Assignments for a Ninja

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Purple Belt
Mar 14, 2004
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"Two were kidnapped in broad daylight in Baghdad earlier this month. Last Thursday, Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley and Briton Kenneth Bigley were seized by gunmen at the house they shared in Baghdad.

The Tawhid and Jihad group led by Jordanian-born terrorism mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi says it had murdered Armstrong and Hensley because the U.S. military rejected its demand to free all Iraqi women from U.S.-run prisons in Iraq.

The videos show masked gunmen standing behind the blindfolded hostages, whose throats are then slit and their heads severed. CIA officials say analysis of the footage of Armstrong’s killing suggests Zarqawi himself wielded the knife.

Hensley’s decapitated body was found Wednesday in Baghdad."


There was a recent news story referencing an interview with one of the American Military commanders regarding finding/locating Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. According to the news reporter, the commander said that the role of finding militants such as al-Zarqawi is better suited for a covert operative more so than military units.

It is also a fact that former President Bill Clinton was quoted in a recent report that he thought that the U.S. should just drop a couple of Ninja into Afganistan to take out leadership of the 9/11 terrorist group.

There are also individuals in Iraq serving as Security consultants, Security Officers and Private Security Agents who have a background in martial arts, a few with backgrounds in Ninjitsu/Ninjutsu.

Although President Clinton may have been hummorous in his response (after sending in a couple of Missiles), do you think President Bush should contract a private individual to develope a strategy, organize and implement the strategy to "bring those responsible to justice?" Is it necessary for this contracted individual to have a background in Ninjitsu versus other military or martial expertise?
He should call up is good friend Nuke and launch him over there,
im tired about this hostage thing, why do they just sit there and take it? If i was hostage and they said i would only get freed if some contry withdraws there troops, or some uber-bad guy has to be set free it woudl dawn on me that hmm, i would not be making it out of this, i woudl go nuts, throwing my self araound, yelling, running around, pretending to be prosseded, flairing around, i mean from what i have seen is they just sit there wail they kill them, i would try my best to get shot at lest, cuz im sure that hurts a whole lot less than geting my head sawed off, i mean i woudl be going nuts, if im going to die anyways might as well fight and get shot, but hey thats just me
sojobow said:

It is also a fact that former President Bill Clinton was quoted in a recent report that he thought that the U.S. should just drop a couple of Ninja into Afganistan to take out leadership of the 9/11 terrorist group.

Although President Clinton may have been you think President Bush should contract a private individual to develope a strategy, organize and implement the strategy to "bring those responsible to justice?" Is it necessary for this contracted individual to have a background in Ninjitsu versus other military or martial expertise?
For once Sojobow, I am in complete agreement with you.

I think that President Bush should hire a ninja to drop into Afganastan and/or Iraq to “clean up the mess” and “take out the trash”. But what one person could do the job that the most well trained and well equipped military in the history of the world still hasn’t effectively accomplished? That person would need to have the highest level of skills, the ability to improvise and an unshakeable resolve.

Sojobow, I do believe that ninja is you. I think everyone here at Martialtalk should write a letter to President Bush recommending that you be assigned to Afganastan; effective immediately.

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