Anyone heard of this guy?

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Operator06 said:
What a conversation this turned out to be. Thank you KenpoJoe for your posts on Mr. Smith.

What I'd like to know is what BUD's Class Mr. Smith was in. I am a recent Navy Veteran and have a few shipmates that went to try out for BUD's. One thing they say is that you never forget it! I was wondering if you could shed some light as to what BUD's class he was in. One thing I can't stand is someone who is not who they say they are, being a Navy man SEAL Imposters are one of the things that gets stuck in my craw. Please don't get me wrong, it's just that there are too many imposters out there, and SEALs work too hard for what they have.

There is a website run by some former SEALs. I use it a couple of years back when some bozo was claiming to be a SEAL on one of these boardsÂ…..the guy turned out to be a fake.
Anyway, to find out what someone did in the Military all you need is a copy of their DD-214, right?
Operator06 said:
What I'd like to know is what BUD's Class Mr. Smith was in. I am a recent Navy Veteran and have a few shipmates that went to try out for BUD's. One thing they say is that you never forget it! I was wondering if you could shed some light as to what BUD's class he was in. One thing I can't stand is someone who is not who they say they are, being a Navy man SEAL Imposters are one of the things that gets stuck in my craw. Please don't get me wrong, it's just that there are too many imposters out there, and SEALs work too hard for what they have.

This is my concern as well. I could really care less about the multiple dan rankings. I know some credible martial artists out there who have them.

Further information will go a long way towards dispelling any doubts as to Sijo Smith's credibility. He'll know off the top of his head what his graduating class was. It would settle this issue quickly. Once his SEAL status is verified with the SEAL Authentication Team, I for one will be the first to defend him.

One needs to understand that there are a huge number of people out there claiming they were SEALS/Special Forces/Rangers (fill in the blank) who never served with these units. Some were people who served in the armed forces but never with an elite unit. I've run into an uncomfortably large number of them. Interestingly, they also often claim to have a high degree of martial arts skill and claim very high rank. Given this, you can see why some people are quick to question.

I'm sure Sijo Smith is aware of this problem and would likely understand why skepticism so often rears its ugly head. If you give me his full, legal
name, including his middle name, or at least his middle initial and his claimed SEAL training class number, I will personally clear him of any suspicion concerning his military record.


"Martial Arts orphans".
I know that feeling. I've heard it and been accused of all the caca that goes with it. Dosen't matter. Someone "higher" than the accusers "recognizes" my abilities and also "head" of my own system. If I ever get promoted it will be by Hanshi.

My old Kajukenbo instructor from the '70's recently contacted me and wanted to "recognize" me and re-align myself with him. This was a few weeks before the Visalia gathering. Blew me away because he was one on the greatest influences of my "growing up" years. But the reasoning for the mention is because all I want is for my instructors to recognize "my system." Not rank in theirs, at least until I put the time in.

Sifu Felix's teachings are at the "core of my system" and he recognizes me, my students and that I'm teaching my own system. With help from others downline from a similar lineage I've added to the stand up of my art in a way that any technique can be used in conjunction with any technique at any time ( I can just some of the dis-beleivers now).

My whole point is if it's good enough for "those who are qualified" to make the judgment. Then why would the non-qualified make the judgment?
I know of Kenpojoe (Joe Rebelo) through way of my old instructor (Ralph Andersen of TAI Kenpo). I never meet him but I have heard many conversations about him. They always said he was a walking history book of kenpo, so I imagine he would know who and who not to get mixed up with. I know enough about Kenpojoe to say if its good enough for him it would be good enough for me.
I feel your pain. I too am a veteran, Army though.. :apv: I hate when people claim to be things they aren't.

I have met Mr. Smith once, I did not speak much to him but from what I did he is a very personable man and at the time was eager to share whatever knowledge he had. He even invited me to partake in some classes he was conducting at a local training hall. I had to turn his offer down do to pressing commitments (Paramedic school) so I have never seen the man move. I also did not know that he claimed to be a SEAL. Hmmmm, I saw that KenpoJoe explained a little bit of the Mr. Smith's background, I wonder if he could provide us with a BUD's Class number or date?
kenpo3631 said:
I wonder if he could provide us with a BUD's Class number or date?
Probably not, Sijo Smith, as stated before, is in a wheelchair, and also in a veteran's nursing home at the moment. From what I understand, KenpoJoe doesn't get to see or speak to him too often at this period in time, perhaps that will change. C'mon people, lets have a little faith for once :wink2:
Probably not, Sijo Smith, as stated before, is in a wheelchair, and also in a veteran's nursing home at the moment

Hmmm, not to long ago I saw him at the Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton, MA. I was bringing out a patient and he was wheeling across the parking lot in his wheel chair. I don't know if you're familiar with the area but that hospital is about 3-5 miles away from the VA Medical Center. So as to him being confined to a VA Hospital might not be so true. If I see him again though I'll have to ask him about his days as a SEAL. :asian:
Operator06 said:
This is from a post I placed in the Chinese Martial Arts forum, the gentleman also claims to hold rank in Chinese Kenpo so I figured I post it here too...

I ran across this guy's website fishing around on the net.

He claims to have taught SEAL Teams H2H in 1968. HOw true is this and does anyone know if indeed he was a SEAL Team Operator?

The Dragon was a Navy Seal and assistant martial arts instructor for the Navy Seals in 1968

This guy has a lot of ranks.
Robert Smith,
He is from the New England area. Most of his ranks were acquired through an organization called Nindo-Ryu. Carlos Fabres is the founder of this organization. Look up Nindo-Ryu, they are out of Puerto Rico. From my understanding Mr Smith is very ill right now. I believe that he is now confind to a wheel chair.
No matter what the truth may be - I don't wish anyone to have to suffer from illness and be confined in a wheelchair. I hope he has a full recovery.

