My Visit from the Sheriff's Deputy...

Thats BS and sounds like another "advisement" to me. On what grounds? Especially after she already found that the guy lied the first time. If your dogs are licensed and have their shots you would have grounds to sue if they took and destroyed your property (which in the eyes of the law pets are).


It sounds like this deputy didn't make either side happy. :)

Having seen some of the "vicious dog" statutes around the country -- it could be possible. Some of them are pretty messed up, and "a history of attacks" is all it takes to initiate the proceedings. Bill would have the right to challenge it in court -- but that's time and money, versus complying with a simple seizure order.

From Bill's account, the deputy was an ***. I suspect he's had some problems with dogs himself, and has zero tolerance. On one level, I want to say it was like the guy I had to tell not to walk his dog in a park one night. We were chasing some kids out, and the guy comes up walking his dog. The kids asked "Isn't he trespassing, too?", and so I was stuck telling the guy essentially that he couldn't walk his dog in the park, or else. No, I didn't really care, and I wouldn't have said anything -- but the kids were still right there and had directly addressed the issue.
**** like this is why I prefer to not have neighbors. Sorry you have to go through this, Bill. It sounds as though the first deputy to respond might be a relative of your asshat neighbor. It also sounds like the system is stacked against you-a good lawyer might help, but maybe you should look for another place to live.

If it were me, I'd be tempted to build a high-frequency generator and point itat the guy's house, so that he, his wife and his little baby eventually become psychotic. Or order kiddy-porn in his name and have hard-copies delivered to him by mail-and then call the cops-with the mail-order bride and all, this one is especially believable. Or plant marijuana in his compost pile, or, better yet, opium poppies. The IRS has a hotline for reporting tax-cheats-he might be a good candidate for that, too.

Or I might do all those things. Not recommending that you do any of those things, especially the first one,-that would be wrong. I'm just pointing out whhy I prefer not to have neighbors......:lfao:
This is the back yard tree 'fence' that borders both of our property. The trees or bushes or whatever they are are over 30 feet high, and the neighbor has strung a chickenwire fence at the base, so the dogs cannot get into his yard through mine; I could not walk or crawl through it either. So this is where he first said that the dogs 'attacked him' a year and a half ago; they were standing at the trees barking at him in his yard, while he yelled obscenities at us.

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This is the 'common' back area that is not my property and not his property. We used to let the dogs go back here; obviously we won't do that any more.

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This is the back yard fence of the neighbor. According to my wife, he was standing at the fence, on his side of it, pitching grass clippings over the fence into the common area. The dogs were standing the 'common area' side of the fence and barking at him. This is the fence he claims they jumped over and attacked him in his yard; my wife was there and denies it. He also claims that he was forced to defend himself against our dogs with a rake; I heard the barking and came outside immediately; it was just barking. Not snarling, not snapping, and certainly not the kind of noise a dog makes if you hit it with a rake. The dogs never crossed onto his property and he never left his. I do not know how someone can be attacked like that. When questioned by the Animal Control officer, apparently he pointed out the fragile nature of the fence and stated that 'well they could have', which is not the same thing as saying they did. But he still insists they were on his property, even while admitting they were not. Which is impossible. When I pointed that out to the Animal Control lady, she shrugged.

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if it were me, i'd be tempted to build a high-frequency generator and point itat the guy's house, so that he, his wife and his little baby eventually become psychotic. Or order kiddy-porn in his name and have hard-copies delivered to him by mail-and then call the cops-with the mail-order bride and all, this one is especially believable. Or plant marijuana in his compost pile, or, better yet, opium poppies. The irs has a hotline for reporting tax-cheats-he might be a good candidate for that, too.

damn that's stuff worth remembering!!!!!!
**** like this is why I prefer to not have neighbors. Sorry you have to go through this, Bill. It sounds as though the first deputy to respond might be a relative of your asshat neighbor. It also sounds like the system is stacked against you-a good lawyer might help, but maybe you should look for another place to live.

If it were me, I'd be tempted to build a high-frequency generator and point itat the guy's house, so that he, his wife and his little baby eventually become psychotic. Or order kiddy-porn in his name and have hard-copies delivered to him by mail-and then call the cops-with the mail-order bride and all, this one is especially believable. Or plant marijuana in his compost pile, or, better yet, opium poppies. The IRS has a hotline for reporting tax-cheats-he might be a good candidate for that, too.

