Brit Soldiers & US Marines in New Afghan Operation


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Operation Tor Shezda is another operation to remove the Taliban, 'supported' by Afghan soldiers is this the one to help finish the war or just another operation that will kill and injure our soldiers? It's not so much that I'm cynical more I'm worried about the loss of life being more wasted lives. I also have doubts about the Afghan soldiers after speaking to friends back on R&R, they simply can't be trusted to do the job, infact they aren't trusted by our soldiers full stop, I doubt the American soldiers experience with them is any different. The British regiment is the Duke of Lancaster's, based five minutes up the road from me.

I'm sure the 'blood and guts' brigade will be delighted that we are 'giving it to them' but is the cost to us in lives and money really going to be worth it? Somehow I doubt it, it's long been time that we were sat around the table negociating peace even if it means the hawks have to swallow their pride and the arms companies have reduced profits for a little while.
We've got about 60 AWOL Afghan troops in the US, reportedly being smuggled via safe houses to Canada. I suspect this is another 'wow, who woulda thought they'd shoot us in the back, again?' thing, sadly.

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