Two related articles on 9-11 and Present Al-Qaida Status


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MT Mentor
9-11: A list of charges
By The Associated Press 1 hour, 30 minutes ago
The Pentagon has charged six detainees at Guantanamo Bay with murder and war crimes in connection with the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Some details on the detainees and their charges:
• Each defendant was charged with conspiracy and a number of separate offenses including murder in violation of the law of war, attacking civilians, attacking civilian objects, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, destruction of property in violation of the law of war, terrorism and providing material support for terrorism.
According to the news video the suspects will not be given "secret trials" and all information and evidence will be made known.
Meanwhile; the primary terrorist organization Al-Qaida is still out there, still causing grief.
Al-Qaida regaining some footing
By STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 1 minute ago;_ylt=Ah1Guy8oAUKy86xSpqmgGRSWwvIE
BAGHDAD - Al-Qaida in Iraq appears to have regained some footing with a series of high-profile and deadly bombings over the past two weeks and a sabotage blast Monday that may leave parts of northern Iraq without electricity until next week.
The counter-punch coincides with preparations by U.S. and Iraqi forces for an offensive in the northern city of Mosul, described as al-Qaida's last urban stronghold.
American commanders and diplomats have been careful in their assessments of the recent downturn in violence in Iraq — routinely saying that al-Qaida is on the run but not defeated. The terror organization's resurgence in recent days gave strength to those caveats.
Al-Qaida's resiliency began showing itself Feb. 1, when two women with Down syndrome were strapped with explosives then detonated by remote control just minutes apart in two Baghdad pet markets. The final death toll was 99.
In the meantime there have been a series of hit-and-run bomb attacks countrywide, with most of the victims being Sunni tribesmen who have turned against al-Qaida and are now fighting alongside American and Iraqi soldiers.

Justice after 7 years finally that those who conspired to attack the U.S. (successfully) are going to be met out. If this is swift then I guess we should be grateful. Thing is Bin Laden is still out there and still recruiting and his seconds are just as easily replaced as they're caught and sent to trial and prison or the death penalty. Like cockroaches there's plenty more where they came from. A hydra is a more apt description of these terrorists. We're cutting off heads but we're not burning the stumps so more can grow back.

On the battle front, they're resorting to more and more measures to obtain their goals.
"And there is no question," he added, "that (al-Qaida in Iraq) has sought to respond to the recent offensive operations launched by Iraqi and Coalition Forces by striking soft targets, killing innocent civilians, and interrupting essential services."
So, with that how do you take care of this problem?

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