Or I might do all those things. Not recommending that you do any of those things, especially the first one,-that would be wrong. I'm just pointing out whhy I prefer not to have neighbors......:lfao:

As much as it is fun to think about revenge, and believe me when I say I have a fertile imagination AND I used to read the various George Hayduke books with relish, I also do not want to be involved in any kind of litigation, spat, argument, or anything. My life is too full of other bad things right now to even consider what the consequences could be of engaging in any form of escalation or tit-for-tat. I mean, even on the mild side, my wife and I were talking at lunch today about what else he could bring down on us that he hasn't already; we realized he might also call the HOA on us. We realized that his 'fences' are not legal by HOA rules, so we could call the HOA on him if we wanted to, but really, that's not the kind of thing we're interested in. We just want to finish up our lease here and find another place to live. When we're quit of this place, we're quit of him and that's life. I am not into grudges or revenge; it would only eat me up inside, assuming I didn't end up getting in legal trouble for it. But it's fun to dream sometimes, yeah.
. I am not into grudges or revenge; it would only eat me up inside, assuming I didn't end up getting in legal trouble for it. But it's fun to dream sometimes, yeah.

THere is no justice when the scales are bent by a corrupt and criminal government.

Rather than revenge, I think of such things as just acts, and sleep like a child

Not dreams. My reality. Like I said, though, one of a few reasons why I prefer not to have neighbors at all.......Ideally,, the frequency emitter would have to go in the guy's basement, anyway, and that would be against the law. If it were mounted on a roof or a tree, though, and pointed it at a window on his house-a nice big one that would vibrate just right-then..:lfao:....of course, you can probably find plans for such a thing with the right kind of Google search, or maybe even find someone to get one from, but I'm still not recommending that you do anything like that.....:lfao:
ahhh, the planning of such misdeeds is such fun! :lol:
(you can also sign him up for gay porn....)
THere is no justice when the scales are bent by a corrupt and criminal government.

Rather than revenge, I think of such things as just acts, and sleep like a child

Not dreams. My reality. Like I said, though, one of a few reasons why I prefer not to have neighbors at all.......Ideally,, the frequency emitter would have to go in the guy's basement, anyway, and that would be against the law. If it were mounted on a roof or a tree, though, and pointed it at a window on his house-a nice big one that would vibrate just right-then..:lfao:....of course, you can probably find plans for such a thing with the right kind of Google search, or maybe even find someone to get one from, but I'm still not recommending that you do anything like that.....:lfao:

When I first moved up here from NC, I was looking at a house that I thought maybe we could buy with cash outright near here (yeah, the market is that depressed) and I went to look at it; I took a camera to take photos since my wife was still in NC. The neighbor lady came out and asked what I was doing; a perfectly normal reaction, and so I explained myself to her. She told me that no, I was not interested in buying the house, I was spying on her, because the state of Michigan has had her under surveillance for years for being pro-life and they put things in her food and water. I realized she was a nutter, knew we would not want to be living next door to her, and left. Later, looking at the photos of the house, I noticed that at one time or another, previous owners had put up not one, not two, but three satellite dishes. My wife and I were talking about the loony-tunes lady on the phone that night and looking at the photos, and I got an evil thought; I said we should buy the place, get up on the roof, and point all the satellite dishes at her house. But that would be so wrong (LOL).
When I first moved up here from NC, I was looking at a house that I thought maybe we could buy with cash outright near here (yeah, the market is that depressed) and I went to look at it; I took a camera to take photos since my wife was still in NC. The neighbor lady came out and asked what I was doing; a perfectly normal reaction, and so I explained myself to her. She told me that no, I was not interested in buying the house, I was spying on her, because the state of Michigan has had her under surveillance for years for being pro-life and they put things in her food and water. I realized she was a nutter, knew we would not want to be living next door to her, and left. Later, looking at the photos of the house, I noticed that at one time or another, previous owners had put up not one, not two, but three satellite dishes. My wife and I were talking about the loony-tunes lady on the phone that night and looking at the photos, and I got an evil thought; I said we should buy the place, get up on the roof, and point all the satellite dishes at her house. But that would be so wrong (LOL).

not if you give her an able amount of tinfoil for hat!
Your neighbors should NOT dictate the way you live on your own property.

Thoughts while reading the entire OP.

1. Your neighbors are making ALL dogs bad because of the actions of ONE dog and that is just plain stupid.
2. (your) Neighbors are *******s
3. I'd told the guys hooking up the security camera that they were violating privacy rights having the camera pointed towards your property. Security cameras should cover the property area they're on NOT someone else's ... even if it's adjoining. There are ways to adjust the cameras so that a person's property is covered entirely but still screen out adjoining properties.
4. Dogs barking ... just barking. Sad that we can't translate dog bark... hard to tell if the dogs are shouting "hello hello happy to see you hello hello!! come play with us hello hello!! " or "go away, stay away, our place, stay away, go away!" Anti-bark collars are for problem dogs that don't seem to get it when the owner is repeatedly telling them "No!" or "Quiet!" But it may be a solution if the dogs HAVE to go out and you and the missus are just too preoccupied to be with them. But it should never have to get down to that.
5. File complaint against officer threatening to shoot dog. To my understanding if the dog is a KNOWN nuisance, has a "record" of getting out and harassing/biting people then animal control should come in and assess the situation to see if the dog is able to get out on it's own and is likely to be "dangerous" (i.e. unwarranted biting).
6. It's your yard... start taking the dogs out while naked. That'll force THEM back inside THEIR house... not the other way around.
7. The video:... aww nice bonding moments.
8. Consider training the dogs NOT to bark until you tell them to... it can be done, just takes time and patience. At least they won't bark at the neighbor when they're out at the same time.

