A Dangerous Seed Sprouting in British Politics

I own guns and get to carry too.
That's probably why you get no problems in Chapeltown lol. The earthquake thing is a little scary. My mother lives in Harrogate. Whenever there is a wild fire or an earthquake, I always keep my phone handy because she thinks that I've either been burned or buried alive. God bless her.
In response to Tez's last there ("I'm Liberal in the British sense"), a hearty "Me too!" :D.

I don't think we can dismiss YL's experiences tho'.

Altho' I generally find that you get back what you give with people of all faiths and nations, because of the polarisation that is occurring I have myself gotten some very cold and hostile reactions until I've had chance to interact as a human being (rather than A.N. Other Whiteman).

Now I would also be less than human if that didn't irk me. I'm an Englishman in his own city in his own country being treated as if I didn't belong. I've seen this especially from Pakistani's in traditional garb (in Longton for crying out loud!) but given that Longton has BNP councillor's that might not be too much of a surprise. However, I think the troubles roots are deeper than that.

The refusal of a very visible segment of the immigrant population to integrate is going to be a powder keg issue at some point in the not too distant future. It is something that is a very easy handle for the fascist inclined to seize upon.

It also is a very real problem. I know that doesn't knit very well with what Tez said above but that's because it's regional in it's intensity e.g. there are more Polish living in Crewe than there are British or there are several quarters of Stoke-on-Trent where you'll be lucky to see another white face.

Whilst Liberal values are of common sense and reasonable consensus, there does come a point where a problem has to be recognised for what it is and also to what malevoloent political purposes it can be put.

The solution to the problem is an easy one and it was a process that was in motion when I was younger - I'm at a loss to know why it stopped. That solution is assimilation and integration. When I was in my 'teens and twenties, the Indians living in the area around the university I attended were Stokies first and British next. They weren't quite "Browner than usual for Englishmen" but, particularly the second generation children, weren't far off that level of cultural 'comfort'.

What went wrong? The obvious answer is religious radicalisation and racism that targeted the 'indig's'. Those combined drove a nasty wedge between the racial/religious groups and I don't see how to undo the damage at this stage.
We never like any government thats in and no one at the moment likes any Member of Parliament due to the expenses row. Our present government however is a socialist one, left wing the BNP is the ultra right wing fascist party. The Tories are the right wing, moderate by BNP standards though. The Liberal Democrats are the middle of the road party, some would say neither one thing or another lol! there still is the old Liberal party hangin in there though.

"The Liberal Party exists to build a Liberal Society in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual, and in all spheres it sets freedom first."
In response to Tez's last there ("I'm Liberal in the British sense"), a hearty "Me too!" :D.

I don't think we can dismiss YL's experiences tho'.

Altho' I generally find that you get back what you give with people of all faiths and nations, because of the polarisation that is occurring I have myself gotten some very cold and hostile reactions until I've had chance to interact as a human being (rather than A.N. Other Whiteman).

Now I would also be less than human if that didn't irk me. I'm an Englishman in his own city in his own country being treated as if I didn't belong. I've seen this especially from Pakistani's in traditional garb (in Longton for crying out loud!) but given that Longton has BNP councillor's that might not be too much of a surprise. However, I think the troubles roots are deeper than that.

The refusal of a very visible segment of the immigrant population to integrate is going to be a powder keg issue at some point in the not too distant future. It is something that is a very easy handle for the fascist inclined to seize upon.

It also is a very real problem. I know that doesn't knit very well with what Tez said above but that's because it's regional in it's intensity e.g. there are more Polish living in Crewe than there are British or there are several quarters of Stoke-on-Trent where you'll be lucky to see another white face.

Whilst Liberal values are of common sense and reasonable consensus, there does come a point where a problem has to be recognised for what it is and also to what malevoloent political purposes it can be put.

The solution to the problem is an easy one and it was a process that was in motion when I was younger - I'm at a loss to know why it stopped. That solution is assimilation and integration. When I was in my 'teens and twenties, the Indians living in the area around the university I attended were Stokies first and British next. They weren't quite "Browner than usual for Englishmen" but, particularly the second generation children, weren't far off that level of cultural 'comfort'.

What went wrong? The obvious answer is religious radicalisation and racism that targeted the 'indig's'. Those combined drove a nasty wedge between the racial/religious groups and I don't see how to undo the damage at this stage.

