Orange Belt
I was in town the other day and I happened to catch a glimpse of an ex-girlfriend from way back and it got me to thinking. When we first met, she was an usually shy woman, and was extremely squeamish in general and I think even then I knew what I was in for. It turns out her father was an extremely abusive man and kept his whole family under his thumb. Unfortunately I wasn't one of those people easily intimidated by him and he hated me all the more for it. Anyways, to make a long story short, one evening after supper, he blew up at me and threatened physical violence, he threw insults at me, threw stuff around, threatened bodily harm, and generally looked like an ape on a rampage. I'm a very tolerant and patient man, my temper doesn't get easily stirred, but I was put into a situation where I had just began to feel like I was getting through to him and we were "cool" with one another when he started attacking me. His family had become numb to his abuse, his wife was totally in denial, his kids (my ex and her brother) didn't dare stand up for themselves, and it was a no win situation no matter what choice I made. It really broke my heart in a way, because I knew that if I was to come to blows with this man, I'd ultimately lose even if I won the fight, I mean he may be crazy but he's still dad to them.
So, with tear filled eyes and nothing but rage in my veins I stood up, walked over to his daughter and gave her a choice to stay and be a personal punching bag to a sad little man, or come live with me. In her fear she stayed there and I never talked to her again. I often look back on that and while I realize now that he might have considered what I did as a sign of weakness and it may have stroked his ego even more, I just couldn't bring myself to beat this guy's head into a bloody pulp in front of his wife and daughter no matter how much he deserved it.
I guess sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have just beat this guy's face in, I mean he's everything in this world I despise, abusive control freak that thinks he can bully everyone around him to get his way. Oh, but it's not his fault, I mean he is a veteran after all.. I'm a veteran too, of a different war mind you, but still you don't see me beating my wife nightly and creating serial killers out of my kids with the abuse. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest, it really bothers me that people allow themselves to be victimized like that and that by stepping back and not making it personal, I may have actually encouraged his behavior.
So, with tear filled eyes and nothing but rage in my veins I stood up, walked over to his daughter and gave her a choice to stay and be a personal punching bag to a sad little man, or come live with me. In her fear she stayed there and I never talked to her again. I often look back on that and while I realize now that he might have considered what I did as a sign of weakness and it may have stroked his ego even more, I just couldn't bring myself to beat this guy's head into a bloody pulp in front of his wife and daughter no matter how much he deserved it.
I guess sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have just beat this guy's face in, I mean he's everything in this world I despise, abusive control freak that thinks he can bully everyone around him to get his way. Oh, but it's not his fault, I mean he is a veteran after all.. I'm a veteran too, of a different war mind you, but still you don't see me beating my wife nightly and creating serial killers out of my kids with the abuse. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest, it really bothers me that people allow themselves to be victimized like that and that by stepping back and not making it personal, I may have actually encouraged his behavior.