Master Black Belt
Ok, so this last post I looked at on here "Pre-attack indicators" got me thinking about things and a general quesiton I had for others.
Do we always need to disengage the ego and move around others and avoid violence or confrontations? Sometimes it is hard being like a zen monk all the time when there are so many douchebags out there, and that includes punks as well as just arrogant insular sods. Generaly when I am walking down a busy street I weave among people rather than holding a line, being a relatively big guy from doing a lot of weights alongside my MA training when I do hold the line most get outta my way anyhow but I am not that kind of guy in any event.
But what grates me at times is when you either have some hood who deliberately plows his way throw people, men/women alike, or a bunch of arrogant suits who just think they own the footpath/world. At times I will deliberatly hold the line and stiffen the shoulder into these types rather than evasion and flowing around them. This generaly sends them scattered and startled, few want to make a real issue but if they do at that stage I am prepared to go where it goes.
Example, a biggish (but nothing impressive) surly chap obviously with an ego problem was cutting down the middle of the street a few weeks back, had a fierce look on his face, expecting everyone to move or bumping them. I generally try to stay aware of surrroundings so I saw this coming well in advance. This day (and I know it is never wise to assess an unknown as who knows what they are capable of) I thought forget it and assessed the guy as on his own and someone I could give a stomping to if required. So I kept going casually and then at the last sec firmed up and cliipped the guy. He was startled and pissed, took about two seconds to compute and then he stopped in his tracks by which time he was about 20 paces from me (I had kept walking also but with an eye on him) and he said, "what the ---".
Ok so don't preach to me on this one about SD and legal defences etc, I just took a view and couldn't be bothered. So I said, "hey, you gotta problem come make something of it". So he starts coming over to me, so I slip my bag to the ground and assume a ready but neutral stance, ie squared nicely but hands down. This gives him pause from thought as he stops just out of range. Basically I run the whole escalte to de-escalte routine, not good I know. He starts blabbing away, I say "no, you walked into me", he starts threatening violence, I say "if you make a move, I will defend myself", he says, "I will defend myself also", I say "why, I am not attacking you, what do you need to defend?"
Then I talk him down and he ends up trying to be pals (which I don't buy) and to which I don't oblige and he heads off.
I watch him go then take another longer route to where I was going just to make sure not followed etc.
Now hey, I would have actually beaten the guy or subdued him if needed to and who knows where that would have lead. But is the above reaction totally crazy, do we always have to just move over or let things slide, particularly where from a legitimate defence position if things were to escalate you may be covered by legal defences.
As said, generally I don't indulge in the above but if someone is picking on someone or beating them for no cause or maybe just being a hood/no-good, if we assess the risks can't we become involved, if we choose?
Do we always need to disengage the ego and move around others and avoid violence or confrontations? Sometimes it is hard being like a zen monk all the time when there are so many douchebags out there, and that includes punks as well as just arrogant insular sods. Generaly when I am walking down a busy street I weave among people rather than holding a line, being a relatively big guy from doing a lot of weights alongside my MA training when I do hold the line most get outta my way anyhow but I am not that kind of guy in any event.
But what grates me at times is when you either have some hood who deliberately plows his way throw people, men/women alike, or a bunch of arrogant suits who just think they own the footpath/world. At times I will deliberatly hold the line and stiffen the shoulder into these types rather than evasion and flowing around them. This generaly sends them scattered and startled, few want to make a real issue but if they do at that stage I am prepared to go where it goes.
Example, a biggish (but nothing impressive) surly chap obviously with an ego problem was cutting down the middle of the street a few weeks back, had a fierce look on his face, expecting everyone to move or bumping them. I generally try to stay aware of surrroundings so I saw this coming well in advance. This day (and I know it is never wise to assess an unknown as who knows what they are capable of) I thought forget it and assessed the guy as on his own and someone I could give a stomping to if required. So I kept going casually and then at the last sec firmed up and cliipped the guy. He was startled and pissed, took about two seconds to compute and then he stopped in his tracks by which time he was about 20 paces from me (I had kept walking also but with an eye on him) and he said, "what the ---".
Ok so don't preach to me on this one about SD and legal defences etc, I just took a view and couldn't be bothered. So I said, "hey, you gotta problem come make something of it". So he starts coming over to me, so I slip my bag to the ground and assume a ready but neutral stance, ie squared nicely but hands down. This gives him pause from thought as he stops just out of range. Basically I run the whole escalte to de-escalte routine, not good I know. He starts blabbing away, I say "no, you walked into me", he starts threatening violence, I say "if you make a move, I will defend myself", he says, "I will defend myself also", I say "why, I am not attacking you, what do you need to defend?"
Then I talk him down and he ends up trying to be pals (which I don't buy) and to which I don't oblige and he heads off.
I watch him go then take another longer route to where I was going just to make sure not followed etc.
Now hey, I would have actually beaten the guy or subdued him if needed to and who knows where that would have lead. But is the above reaction totally crazy, do we always have to just move over or let things slide, particularly where from a legitimate defence position if things were to escalate you may be covered by legal defences.
As said, generally I don't indulge in the above but if someone is picking on someone or beating them for no cause or maybe just being a hood/no-good, if we assess the risks can't we become involved, if we choose?