Advice on Neighbor


Black Belt
A few evenings ago I notice a guy in his sixties in a blue shirt walk up to my garbage can which had a couple of garbage bags in it and pour out a bucket into my can. I was just momentarily looking out the front window when this happened. He then just walked down the street. I went outside out of curiosity to see what he had poured, and my can was full of what looked like powdered cement. Almost half the can was filled with the stuff. So I followed down the street about 5 houses and came upon an older man in a blue shirt taking out his trash. (I never got a good look at his face) so I asked him, "excuse me, did you just empty cement in my garbage can?" He looked surprised for a couple of seconds, and then said No. I took his surprise to mean he was surprised he'd been caught and didn't know how to respond right away. There was no one else around and he did look suspicious taking out his trash at that exact moment. So I asked him again, you didn't throw that crap in my garbage can? He again said NO, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? So I asked him did you see anyone walk by here, he said NO and walked away.
He did look like the guy, he was in a blue shirt and in his 60s and didn't look at all concerned. If a neighbor came up to me and said this, I would be concerned and ask what happened?
Anyways, although looking back I'm not proud of this. I went back and because of the adrenaline going through me. I took a handful of the powder and went back to his house, as he saw me coming he stood in front on the sidewalk in front of his garbage very standoff-ish, so I started walking faster and he got out of the way. I told him next time put your crap in a bag and threw it on his garbage bags, as I turned around to walk away he threw some dirt at me from his yard. At this point I just continued to walk away and went home to cool off before going outside to put the powdered cement in garbage bags knowing the garbage men the next day might not pick it up or if they didn't see it and tried to throw it they'd get full of the dust.
Looking back, I'm not very proud of my reaction, but I haven't been in this neighborhood for more than 3 months and it's extremely quiet. I was really surprised that an older neighbor especially, would have such disrespect for his neighbors. I don't think he singled me out personally, the other neighbors had bags out front so I think he just went to the first house he saw with a can and threw it in. The thing that really gets me is that I had 2 boxes that had leaves in them, I probably wouldn't have been bothered had he thrown the powder in there as it wouldn't have seemed so inconsiderate and the garbage men can easily throw the boxes out. I was just really surprised that someone would so carelessly and disrespectfully do something like that.

Any thoughts?
Sounds like he has some mental issues...Altzeimers maybe..Do you pay for your trash collection or does the city do it for free?? Let the cops know if it continues or excalates...
What is done is done. Don't worry too much about it, but definately stay aware of what is going on. If you haven't already, get to know your new neighbors, especially the immediate neighbors. Look out for each other.

One more thing, I certainly wouldn't have touched the stuff that he didn't want in his own trash can. Maybe it was cement mix, maybe it a byproduct of something he was cooking in his basement. Who knows?
If I wasn't sure the person was the same one, I wouldn't have put anything in his can... that said, I wouldn't have touched the stuff if I wasn't sure what it was.

Talk to other neighbors, describe the person as best you can, and see if others have had similar problems; if it's a one-time problem, I wouldn't worry, but if it continues, then you may have to revisit the issue.

Also, as has been mentioned - it depends on who pays for trash pickup. Mine is covered by my city taxes, so as long as my household trash fits in my can, I don't mind if my neighbors put extra in it - they've done the same for me - but if you're paying for individual trash collection I can see it being more of an issue.
Sounds like he has some mental issues...Altzeimers maybe..Do you pay for your trash collection or does the city do it for free?? Let the cops know if it continues or excalates...

Alzheimers, possibly. I didn't think about that. The garbage collection is covered by our taxes so the city takes care of it.
I'm hoping that's the end of it. If it would continue I would definetely just call the police and make a complaint. I just really hope it doesn't go there the street is so quiet and peaceful, the neighbors all seem really calm. I'd just like it to stay that way.
Thanks for the support guys.

I probably wouldn't have gotten worked up about it. I'm not sure if your trash was at the curb or by your house, and I'd be more worried at the house. Yeah, I'd probably have looked to see what it was (suspicious powders do concern me, for obvious reasons)... but I've slipped something into a neighbor's can (and they've slipped stuff in mine) because it was more convenient or mine was full, or whatever.

It's garbage... If he was using your can for all of his garbage, that'd be a problem. If he had to enter onto your property... OK. Otherwise? Who cares? Would you have rather he leave the powder in a bucket at the curb to get spread all over?
Keep an eye on things around garbage day, see if it happens again.

If it does, go out there and ask him nicely if he needed more room for his garbage and what exactly it was that he put in your can. If he doesn't respond favorably, then call the city.

You have no way of knowing exactly what that was he put in your can - could be cement, could be ash, could be burnt human remains. :idunno:

And then ... invest in garbage bags and try to keep your garbage unavailable to the street until *right before* garbage pickup.

Good luck and keep us posted.
No need to get all worked up, you can resolve this situation without resorting to personal violence.

......................(I mean dynamite, TNT and guided missiles are all pretty impersonal, right?)
No need to get all worked up, you can resolve this situation without resorting to personal violence.

