Alternative To Evolution?

Chicago Tribune said:
It is important to many creationists that man and dinosaur lived simultaneously because they believe there was no death in the world until Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. If the Genesis story is false, they say, then there would be no need for Jesus Christ to redeem the sins of the world.

Um, can you say allegory?? Geez. :rolleyes:

I mean, fer crissakes, the philosophical notion that we are living in a "fallen" or "descended" state is hardly a novelty of Christianity. This is essentially the same understanding in the Buddhist samsara and the Hindu maya, among others. Even Christianity by and large derives its "fallen" terminology and metaphysics from the writings of Plato (who famously proclaimed the body to be a "tomb of the soul" and formulated the Allegory of the Cave).

Yet, none of these philosophies has to resort to non-historical fantasies and mythologies to support its philosophical framework. Christianity (or, at least certain varieties of it) is unique in this regard.

Chicago Tribune said:
Thus, at the Museum of Earth History, Genesis dictates gentle, vegetarian dinosaurs sharing Eden with Adam and Eve [...]

I'm suddenly reminded of the comments of The Daily Show's Lewis Black (and I'm paraphrasing here)...

Yes, because those rows of eighty 7-inch daggers in their mouths would have been of enormous help in hunting down and killing the most elusive prey of them all: plants!


Chicago Tribune said:
"Another exhibit confirms that dinosaurs, like all land creatures created on Day 6, were on Noah's Ark. The exhibit maintains that the ark could accommodate them because it was huge--450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high--and only smaller, adolescent dinosaurs were put on board.

Is there actually any Biblical reference to dinosaurs in Noah's ark?? And, if so, is there any reference to them only being adolescents??

I mean, it just amazes me the elaborate qualifiers and justifications these guys cook up to make their mythological fantasies "fit in" with real life...

Chicago Tribune said:
"Such literal interpretation is essential, Sharp said, because "if we lose Genesis as a legitimate scientific and historical explanation for man, then we lose the validity of Christianity. Period."

Yes, because apparently, Roman Catholicism and orthodox Judaism (both of whom do not regard Genesis as a literal account of history) have their own traditions dead wrong. :rolleyes:

Creationist Guy said:
I'm glad I haven't eaten anything yet today because I feel like throwing up.

Personally, I find it all more amusing than I do upsetting.

Ah yes Noah's ark... I should just walk away buuuut. The size of the ark is just to funny.
Gen 6 :15 "This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits."
A cubit is usually 1.5 feet I belive. Actually it's the length of your arm from elbow to finger tip but the standard conversion factor is 1.5 feet.
That means that the ship was about 450 feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet in height.
Now lets think for two seconds about this.

"And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them. "
So maybe Dinosaurs are also counted. 2 of every kind of them. After all it wouldn't be cramped in the least to have 2 of every knind as it is.

I thought that it was a a story but now after thinking about it suuuuure 2 of every kind of animal can fit into something that size as well as enough food for everything to eat for around half a year.
I'm done.
someguy said:
Ah yes Noah's ark... I should just walk away buuuut. The size of the ark is just to funny.
Gen 6 :15 "This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits."
A cubit is usually 1.5 feet I belive. Actually it's the length of your arm from elbow to finger tip but the standard conversion factor is 1.5 feet.
That means that the ship was about 450 feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet in height.
Now lets think for two seconds about this.

"And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them. "
So maybe Dinosaurs are also counted. 2 of every kind of them. After all it wouldn't be cramped in the least to have 2 of every knind as it is.

I thought that it was a a story but now after thinking about it suuuuure 2 of every kind of animal can fit into something that size as well as enough food for everything to eat for around half a year.
I'm done.

Ask a creationist for a definition of the word "kind" in scientific terms.

Be prepared to keep your face straight. It might catch you by surprise.
heretic888 said:
Is there actually any Biblical reference to dinosaurs in Noah's ark?? And, if so, is there any reference to them only being adolescents??
Would dinosaurs be "clean" or "unclean" beasts?
heretic888 said:
Yes, because those rows of eighty 7-inch daggers in their mouths would have been of enormous help in hunting down and killing the most elusive prey of them all: plants!
As a "believer" I see nothing in genesis that leads me to believe that dinosaurs needed to be vegitarians...if it was "deduced" because the fall brought death into the world, then eating plants would kill the plants. Unless, I suppose, they were "fruit"-arians;

Although the biblical account names the number of years that Adam was alive, I don't necessarily believe that a person who was immortal (until the fall) would have bothered counting. So why not six billion years or whatever before the fall.

