It's not the System it's the person. I think my Chinese sweeps are better than BJJ sweeps. I would out perform Muay Thai in that area. I think my foot hooks are exceptionally well in comparison too. As a matter of fact the sweeps I do are illegal in Boxing, Muay Thai, in TKD competitions, is some Karate competitions. They are definitely better than wrestlers sweeps.There is literally nothing Chinese martial arts does that isn't done better in one of those named styles.
If we talk about the Complete Kung Fu system. Then you would have to include the weapons as well. We talk about Arnis weapons, so it should be fair that if a kung fu student knows how to use a staff then it's a fighting skill.
But just because I know how to use it doesn't mean every kung fu person knows how to use the same techniques I train. It's not about CMA. It's about the individual training it. Which is why to this day, I can only show you 2 people who actually fight using Jow Ga kung fu.