Aikido hate

You'd rely on what we all relied upon at one point... on whatever was being said by whoever was teaching us. Even if the teacher was a 1978 issue of Black Belt on an article about Kung Fu vs. Karate, which is better?

And... you'd be most likely be misled.

Which if anything like Blitz magazine. You pay to put articles in there.
why would I want to broaden it to fit a ) a situation that is vanishingly unlikely to happen, ( i may as well train for fighting tigers )and b) that if it did I would lose anyway due to the lack of roid rage

Well for one so your training partners don't have to pretend to be street thugs and can just be training partners.

And the more you are able to handle a quality oponant the more you will be able to handle a terrible one. The issue is you cant really pull off a lot of moves when the pace is on. That doesnt mean you drop the pace. You fix your technique.

Say for example if a noob is unnaturally quick.

This in the street this will happen buisness has basically taken a few factors that might happen. Ignored a bunch of factors that might happen and then is manufactured to fit the style.

Which is generally backwards. Me I would fit the style to the threat.
he is one of the instructors', he not going to take kindly to Newby me giving him tips. He needs to best part of a second to throw a kick, I need half a second to move. That's a lot of ground to make up
He could fix it, if the right people were there to train/teach him. But, apparently not and as he's in an instructor role I think you're right and he's not going to get it.

Maybe it's You that needs a better school then. You may have outgrown that one. It does happen.
Well for one so your training partners don't have to pretend to be street thugs and can just be training partners.

And the more you are able to handle a quality oponant the more you will be able to handle a terrible one. The issue is you cant really pull off a lot of moves when the pace is on. That doesnt mean you drop the pace. You fix your technique.

Say for example if a noob is unnaturally quick.

This in the street this will happen buisness has basically taken a few factors that might happen. Ignored a bunch of factors that might happen and then is manufactured to fit the style.

Which is generally backwards. Me I would fit the style to the threat.
this is just one big strawman arguement, I play over 40s Sunday league football/ soccer. We are quite good, its complete pointless me worrying what would happen if we played Manchester united, 1) its not going to happen 2)they are 25 yo elite athletes, we are a group of old blokes that like a kickabout, the score to them would be in the many dozens, possibly hundreds. That's more or less the same,scenario you keep threatening aikidio exponents with with your MMA EXPERT
your also buying in to the myth that you can teach effective self defence skills to people with little athletic ability against a physical superior opponent, you cant . You might catch them by surprise with a punch and they run off, or you might really annoy them so the beat you up good instead of just takin ng your wallet. But either way a small weak slow guy is not going to win a fight against a big strong fast guy no matter how good their skills are. You need some physical advantage. If their stronger you need speed, but you still need to be strong enough to actual hurt them.

addressing faulty techneque isn't what most people need, its trip down the gym they need to address their physical frailties' first. My dojo has a number of folk of much higher grade than myself that I can knock over in 5seconds. There techneque is good its there strengh and speed which are lacking

I can see no real need to play street thug, it a bizarre idea that seems to have caught on, there are only a limited number of ways to attack someone, and all these are covered in normal drill sparring. Street thugs don't have unique body mechanics, they kick and punch and shove like the rest of us
He could fix it, if the right people were there to train/teach him. But, apparently not and as he's in an instructor role I think you're right and he's not going to get it.

Maybe it's You that needs a better school then. You may have outgrown that one. It does happen.
the schools is great,I like the people and the teaching is top notch,. The issue really is I have to be very gentle with the other students as they break easily and object strongly if I clothes line them. So I play rough with the black belts, who complain about it, but that's not my problem, if they don't want kicking, move
After the last post Jobo, I reiterate... you may have outgrown your current place.

It'd be a good time to play ManU though, wouldn't it. Then hang out witht he players and drink them under the table, the pansies.
Drop, expand on "story based training" if you would?

Ok people are assessing their level of proficiency based on what a street attacker will probably do and fight like.

Which is a story. And gets used all the time. I mean for gods sake. "criminals are a cowardly bunch" comes straight out of batman.

We even have jo jo saying this line that street figters are crap in one post and saying he is unnaturally quick and prone to street fighting in another.

And nobody noticed.
this is just one big strawman arguement, I play over 40s Sunday league football/ soccer. We are quite good, its complete pointless me worrying what would happen if we played Manchester united, 1) its not going to happen 2)they are 25 yo elite athletes, we are a group of old blokes that like a kickabout, the score to them would be in the many dozens, possibly hundreds. That's more or less the same,scenario you keep threatening aikidio exponents with with your MMA EXPERT
your also buying in to the myth that you can teach effective self defence skills to people with little athletic ability against a physical superior opponent, you cant . You might catch them by surprise with a punch and they run off, or you might really annoy them so the beat you up good instead of just takin ng your wallet. But either way a small weak slow guy is not going to win a fight against a big strong fast guy no matter how good their skills are. You need some physical advantage. If their stronger you need speed, but you still need to be strong enough to actual hurt them.

addressing faulty techneque isn't what most people need, its trip down the gym they need to address their physical frailties' first. My dojo has a number of folk of much higher grade than myself that I can knock over in 5seconds. There techneque is good its there strengh and speed which are lacking

I can see no real need to play street thug, it a bizarre idea that seems to have caught on, there are only a limited number of ways to attack someone, and all these are covered in normal drill sparring. Street thugs don't have unique body mechanics, they kick and punch and shove like the rest of us

You really haven't been following this thread have you?
After the last post Jobo, I reiterate... you may have outgrown your current place.

