Anyone heard of this guy?

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To refer back to his books he has written a number of them under his name and the pseudonym John F Gilbey including that martial arts of the world book
I was just made aware of this post yesterday. So I figured that I would respond. I can not believe that people attack others like this. I know a handful of you guys on this forum so hello to you guys. Some of you have even taught at my FREE seminar that I hold once a year.
I have trained with many people through the years. People have come down to train with me from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Conecticut, Rhode Island, Texas, Massachusetts and more. I also will be having a guy from Florida coming up shortly, and a no holds bar fighter out of Massachusetts in October. All come up for free to share their knowledge. They have no ulterior motive but to spread their knowledge with others. These people truly love the arts and are void of any ego. Just as Sijo Robert "Dragon" Smith has done for me. He trained me on Saturdays for about 3 years I believe. He never asked for a penny from me. He saw someone with an open mind. What more can you say about him. His heart is in the right place. As far as rank goes he has showed me his certificates. But again I can print them out myself. So lets drop the question of rank. The real question is can this man teach me something. I have been around many instructors, and very well known respected instrucctors as well. This man has showed me more than they ever did. He is very knowledgable and talented. This man has also gained the respect of one of the better martial artists that I have ever met Douglas Betts. My friend Mr.Betts died living his dream. He was moving to Tenesse to build a martial arts training facility for people to sleep at and train. When the tractor he was using to clear the land tipped over and crushed him with two of his closest friends watching. Even one of the people on this post recognized him as an 8th Dan for his contribution upon his death. This meant alot to me personally. Again getting back to Dragon he could take techniques and make them better. When I do a presentation I show this technique that he showed me. He was also a great practitioner of nerve attacks both striking an rubbing. He also gave rank to another local high rank who was recognized for his founding Raven Kenpo. So also this man sat on my 3rd Degree Black belt test that went for 3 hours along with a 5 school panel for my 3rd degree promotion back in 2003. This man again asked me for nothing. Yes he was not well known, but he was very talented. He taught local cops back in the day as well. Some of you guys rip him apart for his weight. Uncalled for as it gets back to them. He unfortunately hit hard times and was wheel chair bound, lost his house, and had no home so he went through different homeless shelters. The last one is at at VA home in Boston. I use to call him about every two weeks, but he lost his cell phone. Rough times can hit anyone of us at anytime. His talent can not be taken away from him, and his knowledge can not be taken away from him even in a wheelchair. Again I wish the entire rank thing should be changed anyway. I think the number of years as a practicing blackbelt should be the measure of someone along with the statement of school owner, instructor, or student. I am a 6 year black belt who has had their own school since 2001. I taught out of my home for 3 years, and my own commercial studio for about 2 years now. If anyone of you on this forum would love to visit and share knowledge I would love that. Many have come from all over to do just this with me. To me knowledge is power not rank. I am a sponge this is why people come to see me. I am not the best martial artist around by far, but I am a great teacher keeping kids off of drugs, helping kids with grades, and so much more. I was a great bench presser back in my day, and armwrestler too. I am now 43 and in my 20's I weighed 198 pounds benching 475, and also winning the American Armwrestling Novice open classic on Evening Magazine TV. The heavy lifting took it's toll on my joints though. Anyway lets not take away from this man who gives freely his knowledge. He has been nothing but kind to me and a few people on this site. Also as far as him being a navy seal he does not brag about it at all. He put it on his webpage so people would know who he is and was. He did not get rich off of it or teaching martial arts. He suffered for his art giving to many around him. For this I salute him and all the other martial artists who are in it for all the right reasons..... Again if you would like to share knowledge please come see me. I will be moving to a new location in Rehoboth MA on December 1st. You are all invited to my grand reopening. Perhaps dinner afterwards......... I just felt I owed one of my instructor at least this....... I wish you all well. Kenpojoe hon suki I still need thanks for the dvd, sean thanks for coming down, board breaking seminar coming soon, Joe great to read your posts don't be a stranger, GM AC please visit my new school in Rehoboth when we reopen, thanks for coming to my first grand opening. I again thank all of my instructor past, present, and future.....
