White Belt
Hi there MT community ! 
I came here once with an issue, and just because I got some great advices, I instantly came here again,
because I have another "little" issue, and I'll be glad to get some help from people like you..
I have trained for almost 2 years in Krav Maga, and I stopped because of an injury. Before I started to
train in Krav Maga, I was looking for 2 specific styles of Kung Fu - Wing Chun and Shaolin, that I can
train next to my living area. I couldn't find any, so I started to train in Krav Maga.
2 Weeks ago, I found a place that teaches Wing Chun. I was excited, and went to a free lesson.
I have to say.. it was exactly as I imagined it; fast art, powerful and accurate, that can take down
anyone in seconds. However, I could "easily" find some cons -
** The teacher know a-lot in martial arts, but teaches not very well.. not that serious.
** The price per month is expensive, unlike othe martial arts around.
** The place doesn't really close to my living area, and it takes time to get there.
I was very disappointed and I had to give up, because of those cons.
I found another place; close to my living area, there's a great teacher and the price per month
doesn't really expensive, but - it teaches Shaolin. Why I said "but"? because after a free lesson there
(and some info I found online about Shaolin), I understood that it's different from Wing Chun.. in many
ways -
** As I understood, it takes a-lot more time to "control" Shaolin, unlike Wing Chun.
** Wing Chun focuses on almost 100% technique, while Shaolin focuses on acrobatics, fitness,
fight in ground, and less in technique - (at least from what I saw while I was there).
And beacuse of this, I don't know what to do..
- I don't want to get back to Krav Maga. Despite my teacher is awesome and known, and that
martial is great for self defense, it's not what I'm looking for.
- I'm looking for a martial art, which I can "control" in a short period of time (at least basically).
A martial art that will focus on 100% technique, and won't "waste the time" on other things, which
I can train my self at home (like abrocatics and fitness).
What would you suggest me to do? train in Shaolin anyway? Looking for another martial art?
Something that looks like WIng Cun?
Sorry for that long post, it was important for me to make sure everything clear

I came here once with an issue, and just because I got some great advices, I instantly came here again,
because I have another "little" issue, and I'll be glad to get some help from people like you..
I have trained for almost 2 years in Krav Maga, and I stopped because of an injury. Before I started to
train in Krav Maga, I was looking for 2 specific styles of Kung Fu - Wing Chun and Shaolin, that I can
train next to my living area. I couldn't find any, so I started to train in Krav Maga.
2 Weeks ago, I found a place that teaches Wing Chun. I was excited, and went to a free lesson.
I have to say.. it was exactly as I imagined it; fast art, powerful and accurate, that can take down
anyone in seconds. However, I could "easily" find some cons -
** The teacher know a-lot in martial arts, but teaches not very well.. not that serious.
** The price per month is expensive, unlike othe martial arts around.
** The place doesn't really close to my living area, and it takes time to get there.
I was very disappointed and I had to give up, because of those cons.
I found another place; close to my living area, there's a great teacher and the price per month
doesn't really expensive, but - it teaches Shaolin. Why I said "but"? because after a free lesson there
(and some info I found online about Shaolin), I understood that it's different from Wing Chun.. in many
ways -
** As I understood, it takes a-lot more time to "control" Shaolin, unlike Wing Chun.
** Wing Chun focuses on almost 100% technique, while Shaolin focuses on acrobatics, fitness,
fight in ground, and less in technique - (at least from what I saw while I was there).
And beacuse of this, I don't know what to do..
- I don't want to get back to Krav Maga. Despite my teacher is awesome and known, and that
martial is great for self defense, it's not what I'm looking for.
- I'm looking for a martial art, which I can "control" in a short period of time (at least basically).
A martial art that will focus on 100% technique, and won't "waste the time" on other things, which
I can train my self at home (like abrocatics and fitness).
What would you suggest me to do? train in Shaolin anyway? Looking for another martial art?
Something that looks like WIng Cun?
Sorry for that long post, it was important for me to make sure everything clear