It'd be a good time to play ManU though, wouldn't it. Then hang out witht he players and drink them under the table, the pansies.
you might be right, I was doing some ground work with a
Ok people are assessing their level of proficiency based on what a street attacker will probably do and fight like.

Which is a story. And gets used all the time. I mean for gods sake. "criminals are a cowardly bunch" comes straight out of batman.

We even have jo jo saying this line that street figters are crap in one post and saying he is unnaturally quick and prone to street fighting in another.

And nobody noticed.
are the two mutually exclusive, I'm not unnaturally quick, I'm towards the top end of reaction time, at about 2tenths of a second, I measured it. 1tenth is about as fast as a human can go, before they become unnaturally fast , so im half as fast as that, faster than a 1tenth and you can get a job driving f1cars
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you might be right, I was doing some ground work with a

are the two mutually exclusive, I'm not unnaturally quick, I'm at the top end of reaction time, at about 2tenths of a second, I measured it. 1thenth is about as fast as a human can go, before they become unnaturally fast , so im half as slow as that, faster than a 1tenth and you can get a job driving f1cars

I am at the top 2% Of hansome. Just shy of being brad pitt.

But my point is a naturally athletic person will eat you alive if you are expecting them to be a gumby. I would be safer if I train for a fighter that is better than the one I fight.
I am at the top 2% Of hansome. Just shy of being brad pitt.

But my point is a naturally athletic person will eat you alive if you are expecting them to be a gumby. I would be safer if I train for a fighter that is better than the one I fight.
I do so train, I work hard on my balance and co ordination and strengh and reactions' and endurance and cardio. That's why i can knock people over, because I do and they don't.
You really haven't been following this thread have you?
I was directly replying to your strawman arguement
Have you just switched sides there?
no, your , if you cant fight a mma expert you cant fight at all point is bogus. If, to pluck figures out of the air, I can can knock 60% of the population over with out trying,hold my own against another 30% Il call it quits and accept that 10% will knock me in to next week. When I've reach my physical max, there are always going to be stronger faster people than me. It's a simple numbers game, the better I am, the less people can beat me up.
i like it. What's l funny is, when my now adult son was a toddler I taught him to say, "polysyllabic" just for fun. :) You're a cool guy, JP3.
I used to get my nephew to say "truck", because he couldn't say "tr" and it came out as "f". His dad thought it was funny.
Me I would fit the style to the threat.
Yeah, but you seem to assume (in spite of your own experience, which baffles me) that all threats are variations of the threat posed by a skilled, controlled fighter. That hasn't been my experience, nor the experience of the people I've talked to who deal with threats on a far more frequent basis than I ever had to.
Yeah, but you seem to assume (in spite of your own experience, which baffles me) that all threats are variations of the threat posed by a skilled, controlled fighter. That hasn't been my experience, nor the experience of the people I've talked to who deal with threats on a far more frequent basis than I ever had to.


All threats kind of are a variation of threats posed by skilled controlled fighters. It will be a variation on a punch, kick, throw or hold. Mostly.

All threats kind of are a variation of threats posed by skilled controlled fighters. It will be a variation on a punch, kick, throw or hold. Mostly.
As someone pointed out recently, there's a difference between a technique done with skill and one done without it. That holds true for punches, kicks, throws, and holds.

Much of our training (eveyone training in MA) is training our brains to recognize patterns - patterns of attack, and patterns of responses that fit those attacks. There are patterns that appear in unskilled people that are different from the patterns that show up in skilled people. There are patterns that show up in both groups. If you only train for the patterns of the skilled, controlled fighter, you are only learning part of the patterns of the unskilled, uncontrolled fighter. If you are good enough, that may be enough, but it will require a higher level of skill than someone with the same toolbox who is familiar with more of the patterns.
As someone pointed out recently, there's a difference between a technique done with skill and one done without it. That holds true for punches, kicks, throws, and holds.

Much of our training (eveyone training in MA) is training our brains to recognize patterns - patterns of attack, and patterns of responses that fit those attacks. There are patterns that appear in unskilled people that are different from the patterns that show up in skilled people. There are patterns that show up in both groups. If you only train for the patterns of the skilled, controlled fighter, you are only learning part of the patterns of the unskilled, uncontrolled fighter. If you are good enough, that may be enough, but it will require a higher level of skill than someone with the same toolbox who is familiar with more of the patterns.

And you think that is a real thing?


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