You shouldn't have to move just because you live next door to an *******/jerk. It's sad that he/they had a bad experience with a different dog but they didn't have that experience with YOUR dogs. They need to get that through their heads and stop being so prejudiced.
Hope things work out for you.

When I first moved up here from NC, I was looking at a house that I thought maybe we could buy with cash outright near here (yeah, the market is that depressed) and I went to look at it; I took a camera to take photos since my wife was still in NC. The neighbor lady came out and asked what I was doing; a perfectly normal reaction, and so I explained myself to her. She told me that no, I was not interested in buying the house, I was spying on her, because the state of Michigan has had her under surveillance for years for being pro-life and they put things in her food and water. I realized she was a nutter, knew we would not want to be living next door to her, and left. Later, looking at the photos of the house, I noticed that at one time or another, previous owners had put up not one, not two, but three satellite dishes. My wife and I were talking about the loony-tunes lady on the phone that night and looking at the photos, and I got an evil thought; I said we should buy the place, get up on the roof, and point all the satellite dishes at her house. But that would be so wrong (LOL).
That'd been funnier than hell. Not to mention bogus/fake video cameras with 9v powered red leds so they're on 24/7 :lol2:
I shared a home (renting out rooms) with a lady that hoarded newspapers and specific magazines because she was a "covert operative for the FBI" it was amusing at first until I caught her red-handed snooping in my room and raised holy hell with her (I was *ahem* a bit more volatile back then ... verbally). Scared her out of the house and she moved a week later.
Gay porn wouldn't land him in jail to be butt-raped. I'm not talking about playing practical jokes here.

It sounds like someone's already been pointing several of these at this guy's house for awhile now, and they're working just fine thanks. I think Bill needs to find a solution that does the opposite of this. Personally, I recommend barely-sub-coma doses of Prozac, administered forcefully if necessary. Lithium might also be helpful.
We just want to finish up our lease here and find another place to live. When we're quit of this place, we're quit of him and that's life.

One of my favourite quotes from the Art of War is "he who has an enemy shall suffer"

It is one of the most misunderstood quotes and more commonly interpreted as meaning "if you decide to make an enemy out of somone then you will suffer".

But as in this instance you have an enemy and you are sufferring and will continue to suffer until this enemy is eliminated. It is not your fault you have the enemy, you didn't choose him, he chose you.

I can appreciate you are happy to move house but if you hoarde anything like I do then it will cost over $1,000 to move all your stuff, then you have the effort involved, the inconvenience and potential problems at the new place anyway.

I wish I knew a great way to eliminate these sorts of enemies but i don' amount of compliance will work, Military strikes are probably not the order of the day, escalation may cause him to back down but it may make things worse, eliminating his ability to cause you harm is difficult, potentially risky and expensive(keep doing things that irritate him until the local departments regard him as no more than a prank caller).

Just beating someone into submission is not enough since they may still think they have a chance so it is not enough to just win but you have to make sure they know they can not win. In your case you need at least three entities to tell him so. The Sherriff's office and Animal control need to tell him to stop calling them and the local courts need to tell him not to waste their time(since that would probably be his next step).

Since moving won't necessarily fix your problem because you may get a neighbour ten times worse at the new place and therefore still have to find a real solution I would recommend trying a little harder to eliminate this person as an enemy. Which doesn't mean leave him with a pair of concrete boots at the bottom of the river. I'm not saying make him your friend either, you just have to make him no longer be your enemy.

First thing to realise is this guy has problems and as far as he is concerned, they are really big problems and you are just the last straw. So spy on him a little, do a little social engineering, get inside his space and find out what his problems are. Odds are his wife is a cow, she treats him like garbage, the baby just won't shut up, he's sad because he is a complete and utter wimp, he can't fight, lived with his mom so long he has lost all touch with his manhood and to top it all off the "tuff-guy" living next door who has the whole world in the palm of his hand is scary cause mommy never taught him how to be a man.

Bearing all of this in mind, ask him for a favour...ask him to help you hang the punching bag which is too heavy to do on your own(not) and teach him some Karate. Teach this tosser that as much as he may hate the bogey man living next door he needs you.
Of course, all of this is fun dreaming of revenge, not any actual planning or intent. Right, folks? Just sayin'...

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