Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been taken out.

Have you looked at the Democrat blogs on this story.....crazy.

....and in one voice, Democrats everywhere cried out in terror....
This is a good news story (AP article). It would've been nice to get only him, but if others were at his "isolated safe house" then I assume they knew the risks they were taking.

I note from the linked story that "U.S. warplanes dropped 500-pound bombs" on his hiding place (emphasis added). That's gotta hurt.
Do we have a hall of non rememberance for this guy?

Good ridance he got what he deservered.


This has been a good day for America. I believe they got Darth Vader, not I think it is time to get the Emporer(Bin Laden).
michaeledward said:
Can you ever "meet" with someone with whom you are not an "associate"?

Let us reveal in a happy moment for a little while dude. You can return to your normal paranoia and Republican bashing later, but let those who love freedom and despise terror enjoy it for a little while please.
Based off of my information, the Iraqi Police played a major part of the operation which resulted in this event. Without taking credit away from my brothers-in-arms (it happened just north of my FOB), I must give credit to the Local National Police involved...another sign that they are "growing up" and taking care of their own country.

Not another day closer to a total national pull-out, but another day closer for me (and a good day it was)!
mrhnau said:
Let us reveal in a happy moment for a little while dude. You can return to your normal paranoia and Republican bashing later, but let those who love freedom and despise terror enjoy it for a little while please.

Are you stating, implying, or insinuating that the poster does not love freedom and despise terror?
Don Roley said:
It is kind of sad that two women were killed while taking out this animal. But if they were innocent, then I put the blame on al-Sarqawi himself and not the US. Of course, I somehow doubt the women were innocent. Gee, they didn't know who this guy was? :rolleyes: I have more sympathy for the guys Clinton killed when he bombed the Chinese embassy or the Sudanian asprin factory by mistake.
Yet both were initiated in the same way. Millitary acted on intelligence. Glad this wasn't yet another another wedding party.

How about supporting your comments with facts? Certainly not necessary if you just want to express an opinion... but they don't sound very credible without them.

Actually, they sound pretty clueless... but that's your right.

"American Progress," the Democratic Party's leading think tank, headlines that the killing of Zarqawi is good news. Doesn't sound like anyone crying out in terror.

As you know, if anyone is terrified, it's the Republicans at the thought of voter backlash this November. Americans just don't like corruption (DeLay/Abramoff) or incompetence (underestimating the number of forces needed in Iraq/letting Bin Ladan slip away in Afghanistan/being wrong on WMD/starving FEMA and losing New Orleans because of it).

hapki68 said:
As you know, if anyone is terrified, it's the Republicans at the thought of voter backlash this November. Americans just don't like corruption (DeLay/Abramoff) or incompetence (underestimating the number of forces needed in Iraq/letting Bin Ladan slip away in Afghanistan/being wrong on WMD/starving FEMA and losing New Orleans because of it).


I don't think the Republicans are terrified at all. While it's true that voters may not like corruption or imcompetence, they don't like negativity, lack of vision / ideology, either. If they think that focusing on the negative aspects of the current administration will get them back into power instead of focusing on ideas, they are sadly mistaken.

But you wont take my word for it. And I hope you don't.
Perhaps you're right. Perhaps voters would rather have corruption and incompetence rather than negativity towards the current administration. We'll see.

But understand this. There are two schools of thought in the Democratic party as to how to respond to the Administration. One says that we should lay out an aggressive agenda as an alternative. The other -- supported by Newt Gingrich -- is that elections are not won or lost on your agenda... rather than are referendums on the current Administration. Newt points out that the Contract on America had little to do with the Republicans capturing Congress. Rather, it was anger at corruption of the Democrats and some of Clinton's policies. The Dems have, thus far, wisely chosen to sit back and watch the Republicans eat themselves alive. The strategy has been working. Republicans are running scared of Bush and his poll numbers are in the toilet. There's no one for the Reps to blame for the myriad of terrible policies that have the country in a funk.

It's absurd to think that half the country has no agenda or the party doesn't have the ability to come up with one. The question is one of strategy.

mrhnau said:
Let us reveal in a happy moment for a little while dude.

arnisardor said:
It would've been nice to get only him, but if others were at his "isolated safe house" then I assume they knew the risks they were taking.

MardiGras Bandit said:
I doubt anyone with him was an innocent bystander, the guy has been Iraq's most wanted for the better part of two years.

This from an Associated Press report.

Al-Zarqawi died with five others, including a woman, a child and the man who unwittingly led the Americans to him — his deputy and spiritual adviser, Abu Abdul-Rahman al-Iraqi, according to U.S. officials.

I will point out two items here.

There are seldom 'happy moments' in warfare.

And al-Zarqawi's whereabouts prior to the invasion was known to U.S. intelligence officials and opportunities to eliminate him from the mountains in the North of Iraq were not seized. It is entirely possible, the years of destruction he has wrought on Iraq could have been avoid by the U.S. military, except for choices by very senior Administration officials.
michaeledward said:
And al-Zarqawi's whereabouts prior to the invasion was known to U.S. intelligence officials and opportunities to eliminate him from the mountains in the North of Iraq were not seized. It is entirely possible, the years of destruction he has wrought on Iraq could have been avoid by the U.S. military, except for choices by very senior Administration officials.

I doubt that is the case. Trying to find someone like him is a bit difficult, and sometimes these scum surround themselves with kids and such to avoid being hit. If it is deep in bad territory you can't send in troops before they get away and if there is a lot of kids around, you don't want to bomb.

I don't know this is the case, but I am not going to say anything with as much conviction as your accusations against the administration.
Don Roley said:
I doubt that is the case. Trying to find someone like him is a bit difficult, and sometimes these scum surround themselves with kids and such to avoid being hit. If it is deep in bad territory you can't send in troops before they get away and if there is a lot of kids around, you don't want to bomb.

I don't know this is the case, but I am not going to say anything with as much conviction as your accusations against the administration.

How much you feel my accusations are based on conviction, rather than actual fact is really quite irrelevant. This article, from a few years back, provides quite a few documented links to get someone in search of the truth started.


It is fairly well documented, even if O'Lielly can't talk about the truth ..... Ansar al-Islam operated outside Saddam Hussein's control, under the protection of an American No Fly zone.
I feel a sense of relief at hearing this news, as I have some friends in the military and any slowing of the terrorist activities puts them one small step closer at coming home. However, that said, I feel no joy in the death of others. To cheer and carry on at the death of this person is to make ourselves no better than those we call our enemy.

*:asian: in silent contemplation*
And yet another thread run off the road of the topic and into the political ditch never to RETURN. Let me help everyone with the title of this thread.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been taken out


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