As far as legitamacy in rank - I am a skeptic of mulitple high ranking teachers who have bounced around from style to style. They may have truley mastered one or two styles, but in all likelyhood have been given equivilant ranks from other organizations for PR purposes or to bolster the image of a certain dojo.
Many of us have dabbled in different martial arts systems over the years ( I know I have), but you would have to be 105 years old to have 10th degree belts in 4 or 5 systems (if you earned them all based on time in training and support from your peers).

I will throw his name around with former SEALS I have come to know over the years and see what I can dig up - for sake of arguement.
Hello, When you own your own business can call yourself anything you want too!

As the head of his system/school..he can claim anything he wants to! ....there are NO RULES be a 10th degree.

Look around at the ads in alot of the martial art magazines...and see all those who claims to be 10th degrees and some even 12th degree...

In our system the Professor set it up to 15th degree (still is 10th degree).

Again NO RULES ............sometimes things do look silly......

In I a 10th degree.?..if I catch fish for over 40 years of fishing from shore (recreational). This is my hobby! Always catch something when I go fishing.....almost perfect here? .....Dumb thing here to say...............Aloha
Meijin10 said:
Robert Smith,
He is from the New England area. Most of his ranks were acquired through an organization called Nindo-Ryu. Carlos Fabres is the founder of this organization. Look up Nindo-Ryu, they are out of Puerto Rico. From my understanding Mr Smith is very ill right now. I believe that he is now confind to a wheel chair.
Hi Folks!
I saw that someone had recently written something on this old thread [last posted 2004] and thought I'd update any interested parties in Sijo Smith's condition and expound upon a couple of inportant points.
Nindo Ryu did not promote Sijo Smith "per se". Rather, Febres Sensei watched sijo smith's classes on how he instructed his art, had Sijo Smith perform a demonstration and explanation of his art in detail,and over a prolonged overview of his efforts and his students skill level and accomplishments it was decided to recognize Sijo Smith for his efforts in the study of the Martial Arts. Since Nindo ryu does not have a chinese division, it was decided to "recognize" sijo smith for his martial arts career with a representative rank in a similar japanese-oriented rank through the Nindo Ryu organization. In regards to his chin na skills a corralative recognition was awarded in Jujutsu,and in the Kung Fu/Kenpo study a corralative rank was awarded in Atemti Do. He was also asked to join the "council of elders" as a chinese arts representative for the Nindo Ryu organization at that time. Any ranking listed with "Shao Choy Hung" are Sijo's unique creation based on his past Martial arts training and the creation of his own unique style.So, therefore he is the founder of those given disciplines and the overseer of those arts.
However, Sijo Smith is in no state to do any of his arts anymore. He is in failing health,he has a heart defibulator installed and due to diabetic neroprosy is confined to a wheelchair. Ha has CHD [chronic heart disease] and CRD [Chronic respitory Disease] and has been in and out of hospitals since this thread had stopped. He can no longer perform the arts that he so loved for so many years. Recently, he was informed by one of his doctors that he has a limited time to live. His heart is only effectively working at approximately 19% use and it is dwindling. So, all I can do at this time is be a friend to one of my instructors and insure that his time left on this planet is as peaceful and comforting as can be expected. I understand how we can be judgemental towards different individuals and I too have done the same as others. But at point, a phrase by one of my instructors,SGM Ed Parker,comes to mind. Once, when asked on a TV show what degree of Black Belt Elvis was,He replied "What degree of death are you when you are dead?"
I hope that I was of some service,
Operator06 said:
This is from a post I placed in the Chinese Martial Arts forum, the gentleman also claims to hold rank in Chinese Kenpo so I figured I post it here too...

I ran across this guy's website fishing around on the net.

He claims to have taught SEAL Teams H2H in 1968. HOw true is this and does anyone know if indeed he was a SEAL Team Operator?

The Dragon was a Navy Seal and assistant martial arts instructor for the Navy Seals in 1968
Seal Team members identities are secret. Ex Seals don't talk about it publicly or broadcast it on websites.
Doc said:
Seal Team members identities are secret. Ex Seals don't talk about it publicly or broadcast it on websites.

I've known several. I grew up on a Navy base and I don't recall them being that secretive. The guy on the original Survivor TV Show Rudy was a SEAL. Richard Marcinco etc. There are many who tell who they are. It's not like the CIA.

If you're being sarcastic, then sorry.
Danjo said:
I've known several. I grew up on a Navy base and I don't recall them being that secretive. The guy on the original Survivor TV Show Rudy was a SEAL. Richard Marcinco etc. There are many who tell who they are. It's not like the CIA.

If you're being sarcastic, then sorry.
No sorry necessary sir. Active duty seal info is 'protected' info for obvious reasons. If you grew up on a base, they would obviously view you differently. They don't however broadcasting their status, and of course ex seals who've seen significant combat don't talk about it to "outsiders." Seal team activities are indeed classified. But then, you know that. :)
Doc said:
No sorry necessary sir. Active duty seal info is 'protected' info for obvious reasons. If you grew up on a base, they would obviously view you differently. They don't however broadcasting their status, and of course ex seals who've seen significant combat don't talk about it to "outsiders." Seal team activities are indeed classified. But then, you know that. :)

(Bows) Ah Soooo.
Doc said:
No sorry necessary sir. Active duty seal info is 'protected' info for obvious reasons. If you grew up on a base, they would obviously view you differently. They don't however broadcasting their status, and of course ex seals who've seen significant combat don't talk about it to "outsiders." Seal team activities are indeed classified. But then, you know that. :)

"The names of ALL BUD/S graduates are cast in stone as each and every new class graduates. Remember: Operations may be classified, but SEAL personnel are NOT."
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