Aikido hate

It's not an aikido vs reality debate, it's an aikido vs a trained fighter debate.

But anyway, Aikido is not designed to score points/be be used in a sporting contest . Therefore if you put it into a sporting arena, where it isn't designed to work, then it shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone that it doesn't work in that environment.

Forget the points, if it can't stop the MMA fighters from knocking them out, then clearly it doesn't work very well. There are valid reasons why that it's mostly older people, weaker people and women who trains Aikido and most Self Defense only classes. This is the reality.
The topic "My style is better" is centuries old.
I personally believe that the style that one practice doesn't matter: the best thing one can do is to find the martial art right for him, and this is something you feel through experience.
So, long story short, effectiveness is a consequence of the martial artist himself, not of the Art.
The topic "My style is better" is centuries old.
I personally believe that the style that one practice doesn't matter: the best thing one can do is to find the martial art right for him, and this is something you feel through experience.
So, long story short, effectiveness is a consequence of the martial artist himself, not of the Art.
indeed, the this style would knock you out or tie you in knots debate is to my mind academic, I have never met a BJJ exponent in the flesh. The chances of me being randomly attacked by one on the way home from the pub is extremely low
If he isn't does that means it no longer an Aikido technique?

If I punch someone in the face am I a karate-ka, boxer, Mauy Thai, kickboxing?

I think FriedRice would have an opinion.

If I look at it and recognize a technique I learned and now teach during my aikido classes, does that make it an aikido technique? It does to me.

But, if the same technique is taught to a hapkido person, and now they use it (they might) is it now converted to a Hapkido technique?

And if I - as I do - have learned the technique in BOTH aikido and hapkido, and no one can tell me wherefrom or who did it first, then wwhose technique is it? I have an answer...

It is mine. It is now part of John Do.
I think FriedRice would have an opinion.

If I look at it and recognize a technique I learned and now teach during my aikido classes, does that make it an aikido technique? It does to me.

But, if the same technique is taught to a hapkido person, and now they use it (they might) is it now converted to a Hapkido technique?

And if I - as I do - have learned the technique in BOTH aikido and hapkido, and no one can tell me wherefrom or who did it first, then wwhose technique is it? I have an answer...

It is mine. It is now part of John Do.
i think this logic is a little flawed. I'll try to explain. This guy has learned an armbar. I think it's terrible technique. But it kind of, sort of resembles an armbar.
If he sees someone on "the street" execute an armbar, according to the logic in this thread and your post, he could use that as validation that his training is sound. After all, he learned it. And it seems like he's teaching it.

I see a real problem there. Dont you?
The topic "My style is better" is centuries old.
I personally believe that the style that one practice doesn't matter: the best thing one can do is to find the martial art right for him, and this is something you feel through experience.
So, long story short, effectiveness is a consequence of the martial artist himself, not of the Art.

Disagree. The effectiveness is a consequence of not only the martial artist, but also the Art(s) and the Coaching(s). All three, affects the outcome. This is why most people who aspire to become UFC fighters, don't join Aikido schools.
Disagree. The effectiveness is a consequence of not only the martial artist, but also the Art(s) and the Coaching(s). All three, affects the outcome. This is why most people who aspire to become UFC fighters, don't join Aikido schools.
but not every one who is contemplating aikido want to spend their Tuesdays and Thursday evening being punched in the head by some weight training phyco on steroids. Some just want to be able to quietly deal with a pickpocket or a drunk
Hello everyone,
Why does Aikido get so much hate? I realize that BJJ and MMA are very mainstream at the moment, and some of those guys are the biggest Aikido haters out there. No offense. It all boils down to: Did any of the MMA fighters do aikido?" Some people go as far as calling it ********, ineffective, a waste of time, etc. Really? I visited the local Aikido school, and I loved the atmosphere. I'd like to know what your opinion of this art is. I believe most (if not all) arts can be applied in certain scenarios. I have to admit that I am not one of those people that dream of killing/dismantling others. That's the last thing I want to to.

