Senior Master
this is off topic, but everything I quoted is exactly WRONG, in fact, it is 100% wrong. And not just factually wrong, but so wrong it sounds deluded.
Could you please explain? I don't mind if people disagree with me, but if you say that I am totally 100% wrong and deluded, you must obviously know things which I don't. Let's go over these things 1 by 1, mkay?
1) Normally, the president would strongly support the candidate of his party during the campaign, like for example reagan and Bush senior. This was absent from the McCain campaign because Bush was not that popular anymore. If he had been, then Bush and McCain would have shared a lot of public facetime. And given the election results, the republicans got kicked on all fronts. Ergo, there was a lot of dissatisfaction.
The night before the election, there was a debate in which the republican representatives (the republican youth or young republicans or something like that) did a lot of effort to distance themselves from Bush. They would not have done that if his approval rating would have been high.
2) Palin not knowing much about international politics became apparent in media interviews. Also, her 150K$ campaign wardrobe didn't gain her any favor at a time when people couldn't pay their bills because of the housing crisis. Firing a police chief who refused to sack her former brother inlaw?
Mentioning an interview with the UK PM which never happened?
Palin was given a lot of rope, and she put a noose around her own neck.
Her extremism also alienated a lot of moderates. Btw this does not come from me, but from several moderate Americans I know. After the election, they mentioned that Palin was an important factor for them not voting republican
3) The economy couldn't have dumped at a better time for Obama. McCain said that the base of the economy was still strong before fannie and freddy crashed.
4) Obama -is- a gifted speaker. He did not run solely on blackness
5) The Obama side did not throw much dirt at all. They were fortunate enough that the press was having a field day with Palin.
6) 365 to 173 electoral votes is not a landslide?
Which one of these is not true?
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