......................(I mean dynamite, TNT and guided missiles are all pretty impersonal, right?)

Andy, I like your thinking, lol. That was funny! :D
Thanks for the input guys.

Just to answer a few questions. I'm not worked up about it now. It's just when it happened it took me by surprise that someone would come onto my property. (The garbage is put in front of our houses, not the curb.) Mine was on the corner of my driveway. What got me was not at all putting garbage in my can, which I wouldn't have minded at all. It's just that the powder could have been put in a container not left in the can which I'm sure the garbage men would not have picked up. Anything liquid or powdered has to be closed off in a container or bag.

"It's garbage... If he was using your can for all of his garbage, that'd be a problem. If he had to enter onto your property... OK. Otherwise? Who cares? Would you have rather he leave the powder in a bucket at the curb to get spread all over?"

I would rather he put it in a bag. This guys property was immaculate. It couldn't have looked cleaner. I'm sure he respects cleanliness. Just not other peoples.

Hopefully you don't leave garbage in your neighbors can that would make them look bad or possibly injure the garbagemen though.

I'm thinking if I see him again, and it looks ok I'd probably apologize in hopes of just making peace and offer help if he ever needs to throw anything difficult. The guy is older and I can see the difficulty some people may have in doing things that I take for ganted.

Just to let you guys know, the stuff was cement I can see where I hosed the sidewalk that there are small clumps that hardened.

I'll keep an eye out but think (and hope) this should be over with.
Interesting replies to the OP. Personally, if its going to be an issue with this guy, call the cops. Technically, he's illegally dumping items. If he lives in the area, I wonder why he chose to not use his own container? Perhaps its because those types of containers are meant for garbage, not paint cans, old oil or materials of that nature, such as what he dumped.

I live in a condo complex, and I see things in the dumpsters that should not be there, ie: chairs, large amounts of cardboard, etc. Once a year, we get a huge bulk dumpster for that stuff, and there is also a local dump for hazmat, bulky waste items.

It also surprises me that he'd walk down 5 houses. Why not use his next door neighbors container?
Interesting replies to the OP. Personally, if its going to be an issue with this guy, call the cops. Technically, he's illegally dumping items. If he lives in the area, I wonder why he chose to not use his own container? Perhaps its because those types of containers are meant for garbage, not paint cans, old oil or materials of that nature, such as what he dumped.

I live in a condo complex, and I see things in the dumpsters that should not be there, ie: chairs, large amounts of cardboard, etc. Once a year, we get a huge bulk dumpster for that stuff, and there is also a local dump for hazmat, bulky waste items.

It also surprises me that he'd walk down 5 houses. Why not use his next door neighbors container?
Mike, I'm glad you said so - I thought this as well - dumping your trash into someone else's container unless invited is *illegal* and here, dumping loose, dry cement or concrete into anyone's can could get you fined.

And why SM's can? Seems kinda ... dubious, doesn't it? Perhaps he's been doing this for years and his direct neighbors are "ON" to him?
It also surprises me that he'd walk down 5 houses. Why not use his next door neighbors container?

It also surprised me so as I was walking there I noticed all other houses had closed bags. Except for one that had a closed can, one with the plastic hinges that takes 2 hands to open. I figure he must have taken a walk until he found an open can. Or he didn't want his immediate neighbors to think it was him. He figured I would have thought it was one of my immediate neighbors who did it. It was just a fluke that I happened to be looking out the window at that time.
Sounds like he has some mental issues...Altzeimers maybe..Do you pay for your trash collection or does the city do it for free?? Let the cops know if it continues or excalates...

In areas where people have to pay per pound or bag or canister people find ways to get their garbage out and usually into someone else's garbage.

As to the powder, I would have called the police and told them it was an unknown substance. Get it on record.

But, we have all made mistakes, myself included, so I have no place to stand and comment.
Technically, he's illegally dumping items. If he lives in the area, I wonder why he chose to not use his own container?

That's what we cite folks for when we catch them using the shopping centers large dumpsters..Which is why many of them are chained shut by the renters..They (the renters) are paying good money for these dumpsters for their use, seems some people cannot understand that..If they get REALLY stupid with the officers they can be cited for theft of services..

It also surprises me that he'd walk down 5 houses. Why not use his next door neighbors container?

Perhaps he already had a run in withe his neighbors??
That's what we cite folks for when we catch them using the shopping centers large dumpsters..Which is why many of them are chained shut by the renters..They (the renters) are paying good money for these dumpsters for their use, seems some people cannot understand that..If they get REALLY stupid with the officers they can be cited for theft of services..

The school where I teach had to chain ours shut too, for the same reason... it drives the custodians nuts when the dumpsters are full the day after they're emptied.

Perhaps he already had a run in withe his neighbors??

That could, very easily, be the problem.
Who knows if the guy has a mental problem? He just might not give a rat's.

Since you returned some of his garbage to him, maybe he'll stay the heck away from yours now, unless he's a real piece of work.

What if the substance he dumped in your garbage is not allowed to be disposed of that way?

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