Hello everyone!!
I would like to share some thoughts with you about the subject of the thread...
Even though it's pretty clear to me why such a topic is very attractive, I think that such comparisons are a bit hard to make....
First of all there is a distinction between a martial art and a combative sport and in this case Aikido is a martial art and Boxing is a sport so it is a comparison between two different things.
One thing that we should make clear is what do we mean when we say "Aikido vs Boxing"? Is it in a sparring context or in a self defense context.
Aikido has no sparring (ok, with the Tomiki exception) and there are a lot of reasons for that but if we could gather them all under one phrase it could have been "because it is not a sport"! But if, for argument's sake, we would try to compare Aikido with Boxing is a sparring frame what would we have?
If the boxer was allowed to use all of his Boxing then the aikidoka should have been allowed to use all of his Aikido in order to make the comparison, and Aikido is not only tai-jutsu. So I would there be any reason to talk about a boxer using short fast jabs or strong punches or whatever against a person with a bokken or a jo?
Now in the second scenario, when it is a self defense situation and the attacker happens to be a boxer... Well, if it's a real situation, you don't know beforehand that you are gonna be attacked, you don't know what are your attacker's skills and he doesn't know that you are an Aikidoka, so he would not attack thinking how not to be taken into Kote gaeshi or shiho Nage or whatever... He would simply attack with what he has and the aikidoka would defend according to the level of his skill and ability....
Still, if there could be an answer to the whole thread I think that if an aikidoka is getting attacked with punches and strikes, he shouldn't try to stay away from them but enter! Dive into the attack, deflecting the strikes and get himself into a position where he can apply an Aikido technique...
All of the above of course is just my opinion, a reflection of my personal experience, every opinion is respected...