I also don't necessarily believe in creation from nothing. I believe that the matter was already there and that it was "organized" so to speak into the earth.
heretic888 said:
I mean, it just amazes me the elaborate qualifiers and justifications these guys cook up to make their mythological fantasies "fit in" with real life...
Yeah. Ref my qualifiers and justifications [above] that justify my mythological fantasies.
Well actually I suppose if Noah was a giant then it could have worked. By giant I mean oh say 100 feet tall or so. Yup Noah was a giant. It has been decided.
Perhaps it's my fault for not being very clear on my position when I posted last. There seems to be some confusion, because Heretic quoted me and referred to me as 'Creationist Guy'

Originally Posted by Creationist Guy
I'm glad I haven't eaten anything yet today because I feel like throwing up.


Maybe I should have used the proper HTML tags [sarcasm][/sarcasm] or [mocking][/mocking] in my post; I am 100% NOT in favor of teaching any sort of creationism.

When I said I felt like throwing up, it was because of the notion of having a museum with a creationist theme, not because of any threat to christianity (which I care nothing about beyond wishing it would just go away).

Ray said:
Would dinosaurs be "clean" or "unclean" beasts?

What are you asking me for?

Ray said:
As a "believer" I see nothing in genesis that leads me to believe that dinosaurs needed to be vegitarians...

The problem is that, according to the Genesis account, nothing died until God evicted Adam and Eve from the Apartment of Paradise.

Ray said:
if it was "deduced" because the fall brought death into the world, then eating plants would kill the plants. Unless, I suppose, they were "fruit"-arians

They may very well argue that these creature were originally fruitarians.

On the other hand, it is far more likely that they will argue that plants aren't really "alive" in the Biblical sense and thus "don't count". Go figure.

Ray said:
Although the biblical account names the number of years that Adam was alive, I don't necessarily believe that a person who was immortal (until the fall) would have bothered counting. So why not six billion years or whatever before the fall.

Ummm.... maybe because anatomically modern homo sapiens have only been around for less than 100,000 years?? In fact, conservative estimates place it closer to 50,000 years, around the same time as the so-called 'cultural explosion'.

Ray said:
I also don't necessarily believe in creation from nothing. I believe that the matter was already there and that it was "organized" so to speak into the earth.

Depends, really. Are you referring to the origins of Earth or the origins of the physical universe??

Ray said:
Yeah. Ref my qualifiers and justifications [above] that justify my mythological fantasies.

Yes, I would say arguing that Adam could have lived for six million years because time would have been floppy to him would definately fall into the realm of justification.

Shizen Shigoku said:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, man. My bad.

In my defense, that 'Creationist Guy' bit was from an earlier draft of my post in which I copy-and-pasted that text for all my quotations. I must have not been paying attention when I composed the final part of the post.

heretic888 said:
What are you asking me for?
Because I thought you knew everything
heretic888 said:
The problem is that, according to the Genesis account, nothing died until God evicted Adam and Eve from the Apartment of Paradise.
I skimmed Genesis before posting the message that I saw nothing in the account that said everything was immortal; Maybe I should have read it closer but I did see that Adam & Eve were immortal until the fall.

heretic888 said:
Ummm.... maybe because anatomically modern homo sapiens have only been around for less than 100,000 years?? In fact, conservative estimates place it closer to 50,000 years, around the same time as the so-called 'cultural explosion'.
Okay, so maybe Adam was alive for 100K years...if you're immortal then why count?

heretic888 said:
Depends, really. Are you referring to the origins of Earth or the origins of the physical universe??
I'm referring to the origins of the earth.
heretic888 said:
Yes, I would say arguing that Adam could have lived for six million years because time would have been floppy to him would definately fall into the realm of justification.
Thank you. It's never a disappointment to read your opinion.

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