A little research - What do you see when your opponent drops their high guard?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I'm curious to know what others see when their opponent drops their guard.

If you are facing an opponent and they drop their guard, do you see that they are open or do you see where the hand drops.

There is no right or wrong answer to this. I'm more curious if most people focus on the open shot at the face or if most are also tracking where the hand is going. I think for me. I pay more attention to the open face and I'm waiting to time that. I don't think I pay much attention to where the dropping hand is going. I think I'm more of the mindset of: "I'm going to hit him in the face the next time he drops his hand."

I don't remember that I ever bothered to keep track of a dropping hand after it dropped to a position where I thought they couldn't raise it back in time.

What do you see and follow when someone drops their high guard?
If I'm aggressively primed, I'll immediately attack the head. If I'm in a more neutral state, I'll focus on whether his hands have moved in preparation for an impending attack and also, I'll consider how to check his newly positioned arms for my own attack.
If I'm aggressively primed, I'll immediately attack the head. If I'm in a more neutral state, I'll focus on whether his hands have moved in preparation for an impending attack and also, I'll consider how to check his newly positioned arms for my own attack.
How low does the hand have to drop before you stop paying attention to i?
How low does the hand have to drop before you stop paying attention to i?
I always pay attention to that just as I would his stance, weight distribution, etc. for the reasons I posted. Not so much the hands specifically, more so his overall arm position as the hands are attached to the arms. This also lets me keep my attention closer to his core (hips, torso and shoulders) and helps keep me from being distracted by minor hand movements.
I would need a lot more context for the guard drop. I have been baited in too many times, where the other guy lowered his guard, waiting for me to go for the open shot, only to counter me hard as I went in. I now will lower my guard, to give an opening, with a counter waiting for the other guy.

Ideally, from the context, I would know if he was baiting me, luring me into something, or whether he is tired..... If he is luring me in, it is different than when he is protecting his body or tired. (I say "ideally" because its still a work in progress....)

What I pay attention to, depends on what I read from the entire context of why he lowered his guard. My response then depends on that read.
I would need a lot more context for the guard drop. I have been baited in too many times, where the other guy lowered his guard, waiting for me to go for the open shot, only to counter me hard as I went in. I now will lower my guard, to give an opening, with a counter waiting for the other guy.
So with this guy. How low does his have to drop his guard before you think he's not baiting you?
What do you see and follow when someone drops their high guard?
This is my favor set up. I always drop my guard to invite a face punch. When a punch come in, I use stealing step to move myself out of the attacking path. I then continue to spin my body with hook punch to knock on the back of my opponent's head. I have knocked down many challengers this way in the past. One time, I knocked my opponent from vertical to horizontal before his body dropped on the ground. I didn't know that was possible.

Your opponent drops his high guard to invite your face punch. When you punch his face, he will kick your belly. Since leg is longer than the arm, he will have advantage. Also, when you straight punch at his face, his hook punch can knock your punching arm down. It's hard to say who has advantage at that moment.

I don't take my opponent's opening. When I kick my opponent's groin/knee, and he drops his arm to block my kick. That's the time I move in and punch on his face.

I like to set up my opponent. I don't like to be set up by my opponent.
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