A Dangerous Seed Sprouting in British Politics

As I said in the OP, DS, the presentation of the 'surface' is just that and is an attempt to get the Ordinary Joe (TM) onside. Underneath, however, you would find very little to differentiate them from the German National Socialist Party.

It's a touch irritating in it's format as it was meant as a presentation (using Page Down to navigate seems best) but this short 'slide show' for young students bears reading and studying for comparisons:


The still plainer answer to your questions is "Yes".

Edit: Ach, gott in himmel! Irene is clearly lightning fast tonight as she got there before me ... again :lol:.
BNP activists admit to race crimes

BNP member jailed for shooting spree "wanted to kill all blacks"

BNP leader with the leader of the KKK.

bloodless genocide and the BNP leader who says you aren't British if you are born here and black.

the BNP leader and would be fuhrer.
Sorry Sukerkin! As you know, terrorism is my Mastermind specialised subject lol! have done a lot of watching these guys both for professional and personal reasons.
It's perfectly fine, duck. I commend you on the clear way you have pared away the 'cover story' to show what is behind the somewhat reasonable facade :sensei rei:.
"All there is to know about Adoph Eichman
Eyes: medium
Hair: medium
Weight: medium
height: medium
Distinguishing features: none
Number of fingers: ten
Number of toes: ten
inteliigence: medium
What did you expect?
Oversize incisors?
Green saliva?

Leonard Cohen.

Never Again!!!
Well it looks like you are in for some trouble in Britian then (and maybe the whole world.)

You do know what Berthold Brecht wrote in his play, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, about this kind of situation?

A prince among men, much lamented.

Nah then. . . .Yorkshire pudding with gravy served as main course, a pint of best bitter, fruitcake and cheese, ferrets down the trousers... Eh lad get yersel back ome!
Ey up lass! You got mi cryin and mi mouth waterin. A pint of best sounds right nice now a tell thi.
The British public is not stupid and will only be hoodwinked for a while, there's plenty of support for the anti fascist movements. If it takes another pitched battle to rid ourselves of this evil then so be it.


People looking in on Britain and gaining their information from partisan media and from their own prejudices have little idea what life is like here. As Britons we probably don't help because we have a habit of emphasising the worst of everything, we aren't very good about praising whats actually good about our country so people think we have rampant knife and gun crime, immigants everywhere taking over, bad weather, and loads of strikes yet when you really look at our country and remember we've been going a couple of millenia now on a scale of one to ten we aren't that bad off. We need of course to be vigilant, to watch what the government is doing but it is again our habit to always moan about the incumbant government whoever they maybe!
Whatever people think our country is actually less violent than years gone by, our people on the whole are better off than they've ever been, ask anyone who's lived through the 1920s and 30s. The NHS may creak and groan but again if you ask people what it was like pre NHS days they will tell you it's a godsend. Our social secuirty system may be abused, it may cost a fortune but in it's way it works, not pefect but is there any system in any country that is?
We are a people with a social conscience and I think few would go back to the old days of workhouses and medicine only for those that can afford it. If left to ourselves and not stirred up by the fascists we quietly do get on in our multi cultural society. We need as I said to take a long hard look at our education system and we need to start changes attitudes to working. this hasn't come about becuase of socialism quite the opposite I believe it's come from the Thatcher years when the slogan was 'greed is good', altruism was seen as bad and it was everyman for themselves, its left us with young people expecting to have the good things in life given to them. 'I will work for it' is replaced by 'I want it now!'
The immigrant communities have a lot to give us, after all there's no such thing as a pure blood Englishman, even our royal family aren't English let alone British. We have always absorbed immigrants we can again given common sense, not just by us but also by them. Encouragement to learn English, to integrate while keeping their identity is perfectly possible. Half the time it's not the immigrants but the white people who are the problem in that they get enamoured of the idea of being 'broadminded' and showing how much they 'understand' immigrants, actually it usually comes off as being bloody patronising.
One thing Thatcher did that was criminal was sell off council housing, we had a huge stock in this country of affordable rented housing which meant people who needed homes got them, more should have been built for councils not allow people to buy them at a discount and sell them on at a profit. More council housing would have spread immigrant populations across the country, making integration easier and no one council struggling to meet the needs of a large immigrant population. The councils should have been able to keep the council housing they had in good repair not let them run down because of capping by the successive governments. Still that's the Tories for you, greed is good.

Good housing at affordable prices, good education with students leaving fulltime education equipped to work would go a long way to making this country a better place. As people get better jobs, earn more, buy their own houses, more council housing is available and so on and so on. A more prosperous and secure country is much better able to withstand the onslaught of the fascists.
Some very good points, Tez, most particularly about the fundamamentals of the British 'character' and what damage was done to that by erosion of social conscience and emphasis of greedy self-aggrandisement.

The disjunction of community that has come about through several avenues is a major player in what ails 'us' at present. People need to get to know their neighbours again and be considerate to them (as opposed to just thinking of their own needs and pleasures).

One of the ways to re-cement neighbourly relations is found via the garden, of all things. I have met and conversed with most of the people in our street now through the simple auspice of being out in the front garden weeding, watering and planting i.e. I am there to be seen and spoken too rather than just being "that bloke with the long hair who lives at number such-and-such".

A change in town planning is needed to bring that about in many places tho' as there has been an explosion in 'luxury apartments' (are there ever any non-luxury ones :D?) and overly crowded housing. No gardens and not enough parking space are a recipe for disharmony as far as I can tell - but of course the private developers care only for how much profit they can squeeze from a piece of land rather than for the quality of life their 'developments' promote.
It was one of the things I was wondering about on another thread here on whether American states would become independant of the whole. I wonder if people actually need to feel part of a smaller community rather than a huge one, that they need to know their neighbours and have a more 'village' type lifestyle where communities could keep a firmer grasp on what happens to them. The phrase it takes a village to raise a child comes to mind.
The way things are going in Europe where communities are trying to become independant from the bigger countries makes me think we have probably lost something in the move to big cities and ever expanding mindless estates of houses. People have moved away from the immediate families, leaving parents to cope on their own without the benefit of the extended family, there's no neighbours to keep an eye on all the children out playing, strangers aren't noticed anymore.
Our playing fields where child could play safely have been sold off to developers from private housing too. Communal gardens would be a wonderful idea, I watched a programme recently where the people in the street all decided to green it, they planted boxes, and trees all along the street wherever they could and it looked marvellous as well as bringing people together.
People coming together should be the battlecry here, so much harder to hate when you know your neighbour. Much easier to understand problems when you talk. Better to take control as a community of what happens in your neighbourhood.
The hard face of capitalism doesn't suit us, the everyman for himself and blow you isn't what the British people are really like, we need to look at ourselves and realise we are first class Brits not second class Americans. We are conservative liberals (with small c and l) not rampant capitalists in the crass 'I'm alright Jack' manner, we may not have always succeeded by we've always started out with good intentions to do the right thing by people. The British version if you like of the Aussie 'fair go'.
The belief and idea of British fair play must never be trampled, even if it gets battered sometimes, it's what will save us in the end.

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