The problem isn't that we've taken in too many immigrants, the problem is that as human nature will,the immigrants have clustered together. If they were spread throughout the country there would be a balance and you'd find there weren't as many immigrants as you thought.
People like to stay with their countrymen, this reinforces all the customs and languages they brought with them instead of becoming part of the community at large they have become a community in themselves.My people are as guilty of this as any but as people become better off they disperse more widely and integrate better. The problem at the moment is poverty among the communities who have come over here with little education or business knowledge. The perception is that these are the people who are taking the benefits etc and demanding special services and concessions.
The first thing this country needs for all it's citizens, immigrants or not is a proper education system where all children have high standards in literacy etc. The cost of university education must go back to being free, we need well educated people here, we need people who can work their way out of poverty. If you notice multi culturalism always works well when everyone has enough!
We also need to look at working practices and the belief that working at any job for money is shameful! We've brought up a generation of kids who think they are too good to work at any manual job nor do they want to start at the bottom and work their way up. They want it all given to them. It's their right, they whinge! Immigrant people will often do the jobs that Brits don't want to do but it doesn't stop Brits accusing them of stealing jobs!
The whole country needs a kickup the backside, we get the government we deserve, we can't blame it all on Labour or the Tories, its us mate, we need to change our attitudes!
That's probably why you get no problems in Chapeltown lol. The earthquake thing is a little scary. My mother lives in Harrogate. Whenever there is a wild fire or an earthquake, I always keep my phone handy because she thinks that I've either been burned or buried alive. God bless her.

I only carry at work lol! Harrogate? I say old chap thats a bit posh!
I tend to get few problems whetever I go tbh, I may be the Pride & Glory, Fighters Only etc hoodies I wear lol! I think they are trying to work out why this middleaged woman is walking around like a gangsta rofl!
This is me in Leeds, I'm the female lol!
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The only thing I disagree on there is the 'numbers game'. We have taken in too many immigrants, too fast. Just as we have had too many British people leave, too fast. It's the pace that is the real problem but the magnitude does exist and is exacerbated by foolish policies that force the onus of change onto those people for whom Britain is their country of origin.

It's that feeling of 'disenfranchisement' that parties like the BNP can use to fan the flames of something very unpleasant and altogether not 'British'.

I know the rest of the world laughs at our notions of 'playing a straight bat' and 'giving the other bloke a chance'. I also know that these notions grew out of having the power base to be 'fair minded' because noone else could seriously challenge us anyway. But they do exist and I hate to see that background I grew up with be twisted into something distasteful (Evil is not too strong a word in this case).
I don't want to get off of the thread topic here, but talking about political parties, I had a great deal of respact for Robert Kilroy-Silk in the past. I've been away from the UK for quite some time and recently heard that he started his own political party, I know that Sukerkin and Tez will know something about this. Is his party a viable alternative, to the average Joe who is fed up with Tories and Labour?
Ah, Mr. Silk :(. I too had always thought him to be an urbane and well educated man (which he is). But he was also deemed to be an inveterate racist and got kicked off the BBC because of it. He landed in the arms of UKIP (a 'flavour' of the BNP to be simplistic about it) but then went Independant and is now an MEP.


Oddly enough, I think that some of our friends here, of Republican bent, might find his views quite familiar.
I don't want to get off of the thread topic here, but talking about political parties, I had a great deal of respact for Robert Kilroy-Silk in the past. I've been away from the UK for quite some time and recently heard that he started his own political party, I know that Sukerkin and Tez will know something about this. Is his party a viable alternative, to the average Joe who is fed up with Tories and Labour?

He didn't start his own party he joined the United Kingdom Independance Party but left in a sulk.The UKIP a bit of a joke tbh.


He was outed as a rascist bully, lost his tv programme as well as any political reputation he may have had.
He did a cheap reality show set in Australia and came out looking childish petulant and a bully. We haven't heard of him for a long time now.
I only carry at work lol! Harrogate? I say old chap thats a bit posh!
Posh indeed. I've never been to Harrogate, but Mum says it's "lovely". She must have seen some value in us living in the council estates of Leeds.

The utube clip was great. When I left in 1994, I don't believe there was anywhere to train with a cage. I use to train at Burmantofts boxing club, right next to Jimmy's hospital and felt priveleged to be able to spar in a standard ring. Happy days.
He didn't start his own party he joined the United Kingdom Independance Party but left in a sulk.The UKIP a bit of a joke tbh.
I just read that Darth Vader joined the UKIP this May. No joke David Prowse joined the party. Thanks for the info.
Damn shame. How anyone can deny Gurkhas settlement rights in the UK is beyond me. You're absolutely right, if this is the way the bastards do business, they have no place in British politics as far as I'm concerned. Then again, show me which government have treated these people fairly.

I have no problem with the BNP protesting the rights of the KKK to enter British soil as a freedom of speech issue. But this obviously goes beyond freedom of speech, to some kind of twisted brotherhood issue.

Can't there be a party out there that stresses common sense and fairness to all. It seems that we're held to ransom by the left and right zealots in both the UK and US.
Damn shame. How anyone can deny Gurkhas settlement rights in the UK is beyond me. You're absolutely right, if this is the way the bastards do business, they have no place in British politics as far as I'm concerned. Then again, show me which government have treated these people fairly.

I have no problem with the BNP protesting the rights of the KKK to enter British soil as a freedom of speech issue. But this obviously goes beyond freedom of speech, to some kind of twisted brotherhood issue.

Can't there be a party out there that stresses common sense and fairness to all. It seems that we're held to ransom by the left and right zealots in both the UK and US.

The Monster Loony Raving Party!
Before mocking have a think, they suggested years ago that the voting age should be 18, people laughed yet we have a voting age of 18. Theres a surprising amount of common sense here!
Have a look at their manifesto and you will be surprised that among the loony clauses there some very sensible ones!
The Monster Loony Raving Party!
Before mocking have a think, they suggested years ago that the voting age should be 18, people laughed yet we have a voting age of 18. Theres a surprising amount of common sense here!
Have a look at their manifesto and you will be surprised that among the loony clauses there some very sensible ones!
Raving Lord Such.....another nostalgia moment Tez. You're gona have me crying into the Kleenex if you're not careful.
Raving Lord Such.....another nostalgia moment Tez. You're gona have me crying into the Kleenex if you're not careful.

A prince among men, much lamented.

Nah then. . . .Yorkshire pudding with gravy served as main course, a pint of best bitter, fruitcake and cheese, ferrets down the trousers... Eh lad get yersel back ome!
Looks to me like a British version of the Tea Party. Those people look like average joes that pay taxes. At least the youtube video seems to show that.


1) Do they have 'brown shirt' thugs like the SA Germany had?

2) Are they pushing to expell people for just being there?

3) Does there positions indicate a 'cesar' or 'leader' to have all the power to straiten up the mess in England?

If not, ever thought they are just tired of the taxes and spending and bloaded immigration and..... well not much different than over here in the U.S.

Let me know the answers to the questions above.

Looks to me like a British version of the Tea Party. Those people look like average joes that pay taxes. At least the youtube video seems to show that.


1) Do they have 'brown shirt' thugs like the SA Germany had?

2) Are they pushing to expell people for just being there?

3) Does there positions indicate a 'cesar' or 'leader' to have all the power to straiten up the mess in England?

If not, ever thought they are just tired of the taxes and spending and bloaded immigration and..... well not much different than over here in the U.S.

Let me know the answers to the questions above.


the answers to all three questions is yes, a very resounding yes at that.

The 'seucrity' ie military wing of the BNP is Combat 18, 18 for Adolph Hitlers initials. They have been seen parading around in black shirts, they are virulently rascist and extemely violent.
In April 1999 David Copeland a member of Combat 18 and BNP bombed three pubs using nailbombs and targeting, black, gay and Asian communities, the last one killed three and injuried over a hundred people. They have beaten up Asians, Jews and blacks some elderly, in the street, damaged synagogues and mosques. They are also are extremely threatening when acting as security on BNP meetings. Protestors at these meetings have also been beaten up.
The BNP wants to rid the UK of all non white, non Protestant, non heterosexual, non communist people.Their manifesto makes it plain that all non whites are to shipped out of the country. They also believe girls are being pushed to have careers when they would really find staying at home having a family would be more rewarding. One of Hitlers pet plans that.

The BNP is actually a reincarnation of the National Front although theres still the remains of an organisation of that name. Many of the BNP memebrs were former NF members. The love of Hitler, his policies and the swastica signs, tattoos and parroting of Mein Kampf among BNP supporters can surely leave no one in any doubt what we have to face up to here. These aren't ordinary people who pay their taxes, they are the Nazis among us, we've fought them once we need to do it again. I've seen them at work and it's far from pleasant or democratic.

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