Danny T
Senior Master
Read Danny's post again. Its pretty clear that he is distancing himself from WC practitioners who have embraced anti-grappling as a legitimate aspect of Wing Chun.
[FONT="]Hanzou, don’t read more into what I wrote. You lumped all wc families together with your statement; “Wing Chun guys conjured up…”.[/FONT]
[FONT="]I said, “There is an organization that came up with the ‘anti grappling’ term as a marketing tool.”[/FONT]
[FONT="]My point was, that organization uses the term to describe what they do. [/FONT]
[FONT="]My point in the guard reference was that just because one does something doesnÂ’t mean everyone else associated in some manner does the same. Like not all grapplers use the guard. [/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]It's liken to lumping all Brazilian Jujitsu as Gracie Jujitsu. GJJ is BJJ but not all BJJ is GJJ.
Hmm, maybe you don't. However your use of the term 'we' in this part of the discussion suggests BJJ people so you should check out some of the Gracie Instructional Videos showing some very very dangerous and what I would term as 'misguided' BJJ knife disarms and defenses.Hanzou said:Well we don't claim that our knife disarming abilities can stop a FMA knife practitioner.