Thank you in advance.
An hundred pages later I imagine you have acquired some kind of answer to your question.. hello? are you still here? Hellooo?? oh well by the time another hundred pages of this have elapsed we will have evolved into a completely other species who despise Aikido because it is ineffective at fighting Skynet
but not every one who is contemplating aikido want to spend their Tuesdays and Thursday evening being punched in the head by some weight training phyco on steroids. Some just want to be able to quietly deal with a pickpocket or a drunk

Are you that scared of MMA gyms? There are women & children training there too you know, maybe you can ask to train with them only.
Are you that scared of MMA gyms? There are women & children training there too you know, maybe you can ask to train with them only.
that's rather skipping the point that some people like to go and punch someone about as a hobby. That's fine. Others have different physical and phycolocal needs and just want to learn self defence techniques' for if and when they need them.
The aikidio whilst not perhaps as effective in the remote likely hood of being mugged by a Thai boxer has the advantage of not carrying the high likely hood of brain damage. It's swings and round abouts. Some folk need their brains to earn a living
I think FriedRice would have an opinion.

If I look at it and recognize a technique I learned and now teach during my aikido classes, does that make it an aikido technique? It does to me.

But, if the same technique is taught to a hapkido person, and now they use it (they might) is it now converted to a Hapkido technique?

And if I - as I do - have learned the technique in BOTH aikido and hapkido, and no one can tell me wherefrom or who did it first, then wwhose technique is it? I have an answer...

It is mine. It is now part of John Do.

i think this logic is a little flawed. I'll try to explain. This guy has learned an armbar. I think it's terrible technique. But it kind of, sort of resembles an armbar.
If he sees someone on "the street" execute an armbar, according to the logic in this thread and your post, he could use that as validation that his training is sound. After all, he learned it. And it seems like he's teaching it.

I see a real problem there. Dont you?

I agree with both posts.
The problem, of course, is if you learn and train junk technique, then you have junk technique.
The solution - don't learn and train junk technique.
An hundred pages later I imagine you have acquired some kind of answer to your question.. hello? are you still here? Hellooo?? oh well by the time another hundred pages of this have elapsed we will have evolved into a completely other species who despise Aikido because it is ineffective at fighting Skynet

One of the main reasons for the Akido hate, is probably due to Akidokas making wild claims about their capabilities, especially the street vs. sport training they're so "realistic", etc. while sports fighting, ie. MMA are not.

Notice how rarely does the MA world bothers Tai Chi people, or to go as far as hating them. They are left alone to do their thing.
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that's rather skipping the point that some people like to go and punch someone about as a hobby. That's fine. Others have different physical and phycolocal needs and just want to learn self defence techniques' for if and when they need them.

Not everyone gets punched in MMA gyms. There are women and children training there for 10+ years w/o getting punched once. I'm just trying to help you with your fear & ignorance..

The aikidio whilst not perhaps as effective in the remote likely hood of being mugged by a Thai boxer has the advantage of not carrying the high likely hood of brain damage. It's swings and round abouts. Some folk need their brains to earn a living

Which is why Aikido is among the lower levels of MA training. But yea, it's definitely better than nothing.
One of the main reasons for the Akido hate, is probably due to Akidokas making wild claims about their capabilities,

Not everyone gets punched in MMA gyms. There are women and children training there for 10+ years w/o getting punched once. I'm just trying to help you with your fear & ignorance..

Which is why Aikido is among the lower levels of MA training. But yea, it's definitely better than nothing.
if they are training with out getting involved in punching, being punched then its no more use for fighting than any of the other non participation arts like as aikidio
if they are training with out getting involved in punching, being punched then its no more use for fighting than any of the other non participation arts like as aikidio

They're training BJJ only at MMA gyms. It's not the best, but IMO, it's way better than Aikido.
They're training BJJ only at MMA gyms. It's not the best, but IMO, it's way better than Aikido.
that's a different argument, this started with ufc,fighters moved to mma now its bjj. Yes I think its probably superior to most ma in the practicalities of holds throws and wralling around on the floor. But your not addressing your distaist for all the other arts that would loose out to a bjj fighter, which it most of them , just aikidio
that's a different argument, this started with ufc,fighters moved to mma now its bjj. Yes I think its probably superior to most ma in the practicalities of holds throws and wralling around on the floor. But your not addressing your distaist for all the other arts that would loose out to a bjj fighter, which it most of them , just aikidio

The main question was, why all the hate for Aikido. I said why I thought were the main reasons, and this was just my expanding on my own answers.
One of the main reasons for the Akido hate, is probably due to Akidokas making wild claims about their capabilities, especially the street vs. sport training they're so "realistic", etc. while sports fighting, ie. MMA are not.

Notice how rarely does the MA world bothers Tai Chi people, or to go as far as hating them. They are left alone to do their thing.
I get you.. and but one thing I do not fathom and you can help me with is.. why do you.. or all of these people up in here apparently care so passionately concerning whatever people out there make whatever big talk about their Aikido whatnots??

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