here, let me try to reitterate this again.
Colored belts.. if student A has reached a certain level in his form.. he gets a piece of tape on his belt. If Student B needs more work.. he keeps working on it til he has reached that level. If Student A advances in his sparring.. he gets another piece of tape.. and so on. He's still a yellow belt, and he's still a yellow belt til he's ready to test. If you have alot of students its easier to go "Student A is getting about ready to test.. he has his 3 stripes". Yes, I should be able to tell that without the tape.. but it sure would make it less confusing. It also lets "them" know where they are at, and what they need to improve on.
I'm not sure what your replying to about testing. So I cannot reply to that.
I don't see anything that says "Mcdojo".
OK Sylo let me re say things in a different approach, everytime I see some piece of tape at the bottom of a belt it says two things to me and remember this is my opinion here so it is not God words, they say Mc dojo because every single one in my area does them and charge anywhere from $10.00 to $25.00 for them or it says the head instructor is not competant enough to even know his own students well enough so he uses the tape sytem. Liek I said you said you will not be charging so great so I need to look at the other side which is he needs help knowing his student progress. Not trying to start a war with you because you seem to have some great topics and advice on this forum.
On the testing you explained it was just a date so people would know and not a group thing so I was agreeing with you on that.
Sylo I hope when you open your school it become swhat you would like it to be. Like I said Best of luck sir.:asian: