Hey guys! Just wanted to give everyone a chance to respond first!
So here goes:
First off, there might have been a misunderstanding... he is not yet ready to test for black (he is a blue belt) but he wanted to be put on a "fast track" to test next year (we hold an annual black belt test). Also, his thoughts that he is better than some seniors came about in a private conversation I had with him. I felt that he thought that way, but I really had to prod to get him to admit it out loud.... he is not an ego maniac (at least outwardly!)
So here is the story.....
He asked my instructor if he could test next year. My instructor's response was "Go get three letters of recommendation from 2nd Dans or higher and I will consider it". He came to me first (for those of you who don't know, I am a 4th Dan (almost 20 years training), but I still assist under my master teacher at his dojang- opening a second location is our goal, but I am not in any hurry). I wrote my letter recommending that he NOT test early. My reasons were the same as many of yours....
-martial arts is a marathon not a sprint
- patience is an important part of training
- doing the movements over and over again over a long period of time is what makes you good, not simply learning them to check them off a list. Understanding of technique comes with time and with time alone.
-I have never been impressed when I hear someone received their black belt quickly, I am impressed when I see a high quality student at whatever rank they hold. I also know that if a student progressed a little slower than average they probably value the art more than the belt (which is the whole point of training).
-I know many black belts who progressed at a normal rate but on the fast side who say that they wish they would have been a color belt longer. I have never met a black belt who say they wish they would have promoted faster.
I also told him that I see a lot of potential in him, and it is for that very reason that I want him to take his time and be really good when he tests for black, not just squeak by. I also told him that not only do I recommend this but I follow it myself. According to Kukkiwon I could have tested for 4th Dan at 21, but because I was focusing a lot on my college education (and teaching at TKD club at my university) I opted to wait until I was 24 before taking that next step because I wanted to step into that rank feeling confident of where I was and who I was.
A couple weeks after giving him the letter he asked to speak to me (he had been out of town). He said to me "If you don't think I shouldn't test, and Sahbonim doesn't think I should test then I guess I should follow that advice". I have no idea what their conversations was, except that he told my instructor I said no (which he already knew of course). I also don't know if he asked for or received any letters from any other Black Belts. He was obviously disappointed, but didn't seem angry or upset. He did say that he worries about being bored with training because there is only "so much to learn" before black belt. ( :rofl: I know, I wanted to laugh too, but he is just a blue belt guys, give him a break!). I told him that because I played such a role in his training that I felt extra responsible for him and not to fret, I would gladly give him advice on things to focus on and improve on while training! I told him that I hope he is the most awesome, rockin', over-qualified Black Belt to promote in our school. I also told him he was MORE than welcome to come in early to the kids classes and we will let him start assisting. He seemed to have his eyes more open when we left and I think he will end up ok.
I thought the way my instructor went about it was cool. Rather than just telling him "NO!" he wanted this young man to see it from the perspective of other people who have been where he is (for this reason I hope he did receive more letters... I'll have to ask around). I really think this made this student think more about what he was asking, and hopefully opened his eyes a little to realize that black belts of all ranks did not think it was a good idea. Sure we are excited to see him succeed, but a Black Belt is not something we hand over easily. Each of us has sweat, bleed, and cried to get to where we are... we expect no less from anyone else!
Thanks again for all your responses guys. I knew that I made the right decision for ME, but was just curious to get your all's opinion. And it always feel good to see other people agree with you