This is a weird thing. I just received a phone call concerning Robert Dragon Smith he is in a Hospital in Boston, and will have to be incubated most likely. I was asked to go visit him as he is not long for this earth. The doctor was asked will he get better, the doctor said no. I would like to thank those of you who have trashed him. You have made his life worth living. People have sent this man into a deep depression at times with stuff like this as he has not hurt anyone. I don't know what people get out of this. I will add more about the Dragon. I will also ask you a question? What makes a founder or a grandmaster? A founder is simple anyone can be that. A grandmaster or 10th Degree is a different matter though. Seeing that we all speak English here is the actual definition for GRANDMASTER: "a person at the highest level of ability or achievement in any field." Well since his diabetis he is not at the highest level of ability so anyone who is not at the highest level of ability should rip their rank off their belt according to posts that I read on other forums as once instructors get older they are mocked, and ridiculed. But the other definition makes more sense here meaning a person of the highest level of achievement in any field. Now this pertains to alot of people who put in the proper time, trained many, helped the community, developed their artform, and much more to the highest level of achievement. Now Dragon has been studying for over 30 years isn't this deserving of a high level of achievement? He was not a 10 year black belt calling himself a grandmaster or who took a video course. He talked about being a founder or sijo with me before. He personally told me that he didn't think people who just took pieces of one style and added it to stuff they learned and then call it Hong Kong Fuey Martial Arts should be called a founder. You see through his 30 plus years he has formulated a system that has been recognized by many as being a top notch system, or practitioner. Through self-discovery he has formulated his own techniques, forms, and more on his own. His system is not a system pieced together like many others with a few years of training. Now guys I understand that these self named grandmaster anger you, and I agree. But legitimate grandmasters as the Dragon don't deserve this either. Now let us also give credit where credit is due. Kenpojoe is a very well respected martial artist by many out here on the East coast, with a wealth of knowledge. Also Lawdog is another well respected grandmaster out here on the east coast. Also Kenposhaun is a great guy as well who taught at my last FREE seminar. There is alot of knowledge out here on the internet most of it good. Again I will hold a FREE seminar in August for all to come to share knowledge with. I want nothing in return from anyone just to increase my knowledge. I have had others offer to crossrank me in other systems. I have refused as this makes no sense. I stay true to my original kempo material learned from first black belt instructor, I have added things to it that I like along the way that make sense to me such as more jujitsu and chin na, stick and knife drills, and other blocking drills too, even some kicks that I like from another style. I am now getting into ground fighting more. Something that I lack in. Yes I can admit it. But a guy from Connecticut is coming down, and also one of the dads of my student is a no holds barred fighter with another local school who fights in the world fighting league out here in the west coast. The more I know the more I realize that I don't know nothing.... Just so you know I wear a unique black belt. It is black on one side and white on the other as even though I am a black belt I am forever a student........ There is to much to learn so for me I will never reach master level..... So much to say. If anyone wants to and you are in my area come spend the day with me see how my school runs, we can go out for breakfast then you can watch or teach my classes. Also for you military guys out there I partnered with two marines who teach tae kwon do and jujitsu. Our schools have done so much together. They got us into kickboxing, and board breaking. The best things that I have done for my students. Again maybe I should change my name on this forum to the "Bionic Mouth" Those of you who know me know I love to talk. LOL......... I wish you all well and healthy journey.....
Doug, I'm sure Sijo Smith would be touched by your replies. As you know, I've recently been working with Rebelo Sensei on Jujutsu, and he always cross references things to either Mr. German or Sijo Smith. While, sadly, I skipped out on the oppurtunities I had to train with him, I do know how many hearts and arts he heas affected. I, too, am following his health condition with Rebelo Sensei, and can only wish him the best, what he is going through is not easy. Now, that being said, I've worked with both you, Doug (MisterV) and weekly work with hall of fame Martial Arts instructor and historian, Joe Rebelo. If you two tell me that Sijo Smith was as good as he is, I know it to be true. But, sadly, there are people here who don't know, or haven't had the oppurtunity to train with either of you, so don't know how legitimate your praise is. Also, sadly, we SHOULD be skeptical about "grandmasters, Sijo's and Soke's" in this day and age, because almost everyone claims to be one. Heck, I'm getting "ripped a new one" (or so it feels, I could be wrong) about my Wado lineage over on, just because I don't know my full lineage, and took my former instructor's word that he had trained with one of the greatest Martial Artist's in the world. But I think through this thread, we have established that Sijo Smith knew what he was teaching, and deserved all the praise and accolades we give to him.
