I am a tkdist, I have a 1st degree black belt and I love the art. I have found lately that I finally have a bit more time on my hands and was looking at perhaps delving into another art. I really like the idea of wing chun as it appears to be good for close range fighting and I figure that it may compliment my taekwondo which is essentially a longer range art (even though the form I do is a very old school/self defence version of taekwondo). I was wondering though, do you think my tkd would background would hinder my wing chun? , is wing chun hard to learn if its not your full time art? I dont want to stop tkd, its my favourite art and I have invested a lot of time into it and hope to instruct one day so I will continue to do it 2-3 classes a week and was hoping to perhaps do a class a week of wing chun. I have a wing chun club very close to my home and was thinking of heading down to check out a class, are there any things I should be looking out for in checking the club is reputable? Thanks heaps in advance for any feedback you guys may have.
You'll be alright Ralph , you seem to have a good attitude and a willingness to learn.
To be honest I don't think you will have it any easier or harder than anyone else to be honest , we all have our own physical and intellectual limitations in regards to picking up new skills.
One of the instructors that taught me was an ex TKD champion and he was quite proficient in Wing Chun , like any thing it just takes time and a willingness to apply yourself.
From my experience teaching Karate and TKD people , yes they are quite rigid and tense and it may take them a little longer but they do get there in the end.
But what they also bring to the table is a good work ethic , discipline , and a willingness to endure pain and discomfort , sometimes qualities that are lacking in people that haven't had any training before.
I'm teaching a TKD man at the moment who trained in TKD for six years and some of the problems I faced with him are generally too much tension in the shoulders and arms , constant clenching of his fists and mainly standing too high in the stance .
But we are overcoming these issues and he is coming along nicely now and starting to absorb the training , all it takes is a few stance exercises , relaxation exercises and repetition , repetition and more repetition.
The integration thing will not happen in my opinion , I believe you will continue to use your TKD at long range and once you get into punching range you will start to square up and begin using the Wing Chun toolset.
Just do what they tell you to do , try to be as correct as you can in your technique , minimise any use of brute strength and sink down in your stance.
In regards to being reputable , we would probably have to know the lineage .
If its a bit like somebodies grandfather who went to yum cha with Yip Man and then taught his brother in law who then taught his nephew who then taught his 2nd cousin who then taught his uncle who then passed it down to his step child , then that would be a bit of a worry and you should give it a miss.
But as long as theres not too many generations involved then it could be ok.