upnorthkyosa said:
Excuse me if I'm not jumping up and down. I guess I don't "love freedom" and "hate terror" enough.
Some people need to realize that a "well developed" sense of morality can veiw an act as morally reprehensible
and unfortunately neccessary
at the same time.
Mind sharing why this is morally reprehensible and "unforunately" neccessary?
The bottom line is that this may be a big step towards ending this whole God aweful war and getting our people outta there.
Nuff Said.
If Conservatives want to turn this into some kind of political "look at the great job we are doing" moment, fine. Their track record says otherwise and American's have notoriously short memories when it comes to stunts like that.
Yeah, I hope its a big step towards ending the conflict. I'd love to see Iraq emerge as a more powerful nation, self governed with a free people. Thats sort of the whole point.
I'd be content if Conversatives did not try to milk the situation. Report it as it is. State the facts. There is more left to do. However, I'd appreciate if the Left did the same thing. I see headlines like "does it really matter", "why did it take so long", "it won't make a difference", trying to make this as negative as possible. Is it possible it won't help? Possibly, I accept that, but it sure is not going to hurt.
I think thats one reason for my first post on this thread, not neccessarily a critic of ME, but as a statement that I don't want political bias to try and ruin a good event for the sake of politics. There is hardly no way this can be construed as a negative unless you: 1) want us to lose 2) think Islamic fundamentalism is fine and terrorism in Iraq is the way to go 3) think its better for Al-Zarqawi to live then to kill a family harboring him in a safe house 4) think his death is totally meaningless.
for points 1) and 2), if you believe that, then I have nothing to say to you. For 3), I beg you to consider the thousands that Al-Zarqawi killed, kidnapped, tortured and planned for the like. Its not pleasant, but I'd rather take out those harboring him than risk thousands more deaths. For 4), time will tell. I think the impact will be big. There will likely be another to rise, but not the same caliber of man. Time will tell.