Al Farnsworth's White Dragon Kenpo

  • Thread starter Thread starter kempograppler
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Originally posted by kempograppler

Has anyone heard of Al Farnsworth's White Dragon Kenpo System?Does anyone wish to comment on it? they have a website at
White Dragon Kenpo is a system with about 15 different styles combined into one! It seems as though it would be a good system to learn! For myself though; the system borrows from too many different styles! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
I lived in Vegas and studied under Al for 3 years. I was his student when he initiated the White Dragon style. Al did use a combination of styles, yes. He was a 7th dan and held belts is several styles. I truly miss him. His death was very painful for me.
Adding to my previous comment, I found the entire training videos from white to black belts including katas, etc on ebay. I'm working through them now
I’ve read some pretty scolding reviews of that instructional series and of Al himself. Kind of an Al Kwon Do thing. Personally, I have absolutely no real life experience with WDK. If you got something positive out of it then more power to ya.

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