving their wealth to people less fortunate.
Whether you are talking about facism or communism, the goverments that have the most lofty talk about helping everyone and the force to take something from one and give it to another has ended up as brutal dictatorships that have killed millions of their own people. The concept itself is unsound. Controlling people instead of merely preventing them from being harmed by others is at it's core evil and has never had a good end. The Soviet Union gave us the word "gulag". It was a heck of a lot worse for the enviroment than the US ever was. And they got away with it because so many people believed that helping the whole of humanity justified all the little sins tha quickly multiplied and grew.