Any new news on the health of Sijo Smiths'?
It is a terrible thing to lose the those who have so much left to teach.
Ethier from passing away or just losing the will to teach.
For all of those out there questioning Sijo Smiths' claims, spend some time researcing instead of just assuming he is not legit. If you have a question go find the answer! Don't wait for it to come to you, you never know where it is coming from.
It is now 5:48PM EST. I just got news that Sijo Smith Died at 5:00PM EST.
For those of you who degraded him shame on you all. It does not speak well of your nature. He was a legit martial artist and a Navy man. Kenpo Joe is working on his funeral arrangements. This man hit hard times just like you or I can do in the blink of an eye. They are going to get the Navy or Vets to pay for his funeral. So if he wasn't a Navy man why would they do it for those of you who question him. Or better yet question him being a Navy Seal. Come to the wake and funeral and ask the Veterans yourself. He died at Boston Memorial Hospital. He showed me many things. If you question his legitimacy please in a freindly manner come see me at my school and I will show you what this man showed me. He made some of my stuff better. I use these simple demonstrations when doing seminars. This speaks of how much he knew. He also did pressure point fighting. Even at my school when a black belt threw a round house kick he caught it by stepping in, and he had a pen on him and shoved it in his sneaker and tweaked him in a nerve to severe pain. We were all hooked on what he knew. Again I will repy back more. I am aggrevated that people spen their time bashing others. If this makes you feel important then I fell bad for you. I will go now and train. This is where my time is best spent. I am not the best martial artist around but I keep kids off of drugs, help those kids who are arrested, help kids stay in school, council parents, kids, families, and so much more. This is what I do. Some of you here again know me, or heard of me. If you read this let tomorrow be a new day for us all as life is short, and Dragon Sijo Smith would want us all to do, treat each other with respect. He said this part of the martial arts has been missing for a long time. Rest in peace.
It is now 5:48PM EST. I just got news that Sijo Smith Died at 5:00PM EST.
For those of you who degraded him shame on you all. It does not speak well of your nature. He was a legit martial artist and a Navy man. Kenpo Joe is working on his funeral arrangements. This man hit hard times just like you or I can do in the blink of an eye. They are going to get the Navy or Vets to pay for his funeral. So if he wasn't a Navy man why would they do it for those of you who question him. Or better yet question him being a Navy Seal. Come to the wake and funeral and ask the Veterans yourself. He died at Boston Memorial Hospital. He showed me many things. If you question his legitimacy please in a freindly manner come see me at my school and I will show you what this man showed me. He made some of my stuff better. I use these simple demonstrations when doing seminars. This speaks of how much he knew. He also did pressure point fighting. Even at my school when a black belt threw a round house kick he caught it by stepping in, and he had a pen on him and shoved it in his sneaker and tweaked him in a nerve to severe pain. We were all hooked on what he knew. Again I will repy back more. I am aggrevated that people spen their time bashing others. If this makes you feel important then I fell bad for you. I will go now and train. This is where my time is best spent. I am not the best martial artist around but I keep kids off of drugs, help those kids who are arrested, help kids stay in school, council parents, kids, families, and so much more. This is what I do. Some of you here again know me, or heard of me. If you read this let tomorrow be a new day for us all as life is short, and Dragon Sijo Smith would want us all to do, treat each other with respect. He said this part of the martial arts has been missing for a long time. Rest in peace.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friend. I'm also sorry if you found some of the things said here by me or others to be insensitive. It seems like a cheap shot to suggest that we were wrong because the man had fallen on hard times and became ill. I don't think that one thing had anything to do with the other. The facts remain whatever they are and this forum is used to get information out one way or another. The fact that this man's claims seemed to be pretty outrageous doesn't go away simply because the man became ill and has now passed away. Or are you suggesting that we should simply believe him because he became ill and has now died?

