Master Black Belt
Oh, a class full of 12 yo. - paradise....
It is more rewarding to teach the more mature, but you can find a few pearls among the younger. We got one kid in the program right now, he was 4, but much more mature then his fellow cubs...he moved out of that group in a hurry and is still going strong.
And the thought of what these kids could become if they stick with the arts until say, 18.... WOW!
If the child can not stand somewhat still and listen to instructions, you can't allow the kid to stay in class is my opinion. Of course all children of this age aren't going to be perfect! But, if after a few weeks you find you spend all of your time trying to get a child back on task, I believe you owe it to the other members of the class to ask this child to return in a few months when he may be more able to handle the environment. Now, if a kid is just plain weird and uncorrdinated.... well aren't they all?On the other hand - taking this off topic once more, how do you deal with kids who are obviously not like the majority? I don't mean bullies and disrespectful, but more like odd, like the body and mind a re not connected.

Like Master Stoker said, it just take patience. As well as praising anything positive that you see (both for his benefit and for yours- so you can also be encouraged by the progress the two of you are making).