I’ve seen a lot gunshot wounds, animals and people. First time on a person was a 1911 point blank to the head, in person, in the street, while walking with my grandfather at age 5. I’m certain he died. There have been many non fatal gunshot wounds in the OR over the years, mostly pistol caliber wounds to extremities. Some of those, while not fatal, were nonetheless catastrophic. Three were accidentally self inflicted by police officers. One was two 45 acp to the thorax, and two to the abdomen. In this case the victim had been home invaded by robbers who ordered the victim to bind his wife, he chose to fight and was shot point blank. He managed to get a cell phone and a Hank of hair from the perpetrators. The wife got away, the victim was alert and responsive all the way to the OR until we induced anesthesia and began working to save him. We had two teams and were giving a lot of blood but in the end he succumbed to his injuries.