Are you perhaps implying that we were wishing this man ill health and financial misfortune? Are you suggesting that those of us that questioned his credentials caused his death, misfortune or ill health? Do you think that because we were questioning this man's martial arts accomplishments, that we wanted him to die?

You have come on here and falsely linked these things together. No one here wished this man ill health, financial ruin or death. To suggest that we are bad humans because this man who made these outlandish claims became ill etc. is BS.

I'm sorry that your friend died. But don't you dare come one here and tell me to be ashamed of myself for writing about my honest impressions about what this person put out there in public, or somehow imply that one thing had to do with the other.
See what you guys did. You killed the guy with your banter. I ken you will take care next time a master's credentials are in question.:soapbox:
classy post guys... jeez. Doug, I grieve with you and Sensei Rebelo. I've learned much of Sijo Smith's material in my lessons with Joe. Let people say what they want. We know who he was, and what he did. The other's opinions do not matter when we have all the proof we need. due to others in the past, it's only normal these days that we sadly question every claim that people these days make. but for some idiot to come on here and make fun of this man's death by saying other posters caused it by not beleiving... Well, whatever. Sijo Smith fought right up to the end. In the last week, I got daily calls from Rebelo Sensei on Sijo's declining health. Never having met the man, and knowing that I will still miss him, well, for me that means something. I'm sure we'll workout together soon Doug, take care my friend!
I believe Sijo was 58 (or there abouts). Rebelo Sensei would probably know better. I just spoke to him and he is arranging the funeral and other loose ends that need tying up...
Hi Folks!
I've just finished the preliminaries of having "Sijo" Smith funeral and burial. Those interested parties can contact me at He will receive a military funeral and I have his honorable discharge attesting to the fact that he was a member of U.S. Navy. I have not seen his "DD 214" [those of you who are military will know what I am refering to] So I cannot attest to his SEAL status,nor do I really care regarding that particular matter. I am far too busy trying to have my instructor & friend properly interred. I understand how those of you who are military men/women would feel slighted and I know all to well that many times it's a policy of "Suspect than prospect" in regards to people's credentials. I went through it myself when I first got online years ago. I know for a fact that I can vouch for "Dragon's" efficency and knowledge and his ability to convey his art to others. I will continue to offer his art for those who wish to learn it and to provide information/media on the Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu system to educate the martial arts as well as general public. As of late, many times I have been placed in a position of perpectuating a given style/system and finding merit in said style/system, Have instructed/educated others regarding said styles/systems. But all this is secondary to the simple fact that now this will be the 7th instructor/mentor that I have buried in the last 16 years and the 3rd such person this year alone. Simply stated,the cold hard fact is the one thing we can absolutely sure of is that we are all going to die. I plan now, as I have in the past, to use my short time on this planet to teach,instruct,educate,mentor and generally assist all martial artists in their respective journeys through the legacy of the grandmasters,masters,professors and instructors who thought me worthy to impart their knowledge to me. For that I am eternally grateful. By the same token I will steadfastly stand by what they believed in and support their given philosophies. I will also defend them because they are no longer here to defend themselves. For those of you who sincerely asked regarding Sijo Smith's health, thank you, for those of you honestly questioned about his art, I will be happy to answer your queries regarding it. For those of you who questioned his military career,I know he was a navy man because he's receiving a military funeral. As to whether he was a SEAL, I won't know that until I personally see his military records and of all the various aspects of his life, that to me is the least important thing to me. I'm far more concerned with trying to contact his only living relatives to let them know their sibling is dead.
Thank you for your time,
BTW,Bob Smith died in Boston on Tuesday,October 17th of pulmonary failure. He was 58.
Joe, I hope to come down for a lesson Sunday. If I don't make it, you know how to reach me if there's anything I can do to help out with the arrangements for Sijo Smith. See you soon.
Alright, I'm coming in late here, and god rest Bob, but this is complete ********.

