

Blue Belt
I was just wondering what age most of the people are in your class. I seem to be the only 22 year old in class. Most are kids from 8-14 yrs. old or parents taking class with their kids that are well into their 30s and 40s. Are your classes more for adults? I take a leadership class where we stand in a line with legs wide apart and have to marine crawl under everyone's legs to warm up. It is hard for someone my age to go under a 5 yr. old's legs. I don't think much of it though. It doesn't bother me, but it does cross my mind that this is more for "fun" and for the younger crowd than it is for adults. As a side note, I do take a kickboxing class there with adults but they are not in a dobok and they dont take any TKD classes.
We have kids classes, family classes, and adult classes. That said, in our "adult" class we currently have folks ranging from 14 to 50 something. The 14 year olds are just too big and strong to stick with the 7-13 year olds. Plus they are ready to learn more than the kids material.
My group range from 6 to 42 mostly in the bracket from 9-16 and then 28- 34 everything else is up in the air.
We have kids classes, family classes, and adult classes. That said, in our "adult" class we currently have folks ranging from 14 to 50 something. The 14 year olds are just too big and strong to stick with the 7-13 year olds. Plus they are ready to learn more than the kids material.

At my studio there were adult classes but there was only like 2 or 3 people showing up so they started doing kickboxing classes. It is a lot of fun we kick and punch pads most of the time. Which is great for me becuase that is the only way to get practice in on the pads. We also do something called FIGHT. Have you heard of it? It is for adults only. They practice defending against people with rubber guns and knifes.
My school is pretty large...mostly kids. Age range is from 5 to over 60. I will say that there are no 20-somethings at my school. I think it's because the school is not located very near any colleges or universities. Our students often start dropping out in late adolescent...usually disappearing altogether at around 18 when they leave to go to college. The thirty and forty somethings make up the majority of adults and most of them are parents of students.

Where I train, student's kids can take classes, but only in private lessons with thier parents. So, the vast majority of students are adults that range in age from as young as 19 to as old as 80. I guess the average student is about 30 (I'm 31).
This is a fact of life for many Tae Kwon Do classes. Parents view it as a recreation activity for kids (or cheap babysitting) and let them practice while they watch.
Our classes are split into 2 groups. 13 and under and 14 and over.

13 and under are mostly smaller children at our site, my daughter is in one and she's 5, I have tried training with her at weekends and she's just too small to do anything expect direct her and hold pads for her. Our class is for 14 and over, we have one 14 year old, she's quite big for her age and the rest range up to age 60. The ages are mostly around the 30's mark though.

The children grade different to us and do half patterns for half grades at some points too.
the vast majority of students are adults that range in age from as young as 19 to as old as 80.

80? Wow! That's inspiring.

We have two groups, under 13 and over 13. Some classes are completely separate. In the mixed classes, both groups warm up together but then we segregate, often into different rooms.

There are definitely a lot more kids than adults, at least below black belt. Then it switches. My perception is that many kids drop out after they attain their black belt but adults seem more likely to continue.

Average age of adults I guess is ~35 or a bit less below black belt. Above 35 maybe even close to 40 for black belt.

BTW, I have never been very good at estimating peoples ages. I would never make it in a carnival doing that weight/age thing.
We have 2 seperate classes for kids and adults. Kids go up to 14. I, at 46, am not the oldest (surprisingly). There's one other guy my age and one several years older.
Our dojang is very small. My instructor has two part time dojangs. One in a rec center (the one I attend), and one in a dance studio. Sometimes, some of the students from the dance studio attend our classes (to make-up classes or to get extra help before a test, ect). The class last thursday at the rec center was pretty big (for us, that is). There were 10 adults (13 and up class). There where a couple of teens (not sure of their ages), but mostly 30 somethings and up (I'm 32). Like Shuto, I'm not good at judging ages, so this is a rough estimate. But there is definitely more kids than adults.
I'm the only 26 year old in class. Everybody else is either much older or much younger than me. Which kinda sucks when we do partner stretches-- I rarely get partnered up with an adult.
Wow, this is interesting. Our studio has mostly kids - under 18....
But we have a special "mom's class" of which I'm probably the youngest member at 35. This is a morning class, typically starting after kids are dropped off. It's misnamed too of course, for there are father's in class, 2 at present out of 11 total. Children of various ages make up the majority of classes though. Parents (mostly dads) and adults (single folk) seem to be able to make the evening/weekend classes.

The youngest is Guru Plinck's youngest daughter - 23. The oldest is around 60. Most are in their 30s or 40s.
We have three separate classes, the low ranking kids, the higher ranking kids (8th to 3rd kup), and the adults. The adults right now go from 14 to about 60, but there are only a dozen of us when everyone shows up. The two younger classes have about 50 kids in each. I've heard sabunim say often recently "kids used to stop coming after a while, that isn't happening anymore". I think the BBs are likely trying to figure out what to do going forward.


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