I knew Bob Smith in the early Eighties; I was good friends with him and his wife Shelley then and he gave me my start in martial arts. But he wasn't any SEAL, and he wasn't any black belt, and he sure hadn't taught martial arts in the service -- the only belt he claimed in those days was a BROWN belt, and what he was doing was teaching basic combat in the local PAL teen center in Pembroke. He was unemployed, since he'd been a trucker and his bum foot kept him from doing any of that. He didn't want any fancy titles then and he sure wasn't nicknamed "Dragon" or anything else. I moved out of the area in the mid-1980s and we lost track then, until I did a Google search a half hour ago seeing if I could find out what happened to him.

What happened is that my honest friend of 25 years ago turned into a bullshido con man.

10th degree this, 8th degree that, inventing schools, saying he's on some council of grandmasters? A guy with a brown belt at age 38 (and a bad foot) teaching high school kids some throws and strikes suddenly turns into some martial arts superstar?

I'm sad to find out my friend is dead, and sad for his wife and daughter. But I'm sadder that a guy who wouldn't wear a black belt he hadn't actually been awarded and who said he wasn't going to teach a style because he preferred to teach what worked in a streetfight, not pretty katas on a mat, I'm sadder that the man I admired died a liar.
Couple of other things. Before anyone asks, I looked at some of the photos on the site, and it's the same Bob Smith alright.

Another thing. He said he taught SEALS combat in the late 1960s? The guy was born in 1948 for frak's sake! The SEALS'd have to be humped real bad to need 19 year old martial arts instructors. That was when he was in the service, but he said he hadn't been in Nam and only did a single TOD.

Man, this is seven shades of bummer.
Alright, I'm coming in late here, and god rest Bob, but this is complete ********.

I knew Bob Smith in the early Eighties; I was good friends with him and his wife Shelley then and he gave me my start in martial arts. But he wasn't any SEAL, and he wasn't any black belt, and he sure hadn't taught martial arts in the service -- the only belt he claimed in those days was a BROWN belt, and what he was doing was teaching basic combat in the local PAL teen center in Pembroke. He was unemployed, since he'd been a trucker and his bum foot kept him from doing any of that. He didn't want any fancy titles then and he sure wasn't nicknamed "Dragon" or anything else. I moved out of the area in the mid-1980s and we lost track then, until I did a Google search a half hour ago seeing if I could find out what happened to him.

What happened is that my honest friend of 25 years ago turned into a bullshido con man.

10th degree this, 8th degree that, inventing schools, saying he's on some council of grandmasters? A guy with a brown belt at age 38 (and a bad foot) teaching high school kids some throws and strikes suddenly turns into some martial arts superstar?

I'm sad to find out my friend is dead, and sad for his wife and daughter. But I'm sadder that a guy who wouldn't wear a black belt he hadn't actually been awarded and who said he wasn't going to teach a style because he preferred to teach what worked in a streetfight, not pretty katas on a mat, I'm sadder that the man I admired died a liar.

Hi folks!
Got this post today and definitely had mixed feelings...
To respond to "Ezrik" and his comments. Yes, in the early 1980's [over 20 years ago] Bob Smith taught martial arts at the Pembroke Boys & Girls Club. After his death, I did research and found out that indeed he had served in the military for a short time. He was not a seal nor did he serve sufficently to be a martial arts instructor for the military. However, He was a veteran and died as one. I have absolutely no idea why he chose to say these things and he took those reasons to the grave.
I'm glad that you got your start with "Sijo" Smith back in his humble beginnings. He told me of his being a trucker in the past and he had his share of physical ailments that finally took his life.
However, As you clearly state,you were gone from the area for over 20 years. Did you expect Bob to sit in a Martial Arts version of termporal stasis and do nothing to improve his lot in life? Well, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that he did more than simply stay at the PAL. He went on to contact other martial artists. He went on to test for his Black Belt before a board of Martial Arts Black Belts to obtain it. He then worked with and studied various Chinese/Japanese Martial arts. He met with Mr. Larry Gillett, who introduced him to Jujutsu and Aikido. He met with Carlos Febres of the Nindo Ryu organization who increased his martial arts knowledge and recognized him eventually for the creation of his own style after watching many of Sijo Smith's Classes, watching his student's progress before awarding him the rightful recognition that he himself did not seek. He didn't look to be elevated to those ranks. Others voluntarily recognized him. He always looked at how others moved,taught, and gave insight to their students and sought their council on matters to improve his students and himself. I knew him for over 17 years and saw the progress in his art. But, unfortunately, you werent' there. So you never saw any of the later martial arts acheivements he would receive, nor did you see the progress of what would become "Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu".
I do not condone him stating erroneous information about his military career. Simply stated, it wasn't important to me. I was interested in martial arts. I assisted him in his classes,sat on testing boards for his students [including his daughter], and helped him develop what to brcome HIS system.
If you saw how much he had added to his initial training you would have been impressed. Now that he has died, one of his oldest student [who started after you left too so you probably wouldn't know him either] and myself were asked to carry on his teaching in some capacity. Presently, We are putting together a series of instructional DVDs that will show the world what Bob Smith learned and taught over the 20+ years that you weren't around!
As I stated previously, I did not always see eye to eye with Sijo Smith and we had our differences. But when he died, those who beleived in him were still there for him. If you want to find out what happened in the over 2 decades that you weren't around, Please feel free to contact me.
Take solace in the fact that you are right in a few points. Bob "didn't take a belt he hadn't been awarded by someone else" and he didn't "just teach a style", he created a system.
I hope that I was of some service,
Couple of other things. Before anyone asks, I looked at some of the photos on the site, and it's the same Bob Smith alright.

Another thing. He said he taught SEALS combat in the late 1960s? The guy was born in 1948 for frak's sake! The SEALS'd have to be humped real bad to need 19 year old martial arts instructors. That was when he was in the service, but he said he hadn't been in Nam and only did a single TOD.

Man, this is seven shades of bummer.

Hi folks!
Dear Ezrik,
From the information you provided, I thought you actually knew Bob 2+ decades ago. As far as his short stint in the military, I addressed it in the previous post. We are in the process of taking down his old website and placing a proper memorial to his art. You can see a listing of his death notice at Unfortunately, Many in our industy have chosen to "pad their resumes" and it's sad when they have done enough accomplishments to merit proper respect in regards to the martial arts.
Again, feel free to contact me.
He was not a seal nor did he serve sufficently to be a martial arts instructor for the military. However, He was a veteran and died as one. I have absolutely no idea why he chose to say these things and he took those reasons to the grave....
...But when he died, those who beleived in him were still there for him.

Padding one's resume' is when you say that you were a "Sanitation Engineer in charge of the complex mechanical operations of the petroleum powered refuse collection and transportation device." When, in fact you drove a garbage truck.

Saying that you were a SEAL and that you taught them hand to hand combat when you didn't is LYING, not "padding". It's disingenuous to say that you "have absolutely no idea why he chose to say these things." Sure you do, and so do we. He did it to convince people that he was something he was not so that people would buy from him whatever he was selling. The only thing he took to the grave was how he could have